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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Doubles at a distance or near distance for an actor with boring things like riding in a cart, running, scenes over a shoulder and such like.... Ron learned how to do the most wonderful *Lizard run* which is what they call the Jack run. Terrific!
  2. Someone has too much time on their hands. It's not the same boy. The original idea was to leave everyone wondering if it was Wills or Jacks... but they opted for the newlyweds day on the beach instead. (shrug) Win some and ya lose some.
  3. guys, guys.... how about one question at a time? (I canna spend ALL my free time here ya know!) Okay, "What did Calypso say before she went to pieces?" She said..... nothing. According to Terry and Susan nothing at all was scripted and the sounds were added for effect. What ever anyone thought they heard, they didn't. Next?
  4. There is something about the *un Dead* I find appealing. That and I'd make more loot working for HB so I have to set course for his direction. If of course you can pry Lady B and Christine away from him long enough to let the man earn a living...
  5. Or could it be... that they were not invited back for a 4th..... Gotta save face you know.
  6. Um, sorry mate, it were Jack that said Regetti scared him and was thinking of leaving him not Barbossa..... so no needs be for you to fret over THAT one!
  7. I'll PM it too you so people don't see it if they are not of a mind too...
  8. It's on the new CD.... "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..."
  9. He was hoping Jack would be in anything Singapore so... what was the risk worth? Besides, for a time he made quite the scene for himself at Cons and Faires. Hey, I'm not adverse to anyone having fun...
  10. And your hero never looked better... (C'mon... you said he looked good enough to eat!)
  11. Being one that warned of the overkill in this film since the re edit... I'd like to just interject one thing... The Will / Elizabeth thing is thankfully run its course and is gone. Any film that might follow would not be burdened with the maudlin *I love you/ I love Jack/ I love him/ I love me/ I love the monkey stuff...* Anything ideas that may manifest for a continuing story would be pure adventure and purely Pirate and greed driven. Well okay, Disney greed as well as Pirate greed but a few things I’ve seen on paper I’d love to see on the screen. And I am NOT an idol flatterer. If it stinks I say so. Well, that and stand down wind....
  12. ....I know something you don't know!! (ducking)
  13. (Ahem....) I have been trying to tell people for over a year that THIS PICTURE IS FAKE! It was not in the film because it never exisited. The bottom picture is NOT Depp and everything else was copied from that. But.... I know some of you will still insist.
  14. (Bump...) And so it begins.... Have fun everyone!
  15. Just coming back from the Pirates 3 Lunch/Party here on the lot. Lots of autographs, food, contests and entertainers from the Park. They even brought out the good Jack Sparrow! (Yes, we have a few not so hot ones...) Displays with the building sized models of the Black Pearl and the Endeavor, flags and skeletons everywhere you look. Tattoos, games, pictures spots, water canons, music and prizes for the best costume or Sparrow imitation. (A guy from IT won if you can believe that!) For once it was a real fun party!!
  16. They have this Blu-Ray thing playing here onthe lot int he Studio Store. Really, everything just looks *blue*.
  17. The one that did all the shoulder sitting with Barbossa is a Brown Capuchin monkey named Chiquita. The other two (stunt and running monkys) were NASTY!
  18. The folks here in the US will not see it for another 2 days so responses may be slow until then.... I however, DID like the Monkey. (And will not be giving away any secrets until Friday.)
  19. Fabulous choice. For me it would have to be Vinnie Jones (Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels/ Snatch/ Eurotrip/ Gone in 60 Seconds) (chuckle) Approval is always appreciated lad. Not so much for her Irish looks mind you but her fine Celtic temperment which so nicely mirrors m'own. My Robert and I were always teased about our *John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara* relationship ( The Gods rest him sweetly...) Hmmmmm.... would not trade the shortened years with him for a life time with anyone else.
  20. Well, it's not like they paid $1,500 JUST to see POTC 3. It was a charity event for MAKE A WISH, it was all tax deductable AND they got to meet some of the stars as well. I think a few giddy girls think they got a bargan
  21. (Shrug) Barbossa simply because he is far more educated. Jack may have a kinder heart when all is said and done but Barbossa.... has more then luck and lunacy on his side. I like that in a scoundrel.
  22. No question... Maureen O'Hara
  23. BY THE WAY... Whatever you do.... STAY UNTIL THE CREDITS ARE OVER!! There is a real kicker afterwards that makes the whole film make sense.
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