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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Firethorn, may I say that you look very dashing? Oh, my!!!!
  2. I gave it a second thought. She must be a serious costumer and has re-created the outfit for competition. The costumers I know that compete usually have that type of information to back up the workmanship done on their outfit for re-creation. I am still impressed!
  3. Wow! I'm impressed with the description! She must have watched all of those scenes on pause and then slowly advancing to the next frame many times over.
  4. Flinty luv, count us in as well. Not sure whar thar be a place with the right atmosphere where we can bring our own food as well. Just about any place we go there will be a cost for use and there would also be decorations, if needed. I do have two, count 'em, two skeletons dressed as pirates.....right now they are sitting on me porch on a coffin. Anyone can come by and see.... Stynky, I dona think there would be a problem with you coming too. Flinty, iffen ya needs help, give me a holler...
  5. Who has pictures of the group together that was taken Saturday afternoon? I know I didn't get chance to get my camera over to whomever was taking the pictures.
  6. I'll be postin' me pics as soon as I can....Hey Stynky, I may need some help again. I think this was the biggest pirate meetup for MD Renfest yet. Hey Wil luv, next time ya needs some garb. It was great seein' everyone that I had not met yet, Madam Macaw, Crimson, Firethorn, Chaos, Blenderwench. It was also great seeing those I haven't seen for a while like Hawkyns, Stynky, Pyrate Molly, Flint 'n Katie 'n crew. Next year SeaLegs an' I have a mind to keep all the bilgerats home and just she and I attend....without Crispy knowing......Oh the trouble we can get into then! Back at Flints' it was good to just sit down and wind down. Mayhaps we should not wait so long to get together.
  7. Flinty luv, we are gonna try to make it to your place.....even for a little while.
  8. So it looks that I may be meetin ye Wil??? I'll be on me best behavior....
  9. Um, Stynky, SeaLegs Constance's Pirate Sis is me. Yes, she really is my sister, but you'll not see any resemblance. I think it had something to do with the milkman...... We will also have pins, SeaLegs has them.
  10. Looks like we won't be gettin' there until noonish. Our bilgerat has soccer practice at 10. Me mate 'n I will be goin' to 'is practice dressed in garb an will change him once we get in the van. We will still be wearin our "green".
  11. Geez Zorg, that explains why I haven't heard from ya. If there is anything we can do, just let us know. Hope all is going well in the healing area and hope to see ya soon.
  12. Hmmm, I dated a guy that was 6'2". I was better to stand on a step and kiss him. O'couse me hubby is in a wheelchair. When I was thinner, I used to sit on his lap facing him to kiss and whatnot......
  13. 11 sounds good to me. Almost in time for lunch!!! An' wot is lunch without a couple o' drinks..... Stynky luv, you don' need no stinkin green, we'll know your mug anywhars. I just hope ya gets thar in better time than last year. Scupper, twill be good t' see ya iffen ye makes it.
  14. Stynky, Gute Morgan will be there too. I did pick up some lovely lime green light weight corduroy and cut about 12 strips for arm sashes. I will see that a bunch o' people gets them.
  15. Aaaaaawwwwwwwwww!!! Congrats t' you an' yours Capt.
  16. Stynky, can't wait to you and yours either!
  17. Flinty me luv, we should be outside the gates before 10am. Hopefully between 9:30 and 9:45. Just look for Crispy Dick 'n his wheeled chair. SeaLegs 'n her bilge rats o' 3 (iffen anyone don't get sick) will be with us. As SeaLegs has told you, we will see how th' younger crew fairs after such a long day....and iffen you all decide to leave early. I will check our past correspondences to see if I still have yer directions. I look forward to see you all, as well as the new addition!
  18. *peers in* I wonder if the coase is clear....
  19. Bee-u-ti-ful job!!
  20. Happy b-lated berfday blenderwench!!! Hope it was grand!!!
  21. 'appy b-lated crimson. Where 'ave I been???
  22. Cap'n Luv, arrrr there any pics???
  23. damn, missed again.
  24. *sigh* I better head for the showers...cold at that....
  25. Thanks fer postin' th' list blenderwench. Ya do deserve an ale after that! I supposin' I should buy you one at the White Hart after askin the momentous job o' the list.
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