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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. (shrug) Nothing to fret about... They are afraid to kick my butt. Been here too long and know TOO MUCH!
  2. Always happy to help a Sea Dog get new riggin'n....
  3. SWEET!! Some one will try and Pirate that off you, I'm certain!
  4. Getting ready to go home in about an hour ...
  5. Here is the link to the site.... http://www.cozycritter.com/ And the cost of course depends on the size of the dogs. Phoebe's rigg, both collar and harness (which was the *step in* model of harness which I HIGHLY recommend...) cost about $68.00 including the shipping. But then she's on the larger size. (She's my little *Dogzilla!) Smaller scally*wags* would be considerable less. Have fun shopping!
  6. (Ahem)... Shouldn't this be considered a Pirate *cannon* ball bag????
  7. The theme from Hamish MacBeth... Joyful Harp, whistles and the Bagpipes. Mmmmmm....... Here be a wee sample... http://www.televisiontunes.com/Hamish_Macbeth.html
  8. Not Sponge Bob (But what and AWESOME idea!).... This one is Sea Horses, star fish and the like. SHe is having one made as we speak out of this design... Full collar and a harness for those more *Piratey* events! What a puppy fashion plate!
  9. My whine? When I see a *seldom-poster* suddenly show up on a thread.... and knowing them as I do I know they are using the Pub for superfluous personal reasons.... and I know they are not being totally... honest.
  10. Bess give's Ransome the slightest of nudges. Aye, tis true... he's a lad of Salt and Sand and his fingers stroke only the long, tight, tension filled... oh wait, that was Jacky. Nay, Black Rory is an adventure loving mate who will do us credit wih his sweet song and attention to *detail* Have another drink lass?
  11. May the day be Grand lass And may ye have many more of them! (Oh wait.... you're 101) Okay, maybe *some*. May you have SOME more Berthdays!
  12. (chuckle) Welcome back Black Rory.... How that stringed lass does fit in yer arms. Well.... play man, play!!! (And you owe us all a drink by the way... new comers buy first round!) I'll be after having a Mai Tai if'n you'd be so kind.
  13. I get pretty good Mileage in my PT Crusier.... And most of the events I do are within a 300 mile radius. I'd say $10.00 fer me'self. When I tote Dogzilla though....
  14. Well.... at the very least it had dressing it.
  15. Although.... she DID take a poop right in front of the Team Disney Building. I had her Natures Miricle paper under her but still.... I wonder if anyone from the upper floors were watching (Everyone's a critic!) And before anyone else says it... let me. "Hey Phoebe! Nice A**!"
  16. Someone pointed out that they found it odd that she was smaller then a mouse. I pointed out that the mouse was standing on his wallet....
  17. It was sorta a Bring your kid to work day.... Out by the Laughing Rat Bush.... Every girl needs to use the Powder room..... It all started with a .... DOG!
  18. Yeah... I'm think'n he'd get a small kick out of it. His very own Brethren Piece of eight to have and to hold. (chuckle) Most likely his kid will get it
  19. Ahhh... 'tis a ship afire!! Oh no wait.... (snort) 'Tis just M'Lady's cake candles. Happy Berthday me Darlin girl!!!!! From Hector (with help from.....)
  20. I saw that last week.... It will not dissapoint!
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