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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. John Raven Simple, Strong, Not too many syllables.... a Pirate could remember that!
  2. Ya know... if'n the whelp had been carry'n hard steel I might have taken an issue with it. But inflatables? I suppose it all depends on how stupid he might have been acting in class. If he was.... Then again, he just might have been enjoying the freedom of the feeling of slops!
  3. Welcome mate.... haul up a keg and set yerself down. First round be on you, says I (And the rest of the scoundrels to boot...) Well now, if'n you have an interesting tale to share by all means start a talk'n. If not.. pass the bottle.
  4. So we hit you up a little early..... Take that!!
  5. Differnt hat mate. I'd go with a better hat. Jack hats are most everywhere and this looks the same. Go darker to match the vest with a trim. Tattered.... but dignified! LOVE the baldric! A mite too many guns for my taste but... then I have things in the way of carry'n guns on me chest. You have the start of a real nice rig there.
  6. May the event be glorius and may the day be great!! Have a wonderful Day shipmate!! (Meaning swords everywhere you look!)
  7. Nice Vest! And Royal Coffers does good work. It will last you. Or... which ever one of you gets it first.
  8. LOUIE!!! ya gotta love 'em.....
  9. (Bess gazes up from her work... lays an arm across her lap and and lets her fingers drift softly across the hilt of the unseen dagger in her boot garter) (Shrug) You could try.
  10. Hmmm... you'd like that mate? (sound of a blade being softly rotated on a honing stone...) Best think again.
  11. (chuckle) Ahhhh.... A man who knows his Irsh women, say's I......
  12. Well then let m'self (as a fellow TOT7S shipmate) be the first to welcome ye to port. It's good fun and fellowship you'll be after find'n in these waters.... Haul up a cask, have a seat and start pouring mate.. the first round is on yer own good self.
  13. Naw..... maybe I'll just wear me bloomers!!!
  14. When it all arrives lads.... When it all arrives
  15. Thankee.... I'm happy with the way it's turning out.... Gonna wear it all with a hiked up skirt though.... :angry:
  16. Bess needs to breathe in that Hell hole...... If she is going to fight or sing, Corona Hell calls for looser clothes.
  17. Welcome aboard lass... We can never have to many Celts around.... they know how to imbibe!! Here lassie, have a Mai Tai and welcome!!
  18. (Shrug) Not up to me mate... up to you. If your of a mind to be happy here then by all means stay. I simply thought you might get more feedback in Plunder 'tis all.
  19. Anything worth doing mate is worth the effort to do it.... AND all the time to do it in! Have a drink and welcome aboard
  20. I can move it if you'd like.... But suit yerself lad.
  21. I think this thread would get much more attention if you moved it to the PLUNDER forum instead lad...
  22. (Chuckle) I don;t have them yet... And indeed, I'll wear it with another frock coat I have coming with it. Also made from the same pattern as Barbossa's.... same type of material only in a darker shade. Really ladies, it's all about the hot flashes!!!!
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