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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Okay, you gotta love this. Make sure you watch the news video. http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=...ocal&id=5762824
  2. I have this model of the Mortuary sword... and it's really good for stage combat. A nice, sturdy weapon that looks good to.
  3. It's awesome isn't it?? And SO worth the investment
  4. Breaks?? That is what the pause button on the DVD's are for.
  5. That would be me! Whoo Hoo!! Then you'll be a right happy lad......
  6. I have it already.... and it's got some wicked Special Features. I think you'll all be pretty Happy. (If you have Blu-Ray you'll be ecstatic)
  7. At the moment..... Strikers pacifier. It's dreadful.
  8. Yeah Ace... what's up with this Odd effect you seem to have on women??
  9. Found one on eBay.... (Please note they say Capt'n Barbossa's cabin.... ) Very cool in person. http://cgi.ebay.com/PIRATES-OF-THE-Caribbe...1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. (chuckle) I would like to point out the the *Thanks Christine!* on the front is a come'n from the *UnDead* Monkey! Cute! Yeah, Geoffrey is a class act all the way. I wrote and asked him for a donation for the event we are participating in soon for the kids who have lost a Parent in the war if he couldn't attend himself and he was all over it. A truely good Soul.
  11. Swoon!!! Oh Cascabel!! You sweet talker you!!
  12. Wow, thank you mate Right kind and very much appreciated. I'll pass it along to the rest of the band. And we are being kept busy too. No rest for the *Wicked* I guess Okay, anupdate for Greydog.... our Dictator, er... I mean Director says she loves you more then her first born (of which she has none byt he way...) and humbly asks that you go and write a review on CD Baby for the CD? We would all be grateful!
  13. I think that's $280.00 sweetie..... (unless youwere looking at it in Platinum...) Have a drink. Calm your nerve.
  14. Until after a few episodes in Rogers all but dissapeared completly and it became about Lt. Beamish and Pirate Capt. Dan Tempest. (Gods, what a dreadful Pirate name)
  15. (chuckle) Well... you KNOW I posted this for you anyway!
  16. \I didn't coment after your reply...... but now that you've explained it...... cool..... Maybe next year at Ojai, we will get to hear you playing it........... Oh, you will
  17. Coughing up a lung from all the smoke......
  18. Here ye be mates, for those of you who have not seen it here is the new Barbossa fugure that will be available in December. Take note of the skeletal arm.... (chuckle) Love details! Click on this link for a view and info on both Barbossa AND Jack since the pieces do go together. http://www.wdccduckman.com/2007winterpremierevent.html Yo Ho!!
  19. I believe the current thought is only to postpone....
  20. Beamish!!! ROTFLMAO!!! And he is one of only a handful of the cast that is still with us. He still works on BBC TV on a reg basis. I was told he was truley a nice man and wonderful to work with.
  21. It was an English production for children done nio the 50's.... Cheesy yes but done with the best of intentions. I have one of the swords Robert used (in those days you could hang onto some of your props). Not really very Piratey looking but it was on TV after all. Lord love the BBC
  22. Sweet!!! Are they full tang???
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