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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Naw, it will be available in both formats. They know that most people do not have the Blu-ray players (yet) and they would lose money selling things in only one format. Blu-ray IS amazing though....
  2. We already have enough Jack Sparrows running around...
  3. ROTBDLMAO!!!!!! Well... thankee!!!
  4. Jeeze!! This is what comes from having a busted computer at home! You MISS everything! Hope the day was grand and the party Legendary mate!!!
  5. Here's the schedule.... L.O.R.E. - THE SPRING EDITION****************************Schedules have been finalized for the L.O.R.E. weekend of workshops to be held March 15-16, 2008, in Corona, California. SATURDAY PIRATE CLASSES--Setting up the Pirate Camp-- Beginning Drumming: Eastern Styles & Celtic Bodhran (bring your own drum if possible)-- Pirate Dance: Part 1 -- Hornpipes-- Navigation in the Age of Discovery & Colonization-- Pirate Dance: Part 2 -- Jigs SUNDAY PIRATE CLASSES-- Pirate Stereotypes: True or False-- Rum 101 (History and Rum Tasting) $5 donation requested-- Pirate Trivia--History of Firearms: Matchlocks to Flintlocks-- Beginning Black Powder--Firing Flintlocks without Blowing Your Hand Off (bring flintlocks & powder if you have them)-- Games Pirates Would Have PlayedAttendees may select to attend either Renaissance or Pirate classes, or some of both. After classes on Saturday, join in the Participants Swap Meet (bring items to barter and trade). Attendance fee includes dinner on Saturday evening, followed by a show. On site camping on Fri. and Sat. nights included. Info: The Crossroads Group, P.O.B. 1959 , Corona, CA, 92878-1959, (951) 735-0101Find more info at: http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/lore.htmlClass schedule is posted at: http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/media_files...es/LORE2008.pdf (it's even up to date, .... somewhat)
  6. Little broad in the beam isn't she?? (Ducking and running like HELL!!)
  7. (chuckle) A friend of mine here at Disney did this....
  8. ewwwww........ Mines better! (Please note the title change!)
  9. What a Blessing.... Nothing like a little love, is there??
  10. Oh, I don't know... The black hat (wit' dirk) on this link, has Herself written all over it. http://www.style.com/fashionshows/collecti.../thumb/JPGAULTI Oh well, Okay.... A long as there is weaponry involved
  11. Fair winds and smooth seas mate... Hope it was all you'd have wished!
  12. ewww..... at least our wardrobes will be more, more... (as Mr. Gibbs would say) piratey.
  13. Ahhh... see wot happens when I have no computer at home?? Sorry I missed the day but me enthusiasm could NOT be more sincere! Here’s to you mate! May the days be Blessed and the plunder bountiful! (And as a gift to US…. I hope you can make more events this year as you’re participation always increases the fun (not to mention the wise cracks) Fair weather mate and we hope to see you soon!
  14. Hell man, everyone is welcome. Just go to the information ite and that should tell you everything you need to know. http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/lore.html And Greydog is right... dress is a metter of comfort. No one will toss rocks at you if you come in civies.
  15. Unless it's someone more willing then others to buy the drinks.
  16. "He's the bravest man we know! Say he's not and you'll be walking the plank sir!" Sorry. Sorry.
  17. Hmmm.... not sure the process of mourning is a hang up. And all learning does not banish fear. That is a generality that does not apply to everyone or every topic... This is not about anyone being right OR wrong. Will you all read that please?... it is NOT about anyone being right or wrong about this issue. It's a sharing of ideas. Lower your voices please. And yet again.... (Thank you ladies, good to see someone is reading the meaning of what I’m posting…) and I say again to each his own. I don’t take your opinions personally Mission because I agree with so little of what you have to say. So what? No harm done. I will continue to feel for those who die and others can continue to do as they like. (Shrug) Besides, if this conversation had not been continued and talked about…. I would have had Ledger and his sorry state out of my mind some days ago. Yes, to each his own.
  18. And therein lies the beauty of this little harbor of ours. You do not have to feel for them. Nope, not one bit. And those of us who do feel badly for them can also continue to do so. Everyone is free to think as they will and discuss and express it. No one has to change their mindset or personal values. Everyone is free to judge by theri personal priorities and covictions. And those whosoever wish to view this in a differnt life can do so. The rum tastes the same to all of us... Except for m'self of course becasue I drink Mai Tai/s
  19. You don't learn everything "words" mate... To be human is to learn from what you also feel. And my feelings are not like yours. Or anyone else’s. It’s what makes us individuals and gives us our identities. My own jolly Rob died 30 years ago this year. I grieved and in my way still grieve for him. I still miss him. True, not in the way I did directly afterwards.... but I miss him (The scoundrel) So…. I’m selfish? It sounds perhaps that you worry about having to deal with someone else’s emotion or grief and that would be a burden and problem for you. (Shrug) You simply want them to move on so you’re not bothered with it? And I mean no disrespect with that… I am just asking. And I wouldn't surrender one moment of my unhappiness over Rob to live the life that you propose where everything be dismissed as a lesson and then moved aside for the next. Boring. Lifeless. Tedious Monotonous I for one could never live a life of apathy towards my fellow Souls who, like m’self are just on their journey. Naw, I’ll continue to feel badly for those who die whatever the reason. I’ll feel grieved at the loss of any of you. And when I die I won’t expect you to post anything to a thread about the telling of it. And I won’t take offence. I’ll understand it’s just that you’re not out of school yet.
  20. Truely well worded mate.... Let me buy you the bottle.
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