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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Mmmm... loved this topic! Our ships name is.. "Granuaille's Revenge" Why you ask?? (chuckle) I've no idea other then she and I are, in some ways... very much alike.
  2. [ The only thing I’d somewhat grumble about is that Club 195 had non-pirate things booked right after the pirate activities. This meant that the pirate fun came to a rather abrupt end. Do you know if they have done that again this year? -Greydog I do not... but I can certainly find out lad! Certainly hope to see you again this year!
  3. Ahoy mates, Set yer charts and keep the date open! The annual *Pirates for CHOC* Event is scheduled for Friday, June 5th in Anaheim! Come out and shop the Vendors, bid on items at the Auction from Disneyland, POTC writers Ted and Terry, Ahmet Zappa, Haunted Mansion memorabilia, Disney Pins, meet and get autographs from many actors from POTC and more. Much, much more! The event will have longer hours this year so there is little excuse to not find a bit of time throughout the day and night to come out and support this very important event. This year the Hospital visit will be in the AM so we will have even more time to raise money during these longer hours for the event. The events Founder, creator, coordinator and driving force is of course our own Evan, Captain Jack extraordinaire and his delightful Miss Vivian. Evan, you and Miss Viv are amazing. : ) The CHOC Hospital visit will be in the AM this year, giving us even more time to raise money during the longer hours of the event. More time for Vendors too! Come and shop! Come and visit and come out to support the cause. You never know what treasure you may find… or what might find you! Club 195 is again the home port for this year’s Fundraiser: CLUB 195 195 West Center Street Promenade Anaheim, CA 92801 If you have items to donate for Auction, would like to be a vendor or have any other talent you would like to use to help raise money for this worthy cause please contact Evan at (714) 420-4963 It is all of you that make this work. It’s your generosity and skill and good natures that make it all possible. And the kids know it and so does the Hospital. More info when we have it… put the date aside and step out smartly over to Anaheim and join the fun! See you in Port!
  4. "There's no such thing as Fair when yer fight'n for your life!" Captain Red Ned Lynch
  5. Happy New Year's Bess..here's to a wonderful year!

  6. Peglegs and Pistols ART SHOW! Come aboard mates... Our very own Pepperbox Pete (Adam Ostegard of the Walt Disney Studios) along with a few of his more talented cronies (such as Joel Harlow from the POTC films) are having an Art Show this coming Saturday, December 6th. Fun for all and special Holiday Booty to be had! Thar be more detailed information to be had at: http://www.supapiratebootyhunt.com/blog/?p=104 Come out for a fun evening!
  7. I believe I've just been burned. Well done, because there's no excuse for that one on my part ROTDLMAO!!!! Tag! Yer it!
  8. As luck would have it, I ran into Lars this weekend at Faerie Con in Philly. We talked for quite some time about your swords. Seems you are one of his favorite customers. Well I do adore the boy and his amazing work! I've asked him about another custom hilt but I know he's not about the sword work at the moment.... He's just so darn GOOD at what he does!
  9. Your quite welcome Iron Bess. I hope it's not going to be a legal issue with them. I would hate for it to become so. I have no idea if the creator of the model has to have some kind of permission from Disney even if he is just giving it away. In case it ever does, I'll be filing a copy away in a safe place with the rest of my loot. No worries mate.... they just wrote it they do not own the copy rights to how things lok. That is ALL Disney and I am sure they are aware of this in one fom or another.
  10. Well, that is indeed the DOXIE CHICKS and I do play with them from time to time but not at this event. That wonderful drumming you hear on the vid is Myrna and she ROCKS that Bodhran let me tell you. You ought to hear our duets!
  11. [ I'm having difficulty with even "Blow the man down". Ooh.... I have trouble believing that.... (Ducking and running like Hell..)
  12. I agree that it has yet to be made... But for a pocorn Pirate flick I really enjoy *The Crimson Pirate* with Burt Lancaster. What fun!
  13. Holy Smokes! I'm sending this to Ted and Terry just for the fun of it! Thanks mate!
  14. (Hug) Oh GOODY!! You can have us all over for Tiki Drinks!!
