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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Well now... we find that to be a very Celtic trait. My own Da and a cousin once (after a few drinks of course...) got into a sorry discussion about the quality of a horse. Near the beginning of it they broke through my Mom's living room window and at the behest of the ladies, stopped long enough for them to clean up the glass so the kids wouldn't get cut. During which time the combat fellows shared a brew, a few laughs and then when they went to square off again my mom called all for dinner. At which time the hostilities ceased.... and later the original reason could not be recalled by either of them. In an Irish house it IS All about the food. (And you people wonder where I get it!)
  2. Make sure you get the authoized edition.... there is a really BAD copy out there for sale but the Wayne family one has a few extras. And the quality is so much better...
  3. Ooh.. I LOVE Donavan's Reef! in fact my entire dining room is a Tiki bar and i have some original lobby cards from that flick ion the walls! "I'll knock both his blocks off! C'mon kids, you're going home!"
  4. In this PC world I thinks they be lookin' ta distance themselves from stereotypes liken "Injun" Joe and uhh ...Mr Jim. The dert over Sam C be writhin' as classical literature takes another beatin' Speakin' of old memories I distinctly remembers seein' model airplanes flyin' in a caged circle an ridin' the tallship Columbia around TS island. The cage be long gone. Does the Columbia still resides there? She does... And the fight begins to keep her from being turned into a "Black Pearl" I understand that kids nowadays need to have their own memories.... it's just hard to see it all at the cost of ours. Seems there should be a way to preserve what was Walt’s original vision AND expand on the newer themes and ideas. Yes, I know... "Disneyland will never be completed as long as there is imagination left in the world" That does not necessarily mean he would have favored ripping out everything that was original. (Shrug) Anyways... I expect an Earth quake right soon. That'll be Walt turning over again...
  5. Well.... to their way of think, the boys were out looking for Pirates when they came across Injun Joes cave.... They will just expand on that. Yeah, right.
  6. Sorry folks... Beware! Pirates have been sighted in the Rivers of America surrounding Tom Sawyer Island! They have been drawn from all over the world by mysterious rumors of buried treasure. To buttress the island's defenses against a pirate invasion, Tom Sawyer Island will be closed starting February 5. When the island reopens on May 25, 2007, expect thrilling new adventures and ample opportunity for scurvy pirate recruits to hunt for hidden treasure.
  7. Welcome aboard.... pull up a keg, have a seat and pour us a drink!
  8. Yes indeed... and together with the model will come pictures of it's creation every step of the way! Our Master carpenter here has sent me pic's as he's moved along. Time and date of the auction will be posted and for those of you that cannot make the event itself we will figure some kind of way for you to bid as well. What a beauty!!
  9. Yeah... there seems to be no short supply of those.
  10. Here on the West Coast they are saying up to 14 were killed in the FL Storms this morning.... Lets hear from our mates in that location please....
  11. I feel for you're lack of.... fun stuff mate. We do indeed seem to be the place of the moment for Scallywags. Hope that you do make it to our shores and help us with some plundering! Here's to you and your quest!
  12. Why do you assume it's *New* material? "Same story, differn't versions and all are true"!
  13. Orlando and Keira are not in the re shoots.... And they doing re shoots becasue they can. Gore Verbiinsky wants and he ususally gets.
  14. Ummmm.... right you are, anyone is indeed entitled to ask questions. Questions however that are flavored with what appears to be pre-opinionated fervor and accusations seem to be... well, nothing but rude given the sad and dangerous circumstances in which these people found themselves….. If you are unsympathetic to the plight of the Royaliste that is fine and also it's you're right. It's the right of the folks here then who DO care, to post rebuttles to rude suggestion and innuendo.... Live and learn and stay and contribute and enjoy yourself. Continue with what reads as a lame attempt to stir up questionable things about the ship, her crew and misfortune and we are bound to think you are little more then insincere... Oh wait. Excuse me... was that rude?
  15. Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:02 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonight the old girl is sleeping safely, docked at a small harbor. She's had some damage, one of her taff rails (railings with fancy turned spindles) are gone, the mizzen boom (boom at the foot of the back sail) snapped and she's taking on a bit of water, but that's certainly to be expected with all the shifting she's been through, poor dear girl! Here bilge pumps are working fine so as she takes on water, she's able to pump it out. The looters were scavenging on her even in broad daylight! Can you believe it? They were chasing groups of them off that were trying to board her! They got all of her fancy fenders, some of the nicer sheets and an unknown amount of stuff from inside. Some of it was washed downstream as well and its uncertain what may be missing. I'm told all of the antique swords were recovered safely and that none of the cannons were taken. I told Bob to quote me and say that they are all heroes for rescuing her and that we're all cheering for the job that they've done.
  16. I'm pretty sure it was but.... it's raining here now so it's a mute point!!
  17. Sorry for being away from this thread for so long.... somehow it paled in comparison with the ROYALISTE problems. Yes, from Pyramid and it’s $180 plus shipping. (Wow Rumba, you foundered all my fun. Give a gal a break!) And sorry Duchess but I've had very good experience with Pyramid quality and I had already seen this particular coat so I knew its something that would wear well and be worth the cost. Anyways, there you have it folks, courtesy of Rumba. Shop til you drop!
  18. Indeed, the Bounty doubled for the Intercepter.
  19. Aye, she's afloat and under tow but now is when the work will start and we need to help fund the monies to get her back to her beautiful self.... More to come about fundraisers...
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