I'll be postin' me pics as soon as I can....Hey Stynky, I may need some help again. I think this was the biggest pirate meetup for MD Renfest yet. Hey Wil luv, next time ya needs some garb.
It was great seein' everyone that I had not met yet, Madam Macaw, Crimson, Firethorn, Chaos, Blenderwench. It was also great seeing those I haven't seen for a while like Hawkyns, Stynky, Pyrate Molly, Flint 'n Katie 'n crew. Next year SeaLegs an' I have a mind to keep all the bilgerats home and just she and I attend....without Crispy knowing......Oh the trouble we can get into then!
Back at Flints' it was good to just sit down and wind down. Mayhaps we should not wait so long to get together.