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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Oh good Lord.... That is one of of the worst yet! (Taking my grain of salt and skulking away...)
  2. And isn't he just a Sweet-Pea??? We are having a CD Launch party at Pirates n' Plunder this Saturday evening out in Whittier and it turns out some Pirate Meet-Up group has decided to have their monthly meeting there to come and Party with us. (chuckle) Gotta say it again, who knew?
  3. He IS selling it on eBay. Or I saw it the other day. May have done so already. I don't see it listed anymore.
  4. Naw... What I have to say isn't worth a grain of Salt I think she said... Remember?
  5. Just leave it alone, Jack. Walk away from the keyboard... Just for you Mad Jack.... Just for you (Smooches)
  6. (chuckle) Wow, we are a Prize! I'll let the rest of the troupe know... All this and on BilgeMonkey Radio too to boot! Many thanks lad....
  7. It do... Everything that has *Iron Bess* listed in the credits. Parting Glass is mine... Nancy Whiskey, (Well DUH!) Haul Away Joe... and I do harmony and verses on every song in one way or another. We just started out as a Faire band... who knew?
  8. Well this is fun news.... We got notice that our new CD has been chosen as the featured CD this week on the Maritime history Network. (chuckle) Who would have guessed? Here’s the link if anyone has an interest…. http://www.maritimeheritage.net/music/default.asp
  9. SWEET new Banner mate!!! Well done!
  10. Well... I know that *according to the above* I am unqualified to speak on such things... but they've been working on some fun stuff for the DVD's. No, I canna say what they are specifically (the stealth poster should like that) but it's going to be much better then the offerings on the second DVD set. Now back to my regularly scheduled stupidity.
  11. Pardon me ..... while I mop up the puddle of drool at my feet.
  12. Since we do allot of kid friendly venues that particular verse is a no-no.... I love it though...
  13. Whoo Hoo!! Giving Disney a run for their money mate!! That is WONDERFUL!!!
  14. This topic will be the death of me! I had to cook up some bacon last night just for m'self and the Pirate dog!! (how happy we were!) Hmmmmm... All Star Game is on tonight. (Baseball for you non sporting types...) Dodger Dogs, Peanuts, Frozen Malts, Root Beer.... and BACON! I like it.
  15. These are just some of the delicacies I have witnessed over the years at Baconfest. Bacon Pie made with heavy cream YAY! Bacon stuffed mushrooms with garlic YAY! 16 bean soup with Bacon Nay... Bacon stuffed jalapenos with cream cheese NAY NAY!! Bacon quiche Ooooo Yay! Bacon filled croissants YAY! Chinese rice with Bacon YAY! Bacon stuffing with dark olives YAY! And yes...chocolate dipped bacon. What??? I kid you not. oh, okay.... We expected it to be either very good or very bad. It was rather boring. Bacon and chocolate sort of cancel one another out. Umm, I can see that Sounds FUN!!!!
  16. OMG.... applewood smoked, thick sliced?
  17. Where?? WHERE!!???????????????????????????????????????????
  18. I believe the same person swore up and down that Richards WAS NOT going to be in the 3rd film so, I take the above statement with a grain of salt. (chuckle) Oh yeah... That's right... I said that just to spite you. You are so important that I spend most waking hours thinking of ways to lead you astray. Get over yer'self . Take it as you like m'dear... salt with margarita would be grand. Taking the time to read back, you'll see those protestations were posted when at the time he had; signed no contracts, was not on program to be in the film, was not on any studio list as involved with the project and as I stated.... things change. (shrug) Worthy of a slap down by you to be sure. Posting negative opinion is one thing. Postings to make snipes , rude, personal innuendo and comments is another and proves the worth of the post itself. Not much. But if it makes you happy... I'll weep
  19. Are you talking about this one? http://images.solidcactus.com/usawall/pict...atebdr&w=200&h=
  20. more then thoughts lass.... I'll have you in our drumming healing circle tomorrow. I had the whole rack of ribs busted both front and back on the left side 8 years ago which also punctured my lung. There is no rhime or reason to healing ribs. one day you'll feel better nd the next wish you were dead. Just hold a pillow in front of you. It supports your breathing, coughs, anything that will hurt. Believe me... it DOES get better! (Huggage)
  21. Oy!! Sweetie!! Been there done that! And it DOES get better!
  22. I doubt that will be the case any longer....
  23. What?? The quarter neked picture of m'self?? (heh, heh...)
  24. Without hesitation lass.... The strength of the Seas flows through you both so trust in the powers that you cannot see. You'll both be in our healing circle this evening.
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