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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. I needs t' see the $$$ situation afore it gets here.
  2. Gute, you knowd I be thar!
  3. We are still waiting for the Deadeye ship to come into TRU. A little boy is going to be disappointed if Santa does not bring it......We do have the raincheck for it......
  4. Rumba, no need to shove the hair under a wig or headpiece. I used my own hair, whether it was long or short. I was a red haired Klingon before they even showed one on TV. Our group was always watched very closely....
  5. Wasn't Michael Crawford in "Hello Dolly" with Barbara Striesand???? A very YOUNG Michael Crawford........
  6. Caaabinnn feeeeverrr......yah!
  7. Kass, I thought ye looked familiar during the "fashion show" but i couldn't put the name to the face. Me sis agreed. Congrats on winning First Place!
  8. I'm aimin to get ther afor openin at 10. We have no kiddies or mates to be haulin around this year....just me sis an me......on the loose.......
  9. Stynky, wot time is you gettin' there?
  10. Hey Paisley!!!! We miss you!!!!
  12. I'll make sure I gots me camera.
  13. Hmmm....she didn't pass the information on.......I will have to deal with her later
  14. Me sis an I stayed for the finale...it was great.
  15. Porn Star Name: Sweetie Norgran Romance author: Ann Wendover Pirate Name: Sand Back Ann I am still working on Lady SeaHawks.....It's way too bloody early in the morning.
  16. Gladly lass. Hmmm...Rogue has her net, SeaLegs has her whip and flogger, I got's me flintlock, cutlass an shackles...
  17. No problem. It's a great picture.
  18. Our Wal-Marts won't put anything related to Halloween till Mid-Sept, after the back-to-school bit.
  19. Ok, it's taken me a week but 'ere is a picture o' me, me sis, and Rogue Mermaid. Would anyone like to go into the Dungeon behind us????
  20. Ok, we went. Wasn't too bad before the clouds cleared up an the sun shone brightly. It was sweltering an' I couldn't find a where I could get wet, 'cept the mistin' bridge. Met up with Rogue Mermaid....Please send picture when you can! SeaLegs finally bought a cutlass!!!! But I think she might start taking lessons from Don Juan and Miguel for her whip! I'm thinkin' o runnin away from home an' joinin' the Rakish Rogues, or even the Sultry Sirens of Sin.... Next time, no powder monkeys or bilge rats with us....
  21. Rumba, it is true. Someone I work with was there. It was the girl's fault that she was walking alone from the "rowdy" area to the other area. From what my coworker tells me, the girl is now in a coma.
  22. Rogue, just remember me picture from me avatar....yes that is really me. Just look for two pirate women with 4 children with them (three boys and a girl.). Not sure if the kiddos are dressing...but look for our pyracy pins on our hats.
  23. Ah, sounds like a sound boat luv. Sept. 17 will see some o us at an Enoch Pratt Library in Hampton promoting "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (the library is closed on that Monday and Tuesday evenin' is not good for school kids.). As for MD Renfair......let's just say that me sis an' I will 'ave no bilgerats with us......but I am bringin' a gal from work and possibly another gal.....IT'S GIRL'S DAY OUT!!!!! Look out!!!!! Female pirates on the loose!!!!
  24. I will miss you Firethorn!
  25. It's for Pirate weekend silly at the White Hart Tavern. Was it around one or earlier???? Wasn't like 11 or so and everyone wandered in and out all day?
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