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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. We're planning t' be there!!! Hey Paisley, at least you won't have Capt. Flint buggin' you 'bout this one. Little one is due in May. Quill, sorry t' see ya won't be there. I will try to take pics......
  2. Quill, I do some home haunting at Halloween. There is a place on the net that you can get 4th class skeletons (as oppossed to 1st class used for medical studies, all made in heavy plastic) for about $89.00. Sometimes they are offered at a sale price. I got mine about two years ago at $60 each. "This adult skeleton features a hanging hook at the top of the skull, jointed arms and legs, and a movable jaw on springs. Stand is sold separately. Size: 5' 6"" tall. Weight: 17 lbs.Made of durable plastic, this 4th quality skeleton may be imperfect, discolored, unfinished, or have missing hardware. Note: All sales of 4th quality goods are final. We will not accept returns." I have two, which can be seen on this forum under "Mad Woman Cheryl's Halloween Party". One of them has ribs that are not joined. Go here: BoneYard Bargains Boneyard sells them to Haunters at a cheaper price and everyone wins in the end. If there is a flaw, the site tells how you can fix it. There are even ways to use colored latex and cotton to make it look like a corpse, if you really want to. I hope this helps.
  3. I came into piratin' in an round about way. I have always loved Muppet Treasure Island, but din't give any thought to being a pirate. I have been always been a costumer and been dressing as a Klingon since '92. (We are the best looking group on the east coast.) In the past 4 years or so we have been taking sea shanties and drinking songs and gearing them to space and Klingons. At the same time I started listening to Pyrates Royale and getting into the pirate thing. I no longer want to do Klingon and Trek is boring right now. I believe that it's a pirates life for me!
  4. 'appy berfday Hawkyns. 'ave a round on me...
  5. Quill, yer new dress is a beaut! I am just going to have to clean my sewing room and start sewing again. Me wonders iffen I can get $100 together??? Hmmmm.
  6. Aw shucks, Flinty me lad. Thanky fer such kind words. *blushes, and I note that I rarely blush..just ask hubby*
  7. Paisley, even tho it is January our weekends have filled up. Next weekend hubby has to meet with someone and the next day we will be going to Hagerstown to see a train garden. The weekend after that is the Maryland Polar Bear Plunge of which some other people we know will be attending. I have spoken with Capt. Flint and my hubby and I will be meeting up with him Jan. 22, which I believe is a Friday evening. We will be talking about some guidelines about forming a group. Once we have those then we should be ready to get everyone else together to discuss forming a group. We have all been in enough organized groups to know likes and dislikes. I will keep everyone posted.
  8. Quill, I be a singer but can't read a lick o' music. We have been filking sea chanties for about 3 years now. I usually add in the harmonies, but with a bunch of us it's better for each to take a verse or two. Hubby plays guitar, we do have keyboard and bodhran. It's just so hard to find music to this stuff.
  9. A little too pricey for me.
  10. Can't say I've ever been seasick. Been on the aircraft carrier Enterprise. Most of those that were with me took the pills. Some couldn't look out the the big doorway they had open while we were cruisin'. It was a bit rough that day too, standin' on the deck watching the horizon appear and disappear. Twas an experience. :)
  11. Sorry luv, we won't be makin' it there but we will be thinkin' o' you. Smooth sailin' t' ya.
  12. Have ye tried the Imaginex Pirate Raider computer game. That's pretty cool too. Once ye get enuf money, then ye can make additions to yer ship such as sails, armor, cannons....
  13. We normally stay home and rent some movies. I usually fix surf-n-turf (steak with some type o' seafood), have a movie for the little one to watch an' then later one or two movies for hubbie to watch. It has been our habit to watch movie then, even when we first started dating.
  14. Sorry Paisley, we both be working on Tuesday and Wednesday. Iffen ye do go, I would suggest to go on Tuesday. Wednesday is New Years Eve, and ye don't want to get caught at the Inner Harbor on New Years Eve. There will be way too many people around for the celebration later.
  15. Santa brought the whole series to my 4-yr old boy. He was so happy t' see it. Santa also left POTC t-shirts for the family. (We all wore them over to me moms!) Me dad even gave me a tricorn! Life is good.
  16. Those are great!!! Wonder where I have t' petition t' get the Constellation on a plate....
  17. Three cheers t' th' Capt'n. Huzzah Huzzzahh Huzzzzaahh! ! ! Thank ye kindly good Capt'n Sir! an' a good 'oliday t' ya too sir!
  18. Paisley lass, where d' ya find these things???
  19. We needs t' git update 'r puter afore we's can paint pictures. Givin' hubby a DVD player for 'is puter for Christmas. :)
  20. There ARE some other actors that make great bad guys....
  21. El Pirata, let's just say that hubby is lower level paraplegic. Contents of microwaved stew heated up accidentally fell into lap. You know how painful the rest o' the story is......he is recovered now but the name is gonna stick like glue. :)
  22. Congrats to ya Capt. WE Roberts. If you search the Shindigz site, you could combine the luau, nautical, and kids pirate theme to come up with something unique. They have lots of stuff fer proms and such (big decorations), if some $$ could be spent on that kind of stuff. It does look pretty cool. http://www.shindigz.com/
  23. Pictures! ! We want Pictures from the festival! ! !
  24. 'appy berfday. Ya picked a great day...from one who shares the same berfday.
  25. *sniffle, sniffle* Me mates makin' me wait till my berfday tomorrow...'e better 'ad gotten it!!!
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