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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. So's maybe I has seen ya an dinna knowd it....
  2. Cheryl watched the Captain pass by as she took another cloth from the pail of cool water and wrung the excess water from it. She then took the present warm cloth from Diego's forehead and replaced it with the one she had just prepared. The warm cloth goes back into the pail As she sits back, Diego starts muttering the strange words in his sleep again. Straightening back up, she leans over to stroke his hair. She then starts humming softly a long forgotten tune from her childhood. After a few rounds of the tune, Diego quiets down. She smiles and sits back again, listening to the gentle snoring of Ciaren.
  3. Knowing that the Captain, a doctor and Cairan were all in Diego's cabin, she knocked softly on the door. Beggin your pardon Cap'n, I have come to help out whar I can. I 'ave brought some more cool water for 'is fevered brow. I have come to relieve those that are in need of rest...namely you, Mr. Cairan..and afore enny protests can be made, I promise that I will send word post haste iffen thar is enny changes. 'ow can a ship be run iffen the crew is tired? Mr. Cairen I unnerstan' yer concerns, however we donna need you t' be gettin ill by wearin yerself down too. Watch o're the padre can be shared, ain't that right Cap'n? Wot say you Cap'n?
  4. Mr. Lasseter, me name is Mad Woman Cheryl, you can just call me Mad Cheryl. I knows this is a busy time but I wuz told to give you a list o me effects. Here it be. Personal knife eating knife 2 flintlocks, powder and shot baldric 2 cutlasses small dagger (from cleavage) small dagger from hat band flogger pair o' throwing knives from boots Iffen ye donna mind, I be keepin' me personal knife an eatin knife. Now, just point me to me next job.
  5. Fair winds luv!!! Hope's t' see ya here on the East Coast in 2006!!!
  6. *to Diego* Beggin' yer pardon sirs, but this note wuz delivered to me an' I just now came straight away. It said for me t' be here at this ship, so's 'ere I am. Jus' tells me whar t' go an' wot to do. Me name's Mad Woman Cheryl. I be a fast learner an can sings some too.
  7. A fashion show??????? Is this a fashion show for the latest in Pirate Wear???? What is a fashion show doing at an attack??? Hmmmmm
  8. Bugger!!! The closest city is Atlanta.....a long ways from Baltimore...
  9. Pictures Christine.....Pictures, iffen you please.
  10. Let's not forget our Pyracy Pub Pins....
  11. Let's see, I've met in person: Capt. Flint and 'is loverly mate Stynky Tudor Pirate Molly Zorg Paisley Duncan MacGuyver an a bunch o' the Juryrig crew Madam McCaw Indigo Jack Blenderwench Crimson Corsair Gute Morgan (brought 'em here I did) Spoons Hawkyns SeaLegs Constance (she be me sister, brought 'er 'ere too I did) Can't forget Firethorn! Me thinks that's all so far. I be hopin' t' meet a more at PARF and MDRF. At least at Maryland this year, it will be just SeaLegs and meself...so look out!!!!
  12. Thanks Cairan. The axe is made from a shoulder blade and a thigh bone. Actually my son is a little charmer. Blonde hair and blue eyes, cute as the dickens.
  13. great pic, mwc. you coming up for pyrate weekend at parf? got a good one for you - i didn't even noticed your mate's chair til kendra mentioned it. my late husband was a paraplegic and the last thing i notice is wheelchairs. my own powdermonkeys are rennies. I didn't mean anything bad by it of course, its just that when you have been in one for as long as I have, they start to take on the image of a car. . .I mean, You see if they have better wheels then you, or you look at the rad paint job. . .well maybe its just me. Lady Snow, yes I an me sis will be at PARF but not me mate. He has something else to go to and we are leaving it up to our powdermonkey as to where he wants to go. Me sis's powdermonkeys will be with us tho. Maybe we can sells 'em to the gypsies.... Kendra, me mate has been in the chair since he was 15 (now 47). I am really glad that the Quickie Ultralite is not too heavy or else we would outfit the van with a lift. He does get in and out of the chair to drive his Neon or the Minivan since both are equipped with hand controls. He is a lower level paraplegic, so the no feeling line is about mid-thigh. We met in 1991 and got married in 1995. By the way, his boots are from Sandler's.
  14. Here is one of me son from FarPoint in February. He was an Orc Warrior. Not the LOTR brand, but the D&D kind. We made the axe too. The outfit was all suede and fur with metal mesh on the mask. He took first place in the Young Fan Division and also got a medal for First workmanship since he helped with some of the sewing.
  15. 'ere is a pic o' me an' me mate Crispy. Our bilgerat is the little blonde guy. These were taken at the Virginia RenFest. I also have a great one of Gute!
  16. Ok, so here goes.... Did this for about 10 years....
  17. What's a vacation????
  18. Rats! I'm not able to post pics.....
  19. I have some lutino cockatiel feathers.....
  20. Flinty, luv, tis almost June an she be bustin' out all over.....Do we have a date yet?
  21. Drat and double drat!!!!!
  22. I will have to get the set and save it for Father's Day for me mate.
  23. Sultry Sirens of Sin have their own stage I do believe. I think it may be a bit early for a schedule. They may have just decided on songs and started rehearsing the routines.....
  24. Firethorn luv, donna feel bad. I also have to bow out o' this event this year. We just got a new DVD PLAYER with a Grand Caravan SXT attached to it.....along with the payments. The results from which we wuz rammed in our hind quarters by a SUV while in the middle lane of the highway traveling at 55 mph on a Saturday afternoon. Twas worse on the passenger side than the drivers. I have Physical Therepy to go to for a couple o' weeks. Seems our trips this year will be day ones......
  25. That's wot big sis's arrrr for....
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