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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. You're in South Pasadena? Hell's Bell's woman, I'm in Eagle Rock!
  2. Well, I hope most of the deleted scenes they show belong to Norrington. More of himself ended up on the cutting room floor then anyone else. It was a pity really....
  3. Of COURSE you can!! The more the merrier and you already know the names of most of the songs we do.... Have at it hon!
  4. Herself is just shy of 5' 9" (Without the bucket boots a'course...)
  5. But I don't have a purse....... I keep me coins in me pocket...... That m'dear... is called *Fish'n*....
  6. POTC3 has now earned $960,000,000 Worldwide.... Ranking it as the #1 movie of the year in earnings for a single release. Yay. Maybe now I can take some vacation time.
  7. Naw.... Ye both the tallest in stature!
  8. Rum Bottle??? What about his PURSE??????? Hello!!! PIRATE!!!
  9. Looks like he'll walk again.... as of this mornings news. He has movement in both his arms and legs.
  10. Setting up a trailor for Danny Glover who will be guesting on Brothers and Sisters.
  11. Just what our encampment needs.... MORE POWER! See you Saturday! (I hope Ruby is recovered )
  12. I never heard of ANY of these people except Jason... And only then because he Did Hunchback for us. What was this from Pearl??
  13. On the subject of talking to ghosts... from the time she was a pup, Phoebe has been a Ghost magnet. (Much eye rolling) We had lots of activity on the grounds before of course but since she came home... Here is one of the pictures I took of her staring into space as she does for long minutes at a time and rumble'n that kind of doggie rumble in the back of her throat in polite conversation. Twice I've managed to catch what she was conversing with on film and once seen the orbs m'self as they fluttered away. And herself, turning back to look at me like *What are you doing!? They came to see ME not you! * Kids! Sometimes you just CAN'T win!
  14. Aye, Liberte' was one of those who chummed on the Retch Spirit, but I understand she did it with quite pizazz. Both arms out flung, one foot lifted daintly behind her while spewing forth over the rail. Or so was told by Barber-Surgeon, Toes Up, and Ruby. ROTDLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (opps, was that with my outside voice??)
  15. That's right... Dawn, Tony and yer self were usually right across from the encampment. They were on a site this year that was a little sloped by the parking lot. Near No Quarter Given. No scooter would work there.
  16. Really?? Oi! I hop eit wasn't Liberte' nor any of ours.... We missed you all back at camp. A pair of the Doxie Chicks stoppped by and jammed with us all afternoon. What fun! Rory on Pennywhistle and concertina, m'self on Bodhran, Roger the Red on git-tar and the Chicks played mandolin and anything they got their hands on. Sang til we popped! It was a fun, fun day all around Are you and Ruby coming to Oceanside as well?
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