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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. What???? Did you think I was making it up??
  2. Gasp!! Of course not! I be sharing is all.... Okay, so I'm REALLY Happy with this
  3. ROTBDLMAO!!!!! Oh ho!! so well said!! (Wiping a tear from m'eye...) As I said, the trailer will debut on *Dancing with the Stars* when its first show is on for the season. Just a couple of weeks.
  4. Here's a pix of my new sea-going talisman ring... Courtesy of Joel Harlow's creativity (POTC Make up Guru) And inside I am having inscribed: "I AM the Sea"
  5. Wow! Stunning m'lad! Too bad the leather is too hot for Califonria Pirates... :)
  6. (Hands Jacky a lovely yellow sponge with shoes, funny shorts and a big nose...) (Chuckle) You'll live.
  7. They held a small screening last night at the Bruckheimer offices of the POTC 3 flick minus a few unfinished scenes... It's laughter through tears mates.... a total and rousing finish! ...until the next time they set sail.
  8. I'd like to ask please that folks not speculate here nor post rumor. We all know the STAR is a rag newspaper so the "facts" may not be. If you hear something viable from the news then that is fine of course but please, no hear say from other sites. We all know that fan sites fill themselves up with Bilge. If we get anything that is cleared to share publicly we will. Thanks mates....
  9. Uummm... thank you lass but I'm member #232, joined back in 2003 and am a Moderator into the bargan as well... I appreciate the welcome to the thread though.
  10. Bess' story, much as her life, is relatively short. She was whelped as Pa'draigin Elizabeth O'Malley sometime in the middle of the 1600's. It never occurred to her to care exactly when that might have been. She grew up in a happy household off the windswept coast of Ireland and then Scotland's Orkney Isles when her clan relocated for better fishing and more fertile lands. She was the only daughter among eight sons. Eight strong, handsome, protective and troublesome brothers. She was a happy child indeed. She loved them, each and every one and they loved her in return. She was never an annoyance and what they knew they taught to her. What they knew best was a love of roaming the coast and the sea and the small islands within reach. More then one was to take to Privateering and more then one would hang for their misadventures. Bess was rightly proud of each brother to her own dying day. And what these scallywags also knew was the use of a sword. To respect your weapons and to know you are never its total master. Bess, from an early age took to the handling of swords with a skill that was alarming and that convinced her family that the gift had come back with her from a previous life. With her level of ability, it was most likely from several lives. And too great a gift it was her father feared for often he was heard to mutter under his breath... *Aye, They will be after hang'n that girl!* In the silence of his thoughts however, he was proud that she took no nonsense from anyone and was growing into an honest, kind and caring woman. She became their *Iron Bess*. She was a peacemaker and a warmonger in the family and everyone knew that to cross swords with her meant, although she might lose the battle that they would carry the bruises of her exuberance for weeks to come. As she grew into her adulthood she was tall, tall enough to be intimidating to many of the local men that she'd known from childhood. While she had always been known to be adventurous and non conforming, for this waif to become an appealing and fine figure of a woman was something they had not expected. Not at all. With heavy, wavy dark hair and large brown-green eyes, she was fancied by many of the men for the sheer adventure of her size and her unpredictability. Her complexion was pale, soft and creamy ivory and it was still common enough for a blush to rise easily from the base of her throat to color her gently oval face. She saw her world through enormous eyes which communicated openly with sincere tenderness or fire of temper from within, allowing her to dissolve even the most blustery pirates hardened heart or set them to running with only so much as a tell-tale smile. Her mouth would smile and pout and confound the men that knew her. Bess was well equipped for any chosen profession be it wife or wayfarer. Strong, muscled, formed and smooth, full round breasts and amply cushioned hips. Aye... she would be a comfortable and sturdy vessel for a night’s sail into carnal seas. For those that did not die in trying... if they were uninvited. Bess' story is like the tides of the sea she loves... high times of adventure and love and low moments of grief and boredom. Her life was short... but OH! the adventures!!
  11. Happy Birthday you Wench among Wenches! May the day be Blessed and may the night be... well, whatever you'd like it to be. (Reputations are everything lass.... )
  12. Maybe folks here do not watch (M'self included) but it does get huge ratings so.... no one who really cares will see the trailer. Sorry m' love, I am off to the back lot now so more tit- for tat (who said that!?!?!) will have to wait until another day.
  13. Maybe you ought to watch the cooking channel. Simmer down. (hugs)
  14. True enough... lame and rot-gut as it can be and I never watch it. But... it gets huge ratings and THAT is why m'dears.
  15. Yes Christine, there IS a Snata Clause... The POTC 3 Trailer will start running on ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" The start date is still in debate but there you go.... (I'd say right away) I would post that of course, the date is as always subject to the whim of the Powers the Be but I'm sure someone else would post that they have the hard facts and this and such like are the dates so... FREE FOR ALL!! EVERYBODY GUESS!!!
  16. Believe it or not....part of the squid is still in storage out at the park. Back in the day, it used to hang from the ceiling of a ware house and could be lowered to scare visitors but now the poor thing is a little frayed. (Chuckle) Kinda like the rest if us that remember it!
  17. Welcome aboard mate.... We will be more then willing to help you find your way... through the facts or otherwise! Now then, offer up the rum and you'll have no small amount of help!!
  18. Kirk Douglas stars as Ned Land and James Mason as Captain Nemo in this classic Jules Verne underwater adventure. The movie, which garnered two Academy Awards in 1954 (for Special Effects and Art Direction), chronicles Nemo's heroic rescue of shipwrecked survivors and their journey "20,000 leagues" beneath the waters of the Earth. And Kirk Douglas got to sing *A Whale of a Tale*!!
  19. Ahhh... your sig line is my favorite button to wear! Welcome aboard mate, heft up a cask, have a seat and tell us about yerself. You are buying of course....
  20. GREAT...... so when will ye be postin' pictures O' yew wit th' nothin"........ Sorry.... but now it's kinda expected O' me to reply like that to that sorta post....... Just doin' me civic dooty.......... Ahh Patrick.... And I bet you look right cute in a bustle too!
  21. (Shrug) Can't tell ya.... Disney logic which never makes much sense in the real world. All I CAN tell you is that they are screening it now.
  22. Speaking of Gallery.... CASCABEL!!! I see you are part of the cover art of the new issue of NO QUARTER GIVEN!! Well done mate
  23. If anyone is interested.... They were screening the *World's End* trailer yesterday for the Disney executives.... Can puplic release then be far behind? Hang in there mates, it is WELL worth waiting for.
  24. Whoo Hoo! Yeah, we are all pretty happy for the guys.... but least we forget there was a LIVE actor under all that computer hoo-ha and his performance was at the core and heart (sorry) of it. Without Bill Nighy's initial talents they would have had nothing to work with. It turned out to be a happy joint effort that was recognized and we are thirlled for all of them! And with even more amazing things to come in May!! They ain't seen noth'n yet!
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