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Bonnie Red Weasel

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Everything posted by Bonnie Red Weasel

  1. just give me all the liquor you've got
  2. Yup! *slides over a copy of Def Leppard's "Love Bites" and a bottle of whiskey* *slides back the Def Leppard and spends some quality time with the whiskey*
  3. Love sucks.
  4. finger-licking good (just like me!)
  5. Neutral Evil. Seems about right for a pyrate.
  6. ripping Christmas CDs, eating hot dogs, and watching my favorite pirate's webcam
  7. Electronics for Dogs
  8. the lovers, the dreamers, and me
  9. a number of those terms describe me quite well
  10. Hmmm....I like RPGs, StarWars, techy type stuff, and I sang, for a very short time, with an indie rock band. What does that make me?
  11. I quickly thought up words, birds, Kurds, thirds, and herds... And I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm not a geek! You all are? Maybe I'm too cool to hang out here...
  12. Sorry - I forgot to check back and update. It's Jack Johnson's Cocoon. Let me try something a little more mainstream. Of course, mainstream for this crowd might be different than mainstream for the rest of the North American population. "Seems to me some hard times have been laid upon your table"
  13. Okay, since i posted this, i changed my Yahoo id. It is now "almost_martha".
  14. Hilarious - thank you for posting, and happy hunting!
  15. It's a balmy 26 right now, and temperatures are expected to skyrocket to 36 by afternoon. Good thing, since I woke up this morning to find that my fucking furnace has died!
  16. Beards are a must for me. In fact, I have a strict policy against dating men without facial hair. And I do prefer nicely trimmed to long and straggly. Few things are nicer than a nice little tickle on the inner thighs...
  17. i go by "Weasel," "Red," "Beck," and "Matchlight"
  18. I know it's strange and corny, but I've always loved the Teaser and the Firecat album cover. Both the artwork and texture - just makes you feel comfy cozy just to hold it in your hands and look at it...
  19. bok bok bok bok bok
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