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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Yes, I did receive an email even though I didn’t see it until two days later. I was very happy to see it to reconnect!
  2. Mad Woman Cheryl reporting here! Sorry, we dropped the landline a couple of years back, but I was excited to get an email from Stynky!!!!! Stynky, drop me a regular email and I will give you my phone number.
  3. Sterling, to add more torture to them both, place a bottle of mead just out of their reach. Don't forget feet as well as hands. And make sure they don't have anything on them they can bribe anyone with, not even the snotties. Animal Don't forget a couple of well endowed females.......
  4. I've got our hats done and replaced the buttons on the tails coat for my sister (SeaLegs Constance). We are proprieters (sp??) of "Himmelhavers' House of Oddities" (a freak show), I am Countess Wilomina Whitesmith. I am currently looking for a decent coat in my size but just may have to find the right pattern to make it. The bad thing about going to a thrift store, you can't find large sizes.
  5. I am starting to work on outfits now. As SeaLegs said, hats are done and will post pics as soon as I can.
  6. Event coming up!!!! "Alien Gaslight Shindig". When: Friday, July 10, 2009 at 7pm. Where: ShoreLeave Convention at Marriotts Hunt Valley Inn in Hunt Valley, MD. Will be a Costume Dance (Ball sounds too formal) to get Steampunk, Brown Coats and Aliens together (takes the place of the Klingon Feast). Cost is pending right now. Are really trying to make this affordable to everyone, trying for $10-$15. Will have DJ and will have finger foods. I will post any updates as they happen. Both SeaLegs and I will be there!
  7. I am finally catching up on threads (change of email and nasty computer virus). I think that John Barrowman (Capt. Jack Harkness from Torchwood and Dr. Who) would make a great Peter Blood. Not many know of him unless you watch Dr. Who or Torchwood.
  8. I agree with Rumba Rue. The guys on Ghost Adventures talk a big story but is usually too hokey with the big build up. I also quit watching that. I do watch Ghost Hunters and like that they do try to debunk. I also watch Most Haunted when on . As for haunted ships, here in Baltimore we have the Constellation. It is said that it too is haunted, as well as Fort McHenry. I wouldn't mind investigating either if I had the chance.
  9. 'appy be-lated berfday luv. Am waylayed by one o' those viruses on me puter...am currently sharing hubby's....'ave a late drink on me.
  10. 'appy beeee-lated beerfday luv! Sorry I didn't wish it sooner....puter problems. Hope u 'ad a great day!!!
  11. Thanks for all yer wunderful wishes. I did have a fine day. I have not been on because my computer caught a nasty and is very sick (am using me hubby's right now). Will be back soon....after we delete everything on computer and re-install.....sigh.
  12. Blasted, late again! 'ope yer day was great.
  13. Congrats! So, when's th' 'ousewarmin?
  14. Welcome, I'll 'ave Parrot Bay!
  15. Welcome back! Let's 'ave another round!
  16. 'appy berfday! 'ave another round!
  17. Ahh fall! I love Halloween and spend a weekend with several others (including SeaLegs) setting up Himmelhaver Haunting Grounds. Stays up for over a month it does! Hates the rain today I does.
  18. Sorry Rogue, SeaLegs and I are not able to make this one either this year. My hubby just finally got a new job (let go from Comcast in May) and they are taking double for medical, so $$ is problem. Good Luck, you should do fine!
  19. Not able to make it this year. Tis time to start turning the yard into the haunting grounds, even between the drops. Mayhaps next year.
  20. Mad Woman Cheryl


    Pyrate family and friends
  21. Yes, I am MAD....Glad to see ya getting around to something we talked about earlier on the phone. It has been too long!

  22. That's cool. I want to get my kids into it too. I think they'll be ready in a couple years. When I first started playing back in the mid-70s my group included two 9 year olds and a 7 year old. The 7 year old was a little on the young side, as I recall, but the 9s did a great job. Yep, 4th edition. Having tried each, I think I like this version more than any previous version except the first. They've changed quite a bit to make things easy, but in so doing they haven't dumbed it down, just made the way the system works more logical. Previous versions were rules heavy. This version seems light, but that is because more things make sense. Rules are good. Fewer exceptions to those rules is very good. Son has been getting into the Warhammer 40000. Has a bunch o' miniatures, likes the Blood Angels he does. I think it has to do with the word "blood". I do think that maybe in about a year or two he should be ready for D+D. He could prove me wrong though.
  23. Somebody mention drink? Welcome Mistah Gray, I'll drinks wif you...care to fill up me tankard? Sit a spell and tell us a yarn or two about y'self.
  24. *reaches up and grabs Rynn by the ear and starts walking* See wot 'appens when ya gives me ideas, geez! Luvs ya too Lil' brother. Don't forget t' introduce y'self...an' o'course buy a round of drinks for the pub!
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