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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. It's nice to once in awhile see all the good things we have to say about him backed up in print! http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?...=5186562&page=1
  2. Oh AYE!! You and I are of like mind about THAT RHJ!!!
  3. Got some new plunder! Well, I will when they finish with some customizing. A new bracelet for the everyday Pirate in me! They are adding dark, sea-blue labradorite cabs into the eyes and a single black pearl into the embrace of one of the arms. I am RIGHT happy with this plunder! (and it feels heavy enough to kill someone if you swatted them with it in a pub brawl!
  4. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25145600/
  5. What is the cost of producing them?? Let's start there mate. : )
  6. SWEET!!!!! Well done yourself, well done!
  7. A really wonderful free event right on the sands of beautiful Belmont shores! http://www.belmontpier.com/pierdaze.html Just a few days away! Come down and see us, Pirate with us and plunder teh Pier with us. Lot's of Music too in the encampments and on the pier
  8. In some ways though it may be of a help to local Faires. Folks that would have been ordinarily away on vacation or on weekend trips that stay home may come out to local events. They may opt to do things just a few cities away rather then miles away. We’ll see what happens with Belmont Shores. We had a huge crowd last year and the outlook is VERY good for this year.
  9. Well... a hug is a begining. I know JUST what you mean however. If you wanna talk just PM.... I'll be off line until tomorrow morning though. Back to the Dr's fer me, Yo Ho!
  10. Hamish.... Grand name. Blessing on the lot of ye!
  11. (Bump)... Encampment site being staked out as we speak.... 23 days and counting. (where is Petee when you need him???)
  12. Happy Birthday Shipmate.... Hope the day was all you wished for
  13. OMG... those are SO awesome! How lucky to be part of all that....
  14. I adore things like this..... http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=4955954
  15. Oooh..... it's not even an original idea! I got a Ghost in a Bottle as a gift back in the 70's and it was far better in regards to look, concept and marketing.
  16. No Boo Hoo-ing.... it's of no help anyway. However a pat on the back and a *atta girl* is called for. Shall I talk with a Disney Designer I know? He's awful good at t-shirts.... Let me know.
  17. Forgot what I was going to say..... Must be having a senior moment.
  18. Yeah... my guess is it was the hat!! Well done yer'self.....
  19. Must have been the hat...... Congrats mate!
  20. I saw it at a screening a few weeks back... I think it's a great Summer popcorn flick. If you want deep and meaningful don't look here but if you want total and familier fun, then I thought it delivered. Indy and Marion are SOooooo funny! They never miss a beat!
  21. Santa Cruz Pirates keep a weather eye!! There is a brush fire in the Santa Cruz Area / South Bay where I know so many of our pirates friends are involved. (RHJ??? Have you heard anything?) Keep us updated as you can on how you are?? We worry!
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