  15. Good morning all, It's another year and once again Disneyland is sponsoring a 5k walk through the park to raise money for the Children's Hospital of Orange County. This is one of the many Charities I support through my roles here at Disney but none is closer to my heart. A few years ago some of the us *Disney Pirates* fulfilled a *Male A Wish* request and became the crew for a little 3 year old boy who wanted to be Captain Jack Sparrow and spend an afternoon aboard a tall ship out at sea. (Pix attached) Two years later he died... but we never forgot Johnny or his brave family and continue to this day to support CHOC Hospital in Little Johnny's memory through two wonderful events each year. This letter from his mother explains this Walk Event better then I can: Dear Family & Friends, We're at it once again, Johnny Pollitt's Parading Pirates will be taking part in this years 2008 CHOC Disneyland Walk in the Park. We were absolutely astonished by all of the love and support from last year's walk. When all was said and done, Johnny Pollitt's Parading Pirates was 75 strong and raised over $6,000 for Children's Hospital of Orange County... Way to go team! This is OUR Golden opportunity to HONOR Johnny's memory and help make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate CHILDREN. As a parent you NEVER want your child to take ill and have to be hospitalized, but if ever there were a place to be certain your child would be cared for beyond your expectations... it would be CHOC! While visiting Johnny over his 3 year stay, some of you may have witnessed; Dr. Armstrong playing the guitar for him on Christmas morning, or the entire team of Hematology doctors goofing around with him (pretending to be in a band), or any number of his amazing nurses tickling him and making him laugh & giggle till his belly ached, or child life specialists reading story after story to calm him before or after a procedure. The Pollitt Family will NEVER forget what the staff at CHOC did for our son and the countless times they brought a smile to his face and left an EVERLASTING MARK in our hearts! Should you be interested in taking part in such a wonderful cause (whether it be joining our team or sponsoring it), please follow the directions below. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on this special day! your friends, The Pollitt's jasmine james alyssa emma & our Heavenly Pirate JOHNNY team page is located at: http://www.chocForms.org/chocwalk/2008/Joh...arading_Pirates So, I am asking those of you who can to sponsor my Service dog Phoebe and I with a contribution, no matter how small, as we make the round again for this wonderful Charity. Even a smallest donation goes SO far in helping to care for and support these brave children and their families. If you would like to donate just send me your email address in a PM and I will send you the link to sponser Phoebe and I and Captain Johnny parading Pirates! Do it for your children that are healthy... so that they will never need our support, Thank you so much for anything that you can do, a small one time donation or even if it's signing up to come out and walk yourself or just coming down to watch us walk! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, it means so very much!
  16. Oh no, we LOVE the concertina in our singing group!... it sounds really pleaseing on most all of the hauling shanties. Squeeze away woman!
  17. No matter who is in it or how big the budget it will never be as good as the original. Re makes never are.
  18. As far as POTC 4... Aye... Depp has signed to do another POTC flick. Now it only remains to be seen if, after all, they make one. Despite the nay-Sayers among us who cast dispersions on my ability to know what is really going on within the context of my own job... I'll keep you updated when I hear anything. No rock tossing please?
  19. Ahhh... don't' cah love Tony?? He and his partner back then (having a senior moment) made me the most EXQUISIT three metal torque about 10 years ago... Cooper, Bronze and Sterling with sculpted sea dragon heads and with emerald eyes on both side. Truely a sight! Anyway, yeah, what else would you expect with Tim Burton Directing?
  20. Alice in Wonderland is being directed by Tim Burton.
  21. Oh, I treasure everything he's made me. AND I treasure Lars and his Wench as well. I need to find someone to leave my pretty's too though.... my kith and kin wuold just toss them when the time comes. I have a few Soul's in mind....
  22. Hey, I didn't cast him..... I just baby-sit him.
  23. Hmmm I would think all three...ahem... if used correctly could slay any man... (Chuckle) Most of the time I've only needed the two. I prefer a bloodless kill if I can at all help it.
  24. The Rum Runners social club and being denied entrance ( Don't worry, I pee'd on there camp fence at 3am ; ) ) Next time... aim for their Kegs.
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