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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. "Can You Sail Under a Pyrate...., " Now, now m'dear.... there are pleanty of things one can do under a Pirate (Hug) Hi sweetie, long time no see!
  2. (Bump...) Times a c'mon mates..... tJune 28th and 29th. And this here festival be right on the Sea Shore! Check the link above for more details..... Hope to see MANY of you!
  3. There is already a thread about this event with info.... *Long Beach CA Pyrate Festival*
  4. You're two *coolest Dudes* are both members of PRP (Port Royal Privateers. Same as our own Jack that was the MC for this event. Welcome mate and great pictures! (Although, while the CHOC topic belongs here you might want to scurry up to INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT and introduce yourelf to the rest of the Pub....) Nice to meet you mate
  5. Punished you were… disproportionate to your… oh, wait…. Sorry. What were you saying?? (Made ya laugh!)
  6. We did... And got some terrific pictures of herself and our own Cannibal Jack. He was smitten and she was happy as can be. What a pair
  7. Try MUDCAT CAFE.... http://www.mudcat.org/ If the Lyrics are out there they should have it.
  8. Thanks mate... It wasn't a *little* event to those who worked months on it but next year we have more street space thanks to the City of Anaheim who was so pleased with the efforts and results so you'll have more elbow room. Drinks all around. We cleared at least $5,000 Some of these Pirates are a generous lot..... Take what ya can.... (we promise not to tell that you gave back)
  9. That's *Bess* to you matey.... And a CHOC event up in Northern CA?? When it's a So Cal Hospital? Cool. When was this??
  10. Here be a shot of the Pirates that went a visit'n at the CHOC facility earlier in the day. We have a select group of Pirates who get this task.. those who have the *courage and fortatude* to deal well with the emotional stress of interacting with dying children. I am SO proud of each and every one of them. Can you find POTC Actors Lee, Treva, David, Vince, Marty, Maxie, Jerry and Louie? (Louie being the *Jack, farthest away rom the camera*) ?
  11. It means you had a Hell of a good time!!!
  12. Cannibal Jack I think..... Oh and Cut-Throat.
  13. And rememebr this when your down LB.... You have more friends here at the Pub... then Family members. We out number them so they don't really... stand a chance.
  14. ROTFLMAF!!!!! Poor Amy......... The truth is often... painful.
  15. Sorry about the missed photo opp. I had every intention of seeing you again... just got caught up with the work end of it. Come to one of our Pirate events and we'll try it again. Like... Belmont Shores in June. Right on the beach! Ahh.... Davy Jones. I asked him a couple of times if he'd been watered or needed anything. VERY nice guy and she was nice as well. I had a chance to talk with her inside for awhile. She was after my coat. (Pirate!)
  16. Oh please..... I don't even remember going PAST 50!!! It's just another horizon mate. Embrace them all! Happy day!!!!
  17. Were you gone?? (Running like Hell and ducking behind Ransom....)
  18. That Cannibal Jack was none other than the Mate responsible for the entire event. (what a sweetie!) After we particiapted in a MAKE A WISH Event for a little mate who wanted to be Captin Jack, we became involved with CHOC in an on going basis shortly after he passed away at age 5. And we've been raising money ever with a yearly fund raiser. His Parents and siblings came out as well and are so thrilled that he, (our little captin as we still call him) has inspired those of us who work on the event, visit the hospital and contribute time and effort in the name of all the kids. Late Friday night, Anaheim officials came and told us that next year.... we get to block off the larger street and bring in even more booths. We are just thrilled and it's ALL because you pirates come out to participate and support the good efforts of yer fellow Scallywags. Thanks mates! From everyone!
  19. Hmmmmmmmm...... Isn't Disney a bit strict about licensing and whatnot? That's the Rumor.....
  20. Ahh mate... I was in demand,all over the place working out the details AND helping run the event so..... Sorry I was unable to stay put.... But I know you got yer pictures (Great!) and the eye (mine finally nestled in m'cleavage so I could keep an eye on everything... Post what pictures you have up at the CHOC event thread in RAIDS so that everyone can see the event AND your artestry! Well done mate, well done.... (Maybe we need on for Geoffrey??)
  21. CUT THROAT!!! Post yer pictures mate!!
  22. GO look under the RAID Forum. THere is an entire TOPIC on the CHOC event tomorow. Several actors from the POTC films will be there... and your's truely. BRING MY EYE!!! In fact I am leaving at 4pm to head on fdown there... See you all Monday!
  23. (sigh) I love it when Pirate act like a true crew and take care of their own. Well, even if she wasn't our own.... well done lads
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