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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. be-utiful... ....fabulous indeed... .....truly dangerous an a thing of envy...... wait.... ...what were we lookin at again???..... oh..... ....the swords nice too!!! Well..... They are both dangerous.
  2. Lars Lundegaard custom made my weaponry when I was a VERY busy fighter. (Sigh) Not so much now... but be that as it may... I'll try and get a few better shots of it this weekend along with more of my arsonal and more of his stunning work. He made a Rapier for me designed as a thorny rose vine with a hidden *S* in the hilt work. He was of the opinion that just because I was killing people I could STILL do it and look like a true Lady!
  3. Dazed from taking my heart pill without eating first.... (Bleech, I should not be here)
  4. Well now, tradition says that the last one in the door ( meaning the newbie ) buys the first round… Hand me off a Mai Tai lass and I’ll be happy to throw down the coin fer yer Mudslide… Welcome aboard (And yes, I remember ye)
  5. Please everyone... don't be hold'n yer collective breaths.... He has to play Tonto and the Mad Hatter first.
  6. Not the best picture of the hilt but if'n you look close you can see this be a sea dragon hilt with the cross guard being the beasts out streached neck. The pommel is it's claw that holds a lovely sea-blue Labrodorite spear. It was made org as a Schlager-style but can be rapier or smaller cutlass as well. The grip is custom fit to my grip. FAST and nasty! And here also be too old ones of mine... and... I'll get some pictures taken of my custom work from Lunndgaard Armoury and pist those as well.
  7. Cool (dum de dum dum) clear (dum de dum dum) Water..... Wa~~~~~ter!
  8. Well first of all is is not a Disney production. It is in the hands of Warner Brothers so blame them for any casting mis steps. Second, I doubt Bloom would ever even be in the running. His box office value has tanked. Hugh Jackman?? Hmmm.. maybe. Crow is too old and as for extra casting, I'm sure Warners will hit the reg extra casting offices so you may want to sign up with a few. If they have an open call like Disney did I'll have my friends over there let me know and I'll pass it along to you all
  9. oi steals the hat in the avatar...I have a hat fetish..shhhh!

  10. While not official to the whole wide world as of yet.... It is official at Warner Brothers. (and since I have no confideniality aggrement with THEM.. heh, heh, PIRATE!) There WILL be a re make of Errol Flynns *Captian Blood* on schedule for 2010. Start your casting guesses mates. At this point the seas are wide open as they have no one in mind.
  11. You're welcome in our Port mate... Now, is that *Tea* in your pocket or are you just... happy? *GOTTCHA* Welcome aboard lad, I'll have a Mai Tai
  12. WHA!!!!!! I wanna GO!!!
  13. Always good to see ye as well Lady.

  14. Ahoy Me Lovely bess..Hope all is well in the Disney waters..Ill call you soon..I think..*grins* Just so I can hear your message *laughs*

  15. Thanks Lass for propping me up and making me look good. Loove, Stynk

  16. Okay... I had a request to see not only the custom Bodhran but see it in action as well. Here be the Bodhran (those with you with the proper eye... can you see the water horse on the skin?) And here be it being played at Belmont Shores with m'self and me mates, the FABULOS Doxie Chicks! (that’s m’self behind the pole.) Ahhhh... Music!
  17. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was actually written in French The Squid however, I am told... spoke no French.
  18. Sweet boy! How many hands? And to have a rescue horse with ground manners?? Of course if he loves and trust you... ther eis nothing better. I had always wanted to get one of the retired draft horses from out at Disneyland when I retired. They are the ultimate in *bomb-proof* horse. They have to be! I most likely will not get one now but... I do love them. Go out to the Disney Ranch when I can to visit. You're little guy is AWESOME! More pictures please??
  19. True enough it was a WONDERFUL event. We had such fun singing and playing on the Bounty... They tell us they are going to use it for the soundtrck of a HISTORY CHANNEL show. Sweet!
  20. Well at least it's someone we trust at the Helm.... Well done Stynky!
  21. Welcome mate.... Yer.... not a Barber-Surgeon are you?? (And I'll be after having a Mai-Tai if'n you please)
  22. I think our stage is near to where you all will be encamped so I'm pretty sure we won't have any trouble finding ye lass!
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