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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Whoo Hoo! The drum arrived yesteday and what a beauty. The rim artwork will have to wait until after the first of the year but who cares? 'Twill take a bit of time to break it in, get used to it's weight and tonal qualities... and... it seems to be calling itself *Inis* Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! : )
  2. Welcome indeed to the Pub... To you AND your Lurker fist mate. (Can he bar tend??)
  3. I despises that the bloody package says "Do not open til Dec 25th" Hello!!! PIRATE!!!!! (open the bloody thing and re wrap it!)
  4. What? Am I the only person on the high seas WITH OUT a My Space page??? (yeah, like that is likely to change anytime soon...)
  5. Fear not.... while that little bit of business was not scripted it was *staged* so no harm done. Yet.
  6. He really is a funny, funny man.... nice to see him in an element that shows off his comedy skill And yeah.... it sucks that the Blu Ray has so much more on it. Still... it would play on a reg DVD player, just without the 3D effects for those that really want all that other....
  7. (Chuckle) Are you guys so busy watching that no one has had time to post what they like? Hate? Despise? I thought SURE that the Lady Barbossa would have had a comment about the *You blew my hat off you *****!* Blooper
  8. Whoo Hoo!! Confirmed this morning.... Drum is in the mails!
  9. Well, I'm going to send him off the pictures. Just for fun. He left a lovely review of our CD so he well knows about the Sea Songs and all.... Let's see, how to phrase it... (Thinking like Lady Barbossa here...) "Dear Geoffrey, Nice stick!" No... that wouldn't work
  10. Here's wee better look but still not in all iof it's silly glory! Lord am I gonna have fun this New Years Eve!
  11. And a new beater!! Ladies..... *The Barbossa* It is made from Black Cherry wood. Though you canna see it, running under the name is an anchor chain with an anchor dangling under the *B* GODS I love the guy who makes these for me! Jill... you want his email address?? He's the best at this craft.
  12. I KNEW you'd spot it! kinda like it's saying... *Here I am... Play with a passion!*
  13. You're being Blond..... Look at the center and it's facing downward....
  14. They are not the norm but are becoming more typical…. The cut outs I mean, More comfortable to hold and the deeper drum can make more tones as you adjust while you play. Yeah... I am right happy with it. ( And no one see's the creature on the drum head?? Look close....)
  15. Okay, pictures of the NEW skin as the repairs are in progress. Truely, I liked the original one better but it's about the sound anyway. They are throwing in a new case for the my *being so nice about it* (That is really nice of them) What you think of this one?
  16. Off topic.... I thought the reason Disney dosen't alow adults to wear costumes was back in the 70's when the hippys took over Tom Sawers Island...... Well sorta... But the more specific reason now is that guests would not know the *Disney* Pirate from the common folk. If someone injured a child, frightened one, or did something illegal Disney would be left holding the bag. They can control their own people but not the populace. More then once I've suggested they hold a Zoo class of training for people who would like to *donate* time as a costumed Pirate. (Shrug) Who knows..... maybe. one day.
  17. They posted your review, Graydog, on CD baby.... How very, very kind Many thanks!
  18. No, now trouble... The secret to non-invasive ash tossing at the park is lots of LITTLE viles of ash. Just... sprinkle as you go!
  19. Well, Nancy has allot of company. Disney may cry foul and deny it for the publics sake but that park is a living cemetary.... And my plans are already made! Gotta love it!
  20. Well... you gotta remember my comment was coming from a wench that has shunned dolls and been collecting swords since thage of 8 year.
  21. (Kinda a waste of coin isn't she?)
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