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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. BOOM BOOM ROOM!!!! ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very good!!!!!
  2. As I said in a post a few above this one... they have it at the store here on the studio lot. They may well sell it at the Park but I don't know. If they do... I'd have her call the WOrld of Disney store out in DownTown Disney, Emporium store on Main Street and the Pirate store in New Orleans Square to see. Most likey they would be there.
  3. (Shrug) Going against the stream and saying while I hate to see anyones life come to an end (with few exceptions...) I cannot grive to mightily for the man. Talented? yes. Creative? Indeed. Wealthy? Without doubt. A good business man? That all depends on which side of the deal you were on. He destroyed many lives in his zeal to increase his own wealth with no regard or regret as to the outcome for the smaller people involved. People who depended on him or saw their lifes work taken away or destroyed. Had he the right to do so? Of course he did. Business is just that. Business. But lack of concern of others on that end and all in the name of money makes him smaller in my estimations.
  4. Hmmm... I believe what the Gay community wants are just the same rights as any other hetero couple that makes a life time commitment. The right to pass on property (aside from the Will problems and the taxes they ensue) Better insurance, medical benefits for couples, the right to acknowledge their affections in a public forum, rights that only married couples seem to have in lower costs for said insurance and such like. (Shrug) I have no problem with it but then I am not threatened by it either. My one life-love relationship was outside the norm but then Hell, I have ALWAYS been outside the norm. (chuckle) I'll say this however, I am without question a one man lass. When I am in a relationship, there it stays. I do not stray nor do I window shop. I may admire from afar especially if it's in a kilt... but I have no need to touch. If I did I wouldn't still be in the relationship. Jolly Rob and I met in 1969 and were together until his death in August of 1978. He was a rambunctious, headstrong, fun loving Irishman that had a home in the states and in County Mayo Ireland and his time was divided between he two. It suited me fine as when he was gone.... it gave me a chance to miss him. (Shrug) Makes the heart grow fonder and all that. He always got 100% when he got home and he knew it. He was in the Film industry and was gone to locations on a regular basis. It worked well for us both. Now, that being said... no, I had no illusion that he was without the occasional dalliance when gone for months at a time. He was who he was and why would I try to change him? So.... when he asked me to marry him I asked if he thought he could be faithful when he worked. He was honest as always and told me he wasn't sure. Have to give the man all credit due. So, I declined. As a friend I had no call to demand anything of him and sure as a wife... I expected more. So, it wasn't broke so we'd not fix it and go on as we were and stay just as happy. Bless him, he told me he’d ask again later when I had *Mellowed*. When he died in '78 most of m'self died too. It took a long time to feel any life again but time passes and you begin to feel but it's never been the same flavor of life. I've dated, had one relationship that was sweeter then the others but.... (soft smile and a little head shaking...) I think I've done and had my share for this life time and I have NO regrets whatsoever. I'd not exchange those few years with Rob for a life time with someone else. It just wouldn’t be worth it. I could NEVER have been more fun!
  5. Girding my loins to go down to the set of Ghost Whisperer.... (more trouble then you might think)
  6. ^ Plays a mean Bodhra'n... (thumpady, thumpady, thumpady thump!)
  7. The Studios park you mean? If so then I'll go have a look at the DLP studios park in October. Although I'm not holding my breath they'll have those in stock. No, I mean at the Employee Disney store here on the lot in Burbank. We call it the *Student Store* All the junk that you never knew you couldn't live without. Until you saw it.
  8. Well..... ya get what ya pay for these days.
  9. It's that bit 'o shine that transfers from your wallet to the Hotel safe....
  10. Aye, do yourself a favor and visit the site. One of the best crews I've ever known and (although they would seldom admit it...) Pirates with hearts as big and deep as any Ocean. Oops, was that my outside voice again? :angry:
  11. Oh Hell... I can get you one of those..... :angry:
  12. They sell those here at the studio... I have one sitting on my CD rack on my desk.
  13. The Man who invented Rock Hudson A Biography of Movie Agent Henry Wilson... Scary stuff!
  14. Here ya go.... http://redtape.msnbc.com/
  15. Sending warm thoughts, an understanding shoulder to lean against and a soft , sea born wind to wrap you in it's comfort. The transitions of loved ones are always the sad times... but when we catch up with them at a later date.... the stories you'll all have to share will have been worth the wait! Much huggage lass and candles to honor and light the way.
  16. Well, did m'duty as I saw it... and canna find a pic of yer pretty boat, er... ship. Where to look mate?
  17. Who's buy'n asks you?? 'Tis yerself says I...... (I'll have a Mai Tai!) Welcome mate. haul up a barrel and make yerself ta home... 'til the shoot'n starts! Nice to have you aboard
  18. A bowed psaltery and I just got back to my Bodhran after it had been taking a forced vacation with my cousin for a few years... nice to have it home (Although I cannot attest to the fact that my dog feels the same). Most of my beaters went missing though it seems....
  19. Vanilla tea (iced) and fresh blackberries... (swoon)
  20. Oh you know the sort love... Comes to the Pub, posts a snide, condescending and self serving comment of a personal nature against another poster and then runs away, ner’ to return…. Until it suits her. You know the type. Oops.. did I say that with my outside voice? (Shurg)
  21. Yes it will... but I can tell you nothing about the honour of stores and what they promise. As to the CD, we hear that they are doing a wonderful job with adding Special Features. Since those offices are off lot I have nary a clue but... I DO trust my source. Well, that's my grain of salt... Here's to not being let down
  22. (chuckle) Take what ya can love.... give nothin' back!!
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