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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. That are going to remove it since it's falling apart. It wasn't constructed to be an outside exibit for any REAL length of time.
  2. No one at the park seems to know ANYTHING about the Hookah bug being removed..... looks like it's safe.
  3. Sorry, how did I miss this topic? No, it's not true that anyone in Imagineering knows of. Someone is calling the park. More later!
  4. Yes, Patrick it was worth every dime!!!! 'Cause...well dang....I got to meet...you!....... (tap..tap...tap...) Hey! We got to meet YOU too ya know... that 's worth.....LOT'S MORE THEN A DIME! Wish'd I lived closer so I could come for coffee. Well okay... Tea really
  5. Does Drinking count?? Gypsy Cold Care (Coutesy of RHJ...) Jeeze I feel lousy
  6. We spent allot of quality time with Marty this weekend up in Ojai..... Such a sweetie.
  7. I wish it could have been even more.... the cause was heart felt and down right important to so many of us.... As fer the colds.... yeah, t'was all well worth it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
  8. Just goes to show.... never intrude on a lass when she's bang'n the drum... (Did I say that with my outside voice?)
  9. Moonshiner?? (chuckle) You say that like it was a BAD thing!
  10. Well, I MAY be up on Sunday... the verdict is still out on that one being that I have a dreadful cold at the moment. (sniff, cough, cough) S'cuse me. But believe me..... it was well worth it!!
  11. Which Jack is that? Was that Brandon? Anyone know? just curious... not heard from him since he left Disney.
  12. I keep telling Rumba.... Dead Fred looks like he's putting on weight!
  13. (chuckle) M'lad.... I wasn't half trying! T'was good to see you though. You ought to come back up this Sunday and find the McNeil encampment. Music and song and fun and dancing and... and....
  14. ROTDLMAO!!!!! Oh yeah, I NEVER looked better!! (great hat though...) Here's to you Stynky! See you soon!
  15. Petee.... I wondered what ever became of you. Thought you'd signed on with Davy Jones maybe.
  16. *The Buccaneers* was a Children's TV show made in England back in the early 50's. The budget was low, the scripts were done fast and the production schedule was crazy. Keep an eye out on the boats they use to go from ship to shore. Truely funny! (Most of them on wheels) But everyone was well meaning and they did their best with what they had to work with at the time. The production values got slightly better into the the third season but by today's standards it's pretty sorry. Enjoy it though!
  17. Beautiful stuff mate.... Are they custom or still for sale? Sorry, I could find no pricing for what I was inteerested in.
  18. Stynky!!! Hello again! We missed you at Oceanside. yeah, we had two newspaper's do interviews with us and had Channel 7 and I think... channel 5 do spots with PRP. Since we were in charge of the Black Powder for the battles they had quite the time of it! We showed them knot tying, Liars dice and how we give kids Pirate names.. Lordy it was busy and fun! I will be at Ojai the FIrst Saturday for sure (Although I have to leave early to do a show back in Burbank) and most likely Sunday of the following weekend. IF.... I have an sense left after Saturday night I may try and come back up that SUnday as well. Don't get to see my friends but once a year and hate to waste it! I hope to see you soon mate! BTW.... NICE new picture!
  19. Great shot! You captive and the other Lobster Back spent time with us in camp.... VERY nice folks indeed. (Glad to see you let them walk away unscathed)
  20. Awwww... Capt'n. It was a full and busy day to be sure! Our encampment was over run all day with wee ones and adults. I wish you'd hailed us. We could have given you one of our temporay places for a time. We were the sorrier for not having you come by that is for sure. (PM me when you have a chance lass...) The day itself was amazing though.... People and kids, people and dogs, people and food! Mundanes with swords (always frightening!) Music and song and laughter! In the afternoon the few singers we had took requests from the sidewalk and that was really fun! The weather was great and the tales of the sea battle will be making the rounds until next year! And I SWEAR Rumba, Dead Fred is putting on weight!
  21. A Mai Tai if you please.... (Crushed ice)
  22. Make sure you find us!!!!! (PRP is the anchor group so they won't be hard to spot)
  23. Oh Gods.... tell me your joking??? (I don't think I can bear it anymore!!)
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