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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. AkashaZuul, I have used Heat Duct Fasteners (the big heavy duty cable ties) as stays since I have a fuller figure. I only made the mistake of trying to drive my minivan while wearing the corset. The shelf was a little too high and I couldn't sit in the drivers seat comfortably...thank goodness I wasn't driving very far. Capt. Grey....Jedi robes, huh? You should try making a klingon outfit...there are no patterns. Oh what fun we costumers are!
  2. Is ya usually at ShoreLeave?
  3. Kat & Phil, looks like we may be seeing ya Pyrate Weekend in PA. I guess we'll have t' plan more a little later on......
  4. Wot a fyne lookin' crew! Sorry I missed this one, but ther's awlways next tyme!!!!
  5. So Zorg...ahem.......what didya have in mind fer me floggin???? I ken takes it like a good pyrate should.... Just lets me 'ave a couple o' tankards before we starts.
  6. Four hour ride one way with a 4 yr old.......stay for a little bit....and another 4 hour ride back (he may sleep for a bit)....not too good.
  7. Uhh,....ummmmmm,......(titch), errrrrrrrr..... OKAY!!!! You all gets to flog me. Seems we won't be able t' make it to Hampton. Crispy still hasn't landed a job an' th' monies is getting tight. I was so lookin' forw'd t' goin an' meetin' everyone. Just raise a tankard or two fer me an' bring back lots o pictures. Sniffle, sniffle......
  8. We saw it last night. Too funny! I didn't know that the piano could be played with a hook! The surprise is great. Me 4 year old really liked it.
  9. Congrats to ya Flinty Ol' boy!!!! Have a tall one on me cuz I knows you will need it. I am happy to hear that all is well. You and yours have been in my thoughts a lot lately knowing that yer new addition wuz comin' soon. Me hopes ya have some pictures to post soon. Laughter is a good thing. Life is too short to be sullen over and it is better to laugh along than to cry. Give hugs and kisses to all, especially to Maggie who is now a big sister! Let's not ferget her. Hope to hear from ya soon once things have settled.
  10. I started watchin but fell asleep. On a good note, I did tape it! Great job!
  11. Sorry Pais, no can do. $$ is tight with hubby not working right now. Not sure bout makin' Hampton, VA.
  12. I went to an 18th Century Market recently and a friend o' mine picked up a nicely decorated tricorn for $35.00. Price seemed fair enuf.
  13. Mind if I join in and sing Mr. Buckets?
  14. I guess we can fergive ya this tyme.
  15. Duncan, arrrr ye goin' t' show up this tyme or lyke ya didn't for Capt. Flint's????
  16. Penny, just took a look at your pictures from Costume Con. They one where you are not sure it is Ricky....It is. Ricky Dick that is. Before there are any jokes about the name, yes it is his name. He and his wife also run Castle Blood, which is one of the best in these parts.
  17. Huzzuh!!! Well Done Penny!!! Good show Captn' Jack. A round o' drinks on me!!!
  18. Oh Stynky, that is too funny!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!
  19. 'ear ye, 'ear ye awl ye Mid-Atlantic pyrates. Seems there be a "Living History" weekend with Ship's Company (a local re-enactment and singing group) April 24-25. Looks t' be some fun. Could be a good day for photo ops. Some o' us are thinkin' of goin' on Saturday April 24. Anyone else interested in going? April 24th & 25th - Ship's Company - 10am to 6pm USS Constellation's official volunteer living history group presents life on board ship during the Civil War. Come on board and see and assist sailors, Marines, and powder monkeys as they hoist the colors, brace the yards, fire the guns and perform other hands-on activities throughout the day. Admission: Adults $6.50 Seniors $5.00 Youth 6-14 years of age $3.50 Children age 5 and under FREE
  20. Paisley, where wuz that poll fer our name??? Should we design colors fer us???? Did I drinks too much?????
  21. A great tyme wuz 'ad by all. The wine wuz flowing 'n I 'ad me share. Duncan MacGuyver........where wuz you??? We can now pick on ye since ya din' show up. There wuz a long runnin' joke wif' Paisley but she has now made amends and done right. Duncan can now be know'd as....NoShow Duncan. (If someone 'as a better name fer 'im me feelin's won't be hurt). Our next venture is to visit a winery wif' tastin!!!!! Let's leave the kiddies home!!!! Mebbe I'll get some articles together fer us....
  22. I fine tyme wuz had by all. Need to clarify who is in the pics m'dear Paisley. Some may not be recognized without their regular gear on. The wine did flow freely an' I 'ad a bit but at least me head is clear. Can't wait till we goes to the vineyard!!!!!
  23. Great movie. Had a chance to see Mandy a couple of years ago on stage. No fancy stage setup. Just Mandy, microphone, stool, piano and piano player. After a standing ovation, he ran to the back of the stage. He then ran to the front of the stage, stopped and said, "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!" Hubby and I cheered even louder. There was a lot of people standing around us with puzzled faces. I had to explain it to some of those people. What a voice!
  24. Letssee, the 13th be out for us too. Hubby is out of town. Since the weekend of the 20th may be out for Paisley, how 'bout March 27???? Start in the afternoon is always good. Will we be throwin' things into the grill to cook??? (Hope the weather is great then like it has been lately) Let me know.
  25. Sorry Paisley, can't do nights during the week. Weekends are better for us.
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