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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Cheryl - what are ya MAD??? Oh yah that's right - you are. Thanks darlin' for the support. Hope all is well with you - tis been too long.

  2. Wow! 4th edition.....The last time I played was 9 years ago before my son was born. Have been thinking about when to start up again and include him....
  3. I also like the bigger space. At least now iffen someone posts a picture in the space, you won't have to scroll over to see all of the picture. Glad to see some decorations going up as well as recognizable buttons. It's still a diamond in the rough an I can't wait t' see the finish.
  4. Welcome Tomas! Is there any Sangria left?
  5. Huzzah Stynky!!! Drinks are on me, iffen ya can get the shot out o' me cleavage! Course, the fun is in trying!!!! A keg o' rum fir Stynky says I.
  6. Hope your B-day was a great day!
  7. Happy B-lated b-day luv!
  8. Found it at Giant here in Maryland. Not bad stuff.
  9. Me thinks that this is the ONLY Gene Kelly movie where you actually see him wearing shorts. Tis one of my favorite old movies though!
  10. That was this weekend???
  11. I wuz playing for a good while but since my computer went kaput, I have not attempted to go back in again.
  12. Wished ya a great day on the day!!!! You wuz here at me dwelling. I hopes the day was great for the remainder. Drinks all around !!!!
  13. Here is where haunters get theirs. I got 2 of them quite a few years ago. While they are not perfect, they are great for show. They do weigh approx. 60 lbs each. If you are in a "haunters group" and go to a "gathering" of sorts you may get a great deal on them. Boneyard Buckeys
  14. Rogue, that would be awesome! We haven't seen you for so long!
  15. Bess, I gots it fer Christmas. I just love it!
  16. A friend of mine brought over his copy cuz there is a 14-day trial for a friend. He knows I likes pirates. My hubby plays WOW and DOD. We are currently sharing one computer till we can gets another. I hope to try out the game soon.....My friend is in Rackham sector. Said Blackbeard is too popular.
  17. I am thinking of going and will talk to SeaLegs. Had some fun last year during the day with the bilgerats. Can I suggest something. Last year we waited around for the treasure hunt for the kids. It seems that it was to go off a 3pm if I remember right. At this time a group started singing and then no one knew when the hunt was going to begin. We were there early with the kids. By this time they were getting bored......we left without doing the treasure hunt for the kids. Can this hunt be earlier than 3pm???? Ok, I will get off my soapbox for now. Rogue, hope to see you there! Sorry we can't hang around for the evening festivities.
  18. I'll add mine since the name is different than here. My Space is here....
  19. I work for a fabric company that has muslins and such. We always have seconds for a cheaper price which would be perfect for a worn or weathered look.....we also have osnaburg which I believe is also period. I know James Townsend gets their osnaburg from us.
  20. Great work michaelsbagley! I am still working on gatherin info to change me outfit. I wuz wanting to get some opinions. Does anyone think it a good idea for makin and sellin "plus size" pirate shirts? These wouldn't be crisp and clean, more like working with cottons that are not 1st quality and weathered.
  21. Welcome aboard Black Anne. Tis good to see a new face.
  22. I also have been dabbling with live365 and do not have a membership. Yes, the commercials are annoying but have also found if you listen to it long enough in a day, the program repeats itself. I only listen when I am working on a project (i.e. sewing or prop). Haven't been able to do that lately since my computer is kaput and have been using hubby's. With the holidays, not much creatin' has been done since Halloween. Hopefully I will be able to start soon.
  23. Welcome back Jack!
  24. Welcome aboard Wayland....arrrr ya buying a round?
  25. Royaliste, that sounds great! Let us know when you'll be heading up the Chesapeake so's we can make plans to meet (after all this time). I,m in Baltimore but can drive to Annapolis. I sure would love to see me namesake in person. Hope to talk to ya soon!
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