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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Oooooooo, I love John Wayne. The man's been gone near on to 30 years,,,, and he is STILL in the top 10 of all time favorite movie stars in this years poll. (Chuckle) I guess he's just a guilty pleasure.
  2. Welcome then mate.... Always glad of another Pirate in our midst. One with a filled purse anyway Welcome indeed
  3. (Shrug) Then, it’s not a matter of being judgmental with one another (those of us here at the Pub involved with this thread…) It’s simply a matter of our individual perspective. Some are more sympathetic then others. Perhaps it’s about the value of a human life? I’m not sure anyone can judge though if the person was not known to them but gage it simply on the hearsay of the press or innuendo. As is the norm, we are all free to express our thoughts on matters great and small. I, for m’self am sorry Heath Ledger is dead. I’m sorry for his family and his little girl. He was a son, friend and a father. I see his life as having value whether or not he was rich, foolish, over rated, wasted, arrogant, simplistic or just lucky. Just the same way I value all of you.
  4. Well... Okay, let's try this. Which death effects us most. Ledgers accidental death or the death of a child that has starved to death either in this country or in Darfur? I think you may see it's simply a matter of opinions here.
  5. “Every man’s death diminishes me…” I don’t care who it is. Famous or plain as a paper napkin. Will you all grieve when I am gone?
  6. Here ya go mates. http://www.angryalien.com/aa/piratesbuns.asp And for those so inclined.... http://www.angryalien.com/0804/jawsbunnies.asp
  7. Ahhhh Sweet little Billy-Dos's are always welcome. (Chuckle) Pirate women know how to appreciate a well intended turn of phrase. And how to repel one that is not.... I'll take you compliment Pirate. Because it's true. We ARE a handsome bunch!
  8. Ahhh.. thanks mate. You're kind, right kind and I'll pass the word along.
  9. Aye, people do love it. It was requested this past weekend at the Whale and Ale sing along down in San Pedro and our little troupe, Port of New Providence, has a very good rendition....
  10. (chuckle) I was rained in (and feeling a little sickly) this week end so I ended up watching the entire 39 episodes over two days.... Lordy, the Stories Rob used to tell about what went on. Seems the bad guy, Van Brough, was really one of the most fun loving lads. By the way, Gaff too has passed on along with Woods Rogers, Armando ,Sam Bassett, Van Brough and Pop's. Taffy ( Paul Hansard) and Beamish (Peter Hammond) are still surviving but no one seems to know what became of Dickon. (Wilfred Downing) Such fun those old shows....
  11. Frustrated... They are still laying people off today even though the talks have done well so far.
  12. Open'n up me new Annual pass for the Disneyland parks. Coo, I need a new picture! Ahh.... 365 days of... of.... Hmmm.. I guess work. Okay, with a little fun peppered in.
  13. Wow!! Sweet!!!! Any video of you playing?? Such a work of art deerves to be heard AND seen! C'mon... anti up!
  14. He had completed the filming... just not all the looping yet to be done. You'll get to see his work and rumor is it is really work to be proud of. Such a shame he'll not get to go from there.....
  15. Nor mine... even in the least. I will however, defend their rights to do the show. I don't have to like it, watch it or even care about it. But they have the right to do it for those who might enjoy the nonsense. People without on going work or jobs end up on the needy list just as fast as those who require ongoing charitable help. And if this keeps them off the unemployment line well... more power to 'em say's I.
  16. (much head shaking..) When it's your time.... it's your time. Drugs or no......
  17. If any of you remember the old ROAR series from awhile back (How I remember him)... Heath Ledger was found Dead this afternoon in his apt in New York. Such a waste...
  18. I think it's just the poor guys voice. You can only do so much (chuckle) He's bound to sound like Jack now and again.... no matter what or who he's playing. But you're right, I heard a tot of Jack in there form time to time.
  19. The class schedule for LORE this coming March should be up soon on the site since they sent it to me this afternoon. We'll be having the beginers Bodhran class at 9:30AM on Saturday the 15th. Hope to see a Pub member or two...
  20. Hello.... Tim Burton. Course it's not going to be business as usual. I saw Len Cariu and George Hearn both on the stage with Lansbury. (Sorry Red Maria, I think Hearn has a great stage voice).... and anyway, movies are NOT stage productions nor are they made to be like them. Voices can be subtler and in this I think it pays off. You can tell the pro singers from the actors giving it their best. Aside from a bit too much blood I was entertained and will add it to my DVD’s when it comes out. And yes indeedy the 1926 silent version is out now on DVD. Go Pirate one!
  21. By the way... Orlando got nominated for worst supporting actor for POTC AWE from the Razzies. Ahhh.... show Biz.
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