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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Candles lit and we'll have her in our healing circle this weeks end....
  2. Don't hold your collective breaths... Not impossible... but not likely at this stage anyway. And right now Geoffrey is not interested.
  3. Yeah... it's not like she isn't loved or anything.
  4. Hmmm... dunno but maybe I can find out fer ye.
  5. NAY!! She LOVES to pose (she's a born ham...) Gets it from her Uncle Jacky-Tar I think.
  6. 15 years of Junk.... but it does help when it's really stressful. Which us most of the time now. And I am officialy on the Studio Tour now. Oy!
  7. What a silly question... They dust themselevs at night... when there ain't no one look'n!!
  8. Lordy.... how did I miss this?? This is what comes of having no computer at home for the time being. My regrets Capt... 'an even though it be tardy, I hope it was merry and filled with delights! Many more to you, says I!
  9. Oh she loves her trainer... I hope to be able to take her back to Disneyland soon. (Yep... Barnacle Phoebe has her own Disney ID and can go to the park. AND on the rides! (Selective of course....) That's walk to weight off her.
  10. No insult taken Ransom... Her Mom's health is not as it should be so her activities have been cut back a little. And really, it's the way she's sitting and the picture angle. She starts a new regeme with a trainer next month though... She'll be fit as a fiddle in no time. Lucky girl.
  11. Avast mates... Barnacle Phoebe sends her Holiday greetings and hope for cheer to all her favorite Pirates! GACK! The Cat said those were JELLY BEANS! Yo Ho Ho and a basket of.... eggs?? No, wait, THATS not how it goes! And I am NOT FAT! It's the way I am sitting.... Opps! Oh Damn....
  12. They did have a BP on a barge. Only parts of that remain. They also have a fully built, sailable BP that was fashioned around the hull of another ship. Fully functional with both sail and motor. It cost a fourtune, is really quite lovely aboard and below desks and Disney never throws good money after bad so yes, they still have it and use it for Charity events. The ship sails only when required now to keep it in good shape for.... whatever happens in the future so your both right.
  13. Happy Berth-Day to you lass and Many, MANY more!!
  14. Keeps people busy in the meantime I suppose...
  15. Yeah... you GOTTA love 'em. :angry:
  16. No one knows what the plot is going to be.... it's not been written yet. IF... it's ever going to be written. Folks tend to post the things they hope for and want to see as the ideas of others. They guys finished National Treasure Two and are working on something else just now. Nothing to do with Pirates (Get a'long little doggies!)
  17. Yes, I'm the proud parent. 2 and a half yr old GSD and that tongue is as deadly as any cutlass... (Why, I've seen her kiss faces right off!) And she's quite the Pirate pup into the bargan as well... Your new Phoebe is lucky to have found such a good home. They seem to know and I'm sure you'll never regret it.
  18. Oh yeah.... I saw detailed pictures of this in Marketing. It's not ours but they need the OK from them. It's SWEET!
  19. C'mon.. you KNOW she's cute! (even without the Pirate scarf and ear ring...) Please go to the Humane Socity and Vote for Phoebe : ) http://www.spaydayusa.org/bin/Rate?image_id=1003128654 She promises to keep the decks clean if you do!
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