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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Is anyone going to be there during the day???
  2. Do you have to register for the day???? Wot about the kiddies???
  3. Drat! I don't watch the show .....I guess it's You Tube fer me.
  4. Sis-tore....ok, so's I donna wish you a 'appy B-day to ya here. You knows I wished it to ya in person-like.
  5. Good t'hear the engine is now running Capt'n Gary. Let us know if you needs enything.
  6. Pants for me. I tried the skirt thing....gets in the way. Pants are better.
  7. Twas good to finally meet Capt. Sterling and Kass. Rogue, sorry we missed ye. Ye may ha' seen SeaLeg and meself an' not knowd it. Neither one o' us had our hats you see, and we tooks a bunch o folks by surprise. We wuz both wearin a scarf. SeaLegs wore a red scarf and I wore one that was various shades o orange (and it covered most o me hair!). Also, I dinna have me spectacles on. Twas also good to see Blenderwench an her wee one! He sure is a cutie! Ah well, mayhaps we be better organized the next time.
  8. We can try to have a group meet-up this year. grumble, grumble, grumble...the only problem with pirates is that they don't go by any schedules...grumble, grumble Oh well, at least we have some time to plan. Who is game???
  9. And are certain things going to be tucked or free to the wind???.....Well at least we will be able to tell the men from the boys!!!! Now, just where is that camera and measuring tape.....
  10. Sis, ye better watch yer back or you'll be seeing Davy Jones sooner than you think. I just may have a place marked out for ye out in the graveyard....... Capt. Sterling, twill be good to meet you. Rogue, twill be good to see you again.....at least this time we will not have to keep an eye on our powder monkeys Gute, BlackJohn, Kass, Major Chaos, jim hawkins, will be good to see all again...and don't be shy...
  11. Hey Royaliste......Iffen ye gits to NYC in September, is there a chance that ye be gettin to Maryland waters????
  12. Who be plannin to attend? I hears that in the White Hart some o' the tables closer to the stage has been removed and bench seating has taken those places.....seems that the squatters may needs t' find some other place to squat...... SeaLegs an' meself will be there on the 23rd. Tis our day to be out...
  13. The tune from the music box is familiar. Is it the tune from "Anastasia"? Does anyone know? I know it is played again when the credits roll, but alas we did not stay for the finish.
  14. When we spoke with Mayor Martin O'Malley, we asked him if there was any relation to Grace?????? Seriously he said that they did share a common uncle. I guess that means that Baltimore's Mayor is a pirate of sorts!!!
  15. Saw the new trailer at the Volvo Event with the kids on Tuesday! (Was same event that Black John was at) When it started, I thought it was the other trailer until I realized that it wasn't. WOW! Come on Opening!!!!!!!
  16. Methinks SeaLegs an I needs to talk. Donna think she wants to give up Girls Day out.......
  17. Me thinks we will have to see PA at another time. Iffen ye recalls, SeaLegs and I attended MD without the bilgemonkeys. It were Girls Day Out!!!!! I donna think me sis wants to give that up.
  18. I'm a pirate an' I'm ok... I drinks me rum an' I sleeps all day...... ShoreLeave holds no interest for me..... We may be able to get Angel or some of the others if we wanna do it over at the theatre in Hunt Valley........Angel an' I spoke at Farpoint...she is interested in promotin the movie.... Angel is associated with one of the StarFleet groups and is a costumer..you will remember her when you see her. She also did one of the Polar Bear Plunges in a vintage swim suit.
  19. An we can raid th' shops......um, best be on 'r best behaviour...
  20. KP, Let me know when and where you find the "L" shaped high back tavern bench. I want to build a couple of them for our basement when we turn it into a tavern.
  21. I'm with Captain Sage. I likes educating entertainer....
  22. That was great!!!
  23. I sings.....maybe one o' these days me sis an I will do a duet....
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