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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Ok, next year I put up a small pyrate tree.
  2. I'm the one that gets to teach the 14 yr old boy to sew...I just have to keep him focused (ADHD) and not lose my patience. Me thinks we will start with the pants first since sleeves an shirts are a bit tricky. Luckily I have two sewing machines. I'll let him use my older one (a Brother). It would have to be a time with no one else around to distract like his siblings or cousin. We will see.
  3. SeaLegs and I are looking to start a local group in the Maryland area. Pub crawls and mass drinking are not our thing since most of the time we have our powder monkeys and cabin boys with us. This also means that it would be family oriented. Want to get together sharing ideas on outfitting (sewing both fantasy and authentic), props and music. Also want to go as a group to various local events. Send me a PM if interested.
  4. I won't get mine until Dec. 25 ....me mate knows wots to get me!
  5. Too bad they don't allow it. I know back a few years when Kings Dominion had the Traveling Display for Star Trek they did allow those that dressed as Klingons and such. To distinguish those that worked for Kings Dominion and guests, the guests had to wear a big badge that stated "GUEST". There were guests that looked a lot better than those working at the park. Our group of Klingons looked better than the workers. In talking with those workers, they were only out in the heat for 15-20 minutes and rested for about 45 minutes. The workers were amazed at our outfits, makeup and stamina. Oh well, go figure.
  6. I can think of other things to spend $175 on, like a nice new shiny cutlass...or maybe a coat.
  7. I got my ring! Thought it cool enough to wear to Piratz Tavern for our anniversary (October 21). My son was bummed that I got something and he didn't (like he never gets anything!). Keep up the great work!
  8. Twill never fit me either. Rumba, mayhaps there a great need of clothing for us more voluptuous females and and stoutier males. Hmmm
  9. I got mine Thursday! Good to see a good picture of Duncan Mcgyver and an inset of Crimson Corsair! Huzzah!
  10. I.....um.......er......didn't....need......to....see...that....
  11. I understand Patrick. Once while having gone to great lengths to have makeup on an such, I lost to someone who was wrapped in aluminum foil. Another time a bunch of us were dressed as Klingons before Klingons were popular and went to a bar in Annapolis for a contest. There were several really good costumes, but the winner was a bar regular dressed as Vincent (Beauty and the Beast, popular at that time) with a mask. We felt that the guy who was dressed as a witch (towering at least 7' with his real head in the witches cauldren) should have gotten first place. We now tend to steer away from any of those kinds of competitions. We won't even take our son to any of the "Mall" Halloween contests or any Renfaire competitions. My son knows whatever costume that I make for him is a good costume. This past February he wanted to compete in Masquerade at FarPoint using a store bought costume. I told him that competing with a store bought costume is just not fair to the others that made their own costumes. He understood what I told him. That was when we made the deal to make something for ShoreLeave. At that time he had not competed for a whole year since I was making some props for our yard haunt. Yeah, I flunked Home Ec sewing in school but at least I persisted in learning on my own to create some great stuff. captjack, twas a bit of hot glue that went into this costume. The gimp around the gold buttons (two large, 4 small), the large pin on his shoulder (several layers of craft foam, some wire to bend, the raised areas on it) and the pin on his left arm. Hot glue is your friend!
  12. Sorry, luv - I don't have time to pose. Well......um.......er.....think mayhaps ye can make some time????
  13. Watched it last year and have been watching it this time around. I think it is going to come down to Defuser or Parthenon. Hyperstrike is more sidekick material and Hygenia has not shown leadership.
  14. His cousins want to be "Kilik" and "Raphael" from Soul Caliber II. They were hoping to have the costumes by Halloween, but I told them I sorely needed a big break. Hopefully they won't be as labor intensive.....
  15. Thanks BriarRose. He is seven and the picture was just taken in July. I thought the same when I first saw it on the computer. I know I will have my hands full with girls once he gets older.
  16. Thanks all! Tis ok Capt. Grey. Those are well done. It all helps when they actually become the character, and a lot of kids miss that point. Of course, Duncan has been on stage since he was a couple of months old. (I dressed as a Klingon and he with "ridges" made out of makeup. I sang "Sesame Street" in Klingon to him while holding an Ernie puppet.) His cousins now want to do two more characters from the same video game.....I better get started. This convention I am shooting for is in February.
  17. This is my most favorite picture of my son. What innocence showing in that face.
  18. After 12 years of costuming, I finally received my first "Best Workmanship" award at ShoreLeave this past July. It actually was a shared title with a guy who did Jack Sparrow. Believe you me that I was quite shocked when my name was called. My son wanted to be a character from one of his video games (he is 7 yrs old) and I told him ok. The Character he wanted to be was "Yunsung" from Soul Caliber II. I started in February and worked most weekends right on up to July 10. I don't know how many times I looked at the 360 degrees in the video game. Here are some pictures: Yunsung on wall Yunsung - front view I have only received two other awards for workmanship in the past 12 years. The first was "Best Makeup" for a Cardassian - the first to appear at ShoreLeave and the other was for "Most Original" for "Loathsome Things", another costume I made for my son. The hair is his (red hair cement), but he just makes the character. I am not sure how I am going to top this one.
  19. There needs to be a Hot Pirate Men Calendar for the ladies.....
  20. Wot a swelterin' day wuz Saturday! Me sis an' I tooks the bilge rats n' powder monkeys up to PA, howevers we wuz incognito for various reasons. We did meet Pyrate Phil, which wuz a great pleasure. He did get a picture of he an' I together even tho I din' look me best. Me thinks by this point I wuz just about melted. I know we did go to see the hynotist show, but I don't remember a thing about it 'cept me son wuz very upset afterwards. At 7 years old, he din' understand wot wuz going on with mom.....I however were more relaxed afterwarrds than I wuz before. (An' believe you me that I wuz ready to tar the whole lot of em on the way up!) Me sis sais that she wished she had a video camera. Ah well, sorry iffen we missed anyone.
  21. Me sis an I 'll be thar along with our powder monkeys an bilge rats. We promised they could come along this time around.
  22. Video comes from "Lazy Town" and is shown on Nickjr. I enjoyed the POTC VS. LAZYTOWN MASHUP.
  23. Can't say I remember the song....but I might when I hears it! Of course who can't forget Lucky Man?
  24. It brings a tear to me eye, it does.
  25. Rogue, sorry we missed ya. We left around 2:45pm as the powder monkeys were getting restess. We were waiting for the Treasure Hunt, however no one told us if it were moved or not. (It was supposed to happen at 2:30). We were there early and it were a long day for them. There is always the next event.....
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