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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Thank you Rumba...(welcome back by the way...) but in the original post I offered up that I will not be wearing the collar at Faires. Only at Disney functions if the need so arises.
  2. Sad... and a little depressed today. My Jolly Rob passed away 29 years ago today (Not a long time really when they still live in your heart for those of you that may go *What?*) And wondering what might have been differnt had he lived.
  3. Frozen Choco chip cookie dough from the freezer of the office next door to mine. (Burp) Oops! s'cuse me!!
  4. Speaking as someone old enought to have been a fan from the first and original airings of Dark Shadows (And running home from high school to do it...) I think Depp will be a quirky and masterful Branabus! More power to him! Now lets see..... who for Angelique and Josette???
  5. SQUIRRLEY MAN!!! I ADORE the name!!! What a face.... does he go on adventures with you or is he a homelubber?
  6. I'll be there the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd. They first Saturday for SURE with the TOT7S... (generously offering me shade and a place to drop my chair)... and a big *MAYBE.*..) on Sunday with a few fellow PRP's but I doubt it since I have to sing that evening with POnP in Burbank. (Pout and much dirt kicking)
  7. Might mention that they were one of the first real runs at democracy though... They voted for the captain and could just as easily UNvote him (or her) in as well. Depending on how well he increased the crew’s profit margin… ('Cept Captain Jack or Barbossa of course
  8. Well, it was an original pattern of her own. Given my now physical limitations... she improvised. My costumer can be amazing!
  9. No.... the one in the picture below the outfit.
  10. But... but.... NOBODY is saying if they think it will go with the coat! Well, okay, Red Maria did but that was only one out of... how many??
  11. Excuse me.... There are posted pictures of m'self IN my Barbossa coat and HOLDING my sword on this site. Just not looking in the right places? And I might add, they were all added AFTER the initial pictures of the said items were posted for Pub perusal. When I've attended an event in this rig you'll see the pictures if anyone is interested. (I will refrain from a closing remark...)
  12. Fixed that for you. Okay, thanks mate.
  13. But... but.... I've tried: Dramamine Merzine The Patches The buttons on the wrists... The only thing that even slightly helped that last time I was out was a constant stream of cola with liquid ginger in it. But I'm willing to try anything as long as if it fails folks can bring me back in without too much inconvenience to themselves. I'd rather die in my own bed then at sea of nausea!!
  14. Wait.... What?? You are French knotting the material for an entire coat!??
  15. Wow... Both choices look SWEET! It's such a curse to get sea sick....
  16. Wait! Can't we have both??? Hello! PIRATE!!!
  17. Heh, heh, heh.... Like.... I've never done THAT before!!!
  18. Playing an online game of *Liars Dice* that will be on the Blu Ray version of POTC 3 Pretty cool I have to say......
  19. To be honest, I wasn't thinking of it as a performance outfit... (Shrug) We'll have to see
  20. I beg your pardon?? Oh wait, that's right. I grew up with the kilt wear'r's!
  21. I'd like too.... it depends on how hot it is. I'm not suppose to wear anything too tight anymore becasue of my heart however this is constructed with lacing in the back as well so it's totally adjustable. I showed the pattern to my Dr and she said *Well.... lemme see it once you get it.* I can move and breathe with no problem or undue pressure so.... And get this Jill... it's Chenille!! How soft and breathable it that? Yeah, I'd LOVE to wear it to Ojai!
  22. (Thinking...) Hmmmm....... I could do that.
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