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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Aye, 'pirate' away!...A sailor gave me that one yesterday; we're scanning some more, but that one was a daisy,eh?.......
  2. Just got a fresh dispatch from the Lynx, they're in Coos Bay right now, headed for Ilwaco...Hope it be this good for ye all, aye!! ROYALISTE Snotty Little Bastards, eh?...Still the Terror of the Pacific
  3. Actual, ship's quality, full-size pins can be had here, mate... Traditional Belaying Pins if it's for looks, go for one out of Purpleheart ROYALISTE A Salute to 'Ole Blackbeard, 05/07/05
  4. Huzzah!..It's that time again, the San Francisco Master Mariners Annual Regatta, featuring nothing but classic boats racing on some rather exciting water....If you are local, or if you aren't, 'tis one of the most amazing classic races on the continent!!!...And of course, we'll be racing the 'ole girl again, bone in her teeth......May 28, 1200, San Francisco Waterfront...... ROYALISTE Your Friendly, Neighborhood Pyrate Ship....
  5. Aye, wot the lad said, matey.....San Francisco is RR homeport, we'll be leadin' the 'Opening Day on San Francisco Bay' boat parade today past Crissy Field............. ROYALISTE Who's Bay izzzit?....RRRRRRR's!!!
  6. Hmmm, their email to me said postponed till '06, due to filming...someone's fibbin' somewhere...No mind, eh...we may do the river in '06, but I doubt we'll tag with the Bounty, she's gonna be a slow mover.....taller masts...(55' bridge on the river)
  7. Nice photos, ...I was always under the impression that things for sale went under 'Plunder'.......Do we all put photos we want to sell in 'Twill'?..Just curious, as I've some for sale, also.......
  8. hmmm, sorry they snarfed things up for PRP, hope we fare better ...Otherwise, we'd love to have yer company again, and any and all costumed pirate types wot need somewhere to hang,or, well..linger (shouldnt mention 'hangin' around pirates, eh?)......... ROYALISTE Yep, she's a Pyrate Ship!!
  9. Everything wot flies on our mizzen gaff is either 8 X 12 or 10 X 16. Just finishing a cotton, 'Sons of Liberty' flag for the Tallships events this year, with a new 10 X 16 Black Jollyin the works............The Royaliste ensign that made it to Hampton last year still bears everyone's signatures, but the damn nylon has faded from red to almost pink............
  10. Hmm....Unbeknownst to me, the San Diego event is separate and not a part of ASTA's 'Tallships Challenge 2005', but..we are now confirmed there for the 5 days of their event August 17-23rd. entitled 'Festival of Sail'.........A heads up for the few members that already reside in that hamlet, as well as any other pirate types wot need a good dose of 'Pirate Ship'.......
  11. So.........For those of us cursed with shipboard watch whilst floatin' about on the hook,....How'd it go??.......inquiring minds want to know ROYALISTE On the Hook, Somewhere Along the Pacific Coast....
  12. Sadly, no..I no longer have a camera, and e had our hands quite full sailing and manning the gundeck shorthanded, but...the folks on the Lynx and others got some great ones, mebbee they'll send us some...
  13. Depending on how the Challenge turns out, and how well we fair doing battles and such on the way, Royaliste may spend the winter in SoCal, or............P.S. 'Pearl', gimmee a heads up if you and your gang want in on the Battle Sail with the Lynx, as I'm most likely going to keep the deck crowd on the small side, for maximum gunpowder therapy.......
  14. Well, as we put away the tops'l along with the weekend, it was one hellava grrrrreat time doing battle with some worthy opponents on a lively San Francisco Bay this weekend!!..The Lady Washington was looking fine in her colors, albeit a bit conservative on the powder magazine, and the Bill of Rights made for an interesting sight, altho' I'd have loved to see some sail up.....A humongus 'attaboy' from the Royaliste and crew to the Privateer Lynx for an excellent weekend of sailing and exchanging a proper amount 'o gunpowder!!...Fair winds, mates, and we'll see you in July, so keep ye're powder dry, eh?........ ROYALISTE Defenders of Pirate Integrity on San Francisco Bay......
  15. Bloody 'eck, mate...dunno wot ye be callin' 'East',but.....Tallships Challenge 2006 summer is on the Great Lakes, and if'n we can pilfer enough dubloons this winter with this gig, we'll be sailin' 'home' to the 'Lakes...............
  16. Altho' I won't be able to make the premiere, do be sure to let Blake and family know that the Royaliste will be in their area this fall, Oxnard and L.A., and we'd all love to see them again!........
  17. It's surely been an interesting week here on San Francisco Bay with the visitations of the Privateer Lynx, Lady Washington, and Bill of Rights...This weekend, April 9,10 should be something just short of spectacular, as the above mentioned along with the 'local pirates' aboard the Royaliste will sail to a great four ship sea battle!..If you are in the area, try the Garrison at Angel Island for a wonderful view!..Now, where's that powder monkey??
  18. Moving the ship to Pier 39 put us off the internet, and after checking 'in' briefly today, it looks as though the Royaliste and Privateer Lynx will be doing Battle Sails at the Oxnard stop of Tallships Challenge 2005...We'll be givin' 'em wot for this weekend here too, but be warned, scallywags are headed your way!.......Aye!
  19. dunno nuthin' 'bout a building, but the 'locals' up north here have been looking at a development down south with Florida roots......
  20. And, just in time to greet the 'Lynx' on Saturday, the Royaliste' new main squares'l, the Main Course, has arrived rather timely from Kingston Ontario.....All new sails forward now, so show us that horizon!!..(yeah, and fill out a 'cannon permit', and...) ROYALISTE On the Hook in the Cityfront with the Tide
  21. Before the fur market went to hell in the eighties, I did several large Ronde's where people were greatly demanding the fat from raccoons and beaver I'd skinned.. Since I find raccoon fat really disgusting, I gave 'em all they wanted. They gave us back some really great lye soap made from that very fat. Thay had it all ways; bars, flake, you name it....I figure there were plenty of sources in the frontier as well as the civilized world...
  22. It has been mentioned on both the History Channel, and the Discovery Channel recently that urine was a relatively good detergent at sea, containing enuff phosphates to get the job done. I'll leave my 'living history' at that, 'cuz I jus' luv's modern detergents...
  23. She was due to be hauled in April, so there'll just be more to inspect and refit now....Good news...
  24. Anyone that knows me knows I consider Roy quite a sailor..This aint about Roy, and it's not about breaking records, it's about hype...........Such a small percentage of the general public cares about yacht racing, and the crowd that does is rather long pocketed and usually only cares about racing and more money.....not pirates, movies, or what any regular kind of guy thinks..but you all are the experts..I respectfully butt out....They obviously don't care to cater for my 9 buck admission....sail on, enjoy the Volvo Series....
  25. You were right the first time; BOAT....racing yachts (yep, that's a yacht, folks) are shipped to races on SHIPS...As much as I like their pirate movies, my respect has sunk rather low now that they've flaigrantly joined thew world of the snotty yachties......May Walt roll over in his grave.....
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