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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. OMG.... I'm gonna puke!!
  2. What the Hell are you talkin about??? Rumba and I banter like this all the time.
  3. Well..... I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I've found things to like at both places and I'm hitting Southern this year.
  4. Any of you Pirates coming out this Saturday?? I'll be out there checking on the *Sea Port*... Step up! Any of you swabs going to drop anchor??
  5. Must be in the aire.... Police shoot out down the street from me this morning... Officer wounded but saved by his vest (Thanks the Gods) and the perp dead in a driveway a few doors down. Police and tape everywhere.... Phoebe would not stop barking. Sad. Very sad.
  6. Well, the design as I understand it is in flux so the Ship could make it's way back in... Maybe
  7. Aye, coming soon as soon as they are finalized. Thanks mate, we know we can always count on Jacky Tar....
  8. Heads up again mates, We just got word that our own Pepperbox Pete has been awarded the CIty of Burbanks 2009 Rose Parade float entitled; "Double Feature" (in 3-D) Here is a link to the drawings http://www.burbankrosefloat.com/history/20.../2009float.html Wow, you better be careful or you'll give Pirates a GOOD name!
  9. Heads up me hearties… Who say’s that Pirates have hard hearts? One of our own from PRP that works tirelessly for the charities our group supports, has gone under the needles for CHOC, "Children’s Hospital of Orange County" and made the events part of his life forever. Two years ago, after the passing of a 5 year old for which we had done a Make A Wish event, our PRP “Jack” made it a yearly venture to gather up Actors from POTC and PRP Pirates alike and head back to CHOC for an Annual fundraiser in the memory of little Jonnie, our smallest "Capt'n Jack" and a memory we all cherish . The Event has grown bigger every year. Below be the Tattoo he’s been emblazoned with, and the design is by none other then Disney’s (and PRP’s…AND the Pub’s by the way…) Master Illustrator, Pepperbox Pete. Note the Hospitals Logo Teddy down by the Treasure Chest with the bandaged arm and Heart for hope…. This year’s event is Friday, May 2nd and if any of you local’s want information about the block party and Pub fun just give a shout and we'll post it all! Here’s to you I say Pirate…. We promise not to spread the word that you’re such a softy!
  10. Better late then never..... Hope the day was grand lass
  11. Ahhh.... it all dpends on the weather m'pet. No good melting the goatskins!!
  12. If'n m'own schedules allow I'll come by indeed and have at your hospitality! And I'll leave the Bodhran out beyond the gate of the encampment, I swear... (chuckle) Hope to see you soon....
  13. What's the use if ye canna have fun with it, huh?? Well done, says I (And I'll have a Grande ice tea...)
  14. Well.... talk about nerves of steel! Our very own PepperBox Pete posted the picture of Barnacle Phoebe from CNN.... to a contest on a Toy site. And WON FIRST PLACE! He got a $100 gift certificate!! Now that is REAL Piracy! LOL!!! What until I tell DogZilla!!
  15. Speaking as an old Bodhran player (Who's been playing in Pubs since the 70's...) you can tighten the skin with either a hair dryer or by setting it out in the sun (and keeping an eye on it from time to time. Any non burning heat source will do the trick. If it gets too high a pitch you can spay just a little water on it and wait a bit for it to absorb. Wish I was there to play and sing with you all
  16. Welcome to port mate.... Spin yer tales and pour the Ale's!!
  17. Well, well.... a familier sound from the pub corner! Welcome back lass, I hope you have some adentures to tell.
  18. Yeah... we DID have fun, didn't we?? And remember....keep the tipper uprigh, flush with the drum skin and no dragging!
  19. And I would like to say that Greydog did SPLENDID in the Bodhran class! (chuckle) It was so good to see you.
  20. Welcome aboard lass.... And the first round o'drink be on the credit of your purse! I'll have a Mai Tai!!
  21. (chuckle) I wrangle the Talent that make the Pirate movies so I guess I get over compensated for my work....
  22. Sure... you know that wonderful sound they make when they eat something they discover is NOT what they thought it was. (Kinda like little boys....) GACK!!
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