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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. You may all get your wish.... (Okay, your bladders will get their wish) They are trying to trim to 2 hours 47 min so that with the trailers added they are at the 3 hours. Seems the theatre folks are squawking about the number of showings they can have a day/night. (Shrug) We'll see.
  2. Hi!!! I'll see ye at the faire. (chuckle) Yes, I know you will.... you'll see sweet Olenader and Bella Donna too! (And the Gods know who else...)
  3. Uhh... having a bad day are we Rumba? Besdies, if you go as a patron you do not have to WORRY about Frieda. Why let her ruin it for you? The best revenge is to go and wear what you like and not have her be able to do one dam* thing about it. I would think you'd love that! She has no say over what patrons wear. Ever. Besides, Southern Faire does NOT suck. I had a wonderful time last week!!
  4. ROTDLMAO!!! Yeah... I hear ya!!
  5. True enough.... This weeks end be the PIRATE days of Southern Faire. Come on out if'n you can and find some plunder. Only one real pirate booth but other gee-gaws are to be had and the shopping was good for me last week. I will be there this week as well and on the look out for anyone else I might know.... I'll be in the black Barbossa baldric with a custom sword that is bronze with roses and thorns on the hilt. No one else will have it so it will be m'self and no other. Step up and say HI!!
  6. Now.... The BAD news is there will be less screenings during the day. The GOOD news is.... you'll get to sit there longer in your drunken, Pirate loving haze since the film has come in at 3 hours. 3 full hours! Stock up on the pop corn and limit those potty runs mates!
  7. Hey Bess, can you get me into the premiere? I know, just kidding, but wishful thinking on my part. Uh.... no, but I'lll miss you terribly and think of you often!!
  8. I'll be there (Working of course...) If anyone else will be there let me know.
  9. Some Disney folks are coming out.... (Pssst... your link is not working)
  10. They are indeed still in publication. Only delayed. You should be hearing from them very soon and I'll send on a note to Jamaica Rose about your concerns
  11. (Bowing from the waist...) Yer welcome M'mam.....
  12. Well.... not as tall anyways......
  13. Here ya go mates.... Hot off the pier for you who are of Davy's crew at heart!
  14. Yeah... it's nice to see Lee get a *Shining moment* to his own self.....
  15. Yeah.... but I wear a heavily pearled SNOOD under MY hat so I'm doubt'n they would be after wanting that part of the outfit... Besides, it's a very hot costume so I rather think I'll be after wearing it more in the fall and winter then summer. Can shed the coat though... Maybe... I'll just wear the chamise, bloomers, Bladric and sword. Bucket boots optional! Pictures soon. After Faire starts.
  16. You now thay have his neck piece available... http://www.thesabervault.com/MasterReplica...ssaPendant.html
  17. Aye, I do have it now and 'tis on m'finger this very moment. (Seldom off of it) Yes indeedy... I'd love to see a pic of your ring. Post one soon as you can.... Here is another picture, less clear but from another angle. The ring was sculpted and cast by Joel Harlow who did all the make-up for Bootstrap Bill and several others. I really DO love it and have no shame in admitting it.
  18. ...that it's directoer, Bob Clark was killed this morning in a carsh on PCH when he was hit head on by a druck driver. Also killed was his 22 year old son. At least he leaves behind a Christmas classic we can all still share during the Holidays but I doubt that is of little comfort to his family. Just sharing. We all feel pretty awful around here today. He was a good, good man.
  19. Jeeze Seika..... That poor penquin has a hook AND a peg leg on the same side??? What the hell hppened?? (chuckle) Hope he's at least got a great tale to tell!
  20. Not very *Piratey* but..... http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireSt...tory?id=3004633 http://www.nbc4.tv/entertainment/11512223/...ml?dl=mainclick
  21. I hope no one was there last weekend... Since it starts THIS weekend on APril 7th... Lot's of fun to be had though. Me, I'll be there on and off.
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