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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Wish I had seen this sooner... If we'd had it for the CHOC event tomorrow I could have gotten a picture of Lee holding it. Hey.... you're near Anaheim aren't you?? Come to the CHOCH event and bring one! Or... next time. By the way... WHAT is this thing made out of?? Money is all sent. Check yer paypal account mate....
  2. (Bump)... The Event is tomorrow mates..... Come out if you can and have some good sport, good fun and cgood ompany all for a good cause. We promise not to tell the others that your GOOD hearted Pyrates!
  3. Okay, now THAT is fun!!!! Gotta have one for Ted and Terry... IM on the way.....
  4. Thar's more to the evening then just RADIO!
  5. UPDATE: Come when you like.... This years event is also a street faire with lots of Vendors AND.... we just got word that RADIO DISNEY will be coming down as well and doing their broadcast live from the event. Lots to see and do! Come on over to see and BE seen!!
  6. Reading this topic?? Which is being moved to Twill in case it faulters on it's current course and becomes a Historical debate or conversation...)
  7. Oooo.. I love a man that jumps when I put the come-hither on’em…. (chuckle) Thanks lad, info has been sent to your in – box.
  8. Matt... empty out your in box for PM's.... It's full and won't take the info I am sending you.
  9. Welcome mate.... (chuckle) Be careful what you wish for
  10. I'll be after send'n your offer to our fearless Dictator... I mean Director.
  11. Fair enough... Her ship was sinkin' when I got here. It was not!! 'Twas only me nose that was runn'n.....
  12. No, no mate.... it's just that I'm better at bat'n 'em back!!
  13. That is right kind of you mates.... and I thank you. However it's often better to not single out a single person in a band of so many most especially in a review. Besdies, without me mates I'd be just another song singer. We are all a part of the whole so my good performaces are in part due to their good and happy efforts. So I thank ye from ALL of us!
  14. Just a few more days mates and the Event sets sail! Thewonderful Doxie Chicks will be entertaining along with other Pirate groups so come and have a good time and support a phenominal cause. We'll be on the look out fer ya!
  15. Well well..... (wipes me nose on Jacky-Tars sleeve as I steps away from the bar) Welcome mate. Drinks says you? Of course you're buy'n say's I... Pour yer purse out on the table top here and let's share the wealth. Mai Tai fer me and... a friendly game of Liars dice?? (S'cuse me a minute... head'n back to Jacky's sleeve. Sniff...)
  16. We are complimented and very humbled by your review BilgeMonkey.... Thanks so much mate! From every member of the New Providence band (most especially the HARP player who is posting this on every venue he can find.....) Genre: Traditional and traditional-styled origninal pirate tunes. Rating: PG Target Audience: Late teens to early retirement Down Among the Dead Men - the first album by Pirates of New Providence - hits the ground running with its initial track, Fire Maringo. Being a traditional song, I've heard it performed before, and have never really given it much thought. But the Pirates of New Providence make it a tough song to dismiss. Strong, clear vocals are complimented by solid drums to immediately command attention. Soon the backup vocals and what I believe to be a tamborine also join in to play with the softer and higher notes. All told, it's a commanding opener, and one that illustrates the truth that sometimes an old song can be made new again through sheer strength of the performance. The "newness" of old songs has weighed on my mind of late. As the availabilty to competently performed traditional sea songs expands at a seeming exponential rate, I find that it's becoming increasingly rare to hear a rendition of any traditional tune that truly stands out from the herd. This is why, upon first finding a CD such as "Down Among the Dead Men", where every song is traditional, I'm at once curious and fearful. A strong first track, such as is Fire Maringo, is a comforting start, but can the entire album hold up? Dead Man's Chest - the album's second track - lays the groundwork for the rest of the album. The various elements remain clear, with vocals (this time female) and drums ringing loud and true. On their own, its a formula that would lead to an album of decent pirate tunes, but not exactly memorable or groundbreaking. But the Pirates of New Providence are trickier than I'd have expected, and throw in a factor that to my knowledge is entirely unheard of in the world of pirate music: a harp. When first I heard the plucking of harp strings to the tune of Dead Man's Chest, my eyes nearly popped from my skull - and I don't exaggerate. Harps would seem well placed in a king's court, but when I think of the grungy world of pirates, a harp seems as out of place as would Frasier and Niles Crane on Barbossa's Crew. So how does it fit in musically? At this point, I wasn't sure. Hills of Connemara lacks the new harp element, but has no shortage of instruments. Guitar, harmonica, and I can't even say what else all join in to make for an energized song with an excellent sound about it. Down Among the Dead Men - the album's title track - brings that harp right back, though. Again, strong female vocals, drums, and yes - a harp - all combine to do a traditional song in a traditional manner that feels anything but traditional. At this point, I was starting to suspect that the inclusion of the harp just might be an unlikely stroke of genius. The next several tracks, Haul Away Joe, Rosen the Beau, and Sam's Gone Away, don't prominently feature harp work, and therefore feel more akin to the traditional songs one would expect. Strength and clarity remain defining features throughout, though, and the consistently high quality of the recording make each song a delight to hear. Captain Kidd, sees the harp's return, and this time even includes the strumming scales that would seem more at home in a fairy tale movie than a pirate song. And yet, as a package it works surprisingly well, and makes for one of the most unique Captain Kidd versions I've experienced. The album's final three songs, Nancy Whiskey, One for the Morning Glory, and Parting Glass, all follow in the tradition set by the previous tracks. Very well done, and with a variety of instrumentals from penny whistles and guitars to flutes (another not-quite-piratey instrument) and ukuleles.One for the Morning Glory is a little sing-songy for my taste, but otherwise these three songs work well to conclude a fine album. Down Among the Dead Men was my first introduction to the work of Pirates of New Providence, and listening to this album was indeed a small adventure in its own right. Generally speaking, the strong clarity of the vocals and instrumental make this the sort of album that can be experienced as well as merely listened to - a good stereo system or set of high-end headphones make this the sort of music into which you can literally immerse yourself. This alone would make for a worthwhile album, but it's their daring use of such non-piratey, not-exactly-masculine instruments such as the harp (and to a lesser degree the flute) that make for a truly original CD.
  17. Jeeze!! Where in the world have YOU been???
  18. Here is info on our Host Pub and a fine link for directions... Come on out and support a wonderful cause. http://www.195bar.com/
  19. (ahem)... Now, who is that beautiful woman on Pilsner Pirates' arm?? A TATTOO!!!! Welcome to the Pub mate and I'll have a double Mai Tai if'n ya please.
  20. First I've heard of it so (shrug)... You're all good as far as I'm concerened
  21. Sorry... Must be all the unwashed Pirates....
  22. WHoo Hoo!! A 2-fer!!!! May the day be great and the winds blow you every happiness!!
  23. I got this date wrong once before so here's hoping.... HAPPY BERTHDAY and may your Bodhran always be in tune!
  24. As bad as things are at the moment... I feel very lucky. Not only do I have me job but after 4 years hard work... I am (ahem..) DEBT FREE! If I don't pay cash for it I don't buy it. Plain and simple. Just like Pyracy
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