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Bonnie Red Weasel

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Everything posted by Bonnie Red Weasel

  1. i'm feeling a little numb in places, actually - physically, not emotionally. My doctor has ordered a couple of tests, and i'm going for the first, a head CT, in a little over an hour. i'm a little nervous. Hopefully, they'll find that there is, in fact, a brain between these ears.
  2. i suggest you abandon all other suggestions and go with Maui. It's heavenly there.
  3. Muppets (think, "Brrrrrrrrrr - Chi-cken - uh HUH uh HUH uh HUH")
  4. Me. (sniff) Sorry You haven't met me, either. Trust me, you're missing out.
  5. "Sometimes, I think you want me to touch you But how can I When you build the great wall around you. In your eyes, I saw a future together But you just look away In the distance..."
  6. * smiling * it's from Chess
  7. I've met Kalum Mad Eye and his lovely lady, Capt. Gunther (albeit briefly), and I got to gaze at Hawkyns lovingly from afar at Pennsic.
  8. I could help you out with the feather part, if you find the hat you like. I've now got an s-load of resources for all sorts of purdy hat feathers...
  9. Thanks, everyone, for the words of support. I don't usually complain about stuff. Yesterday, I just felt like letting it all out.
  10. Sorry to hear that, Diego. I just got done on the phone with my husband. It appears that he will be losing his job within about two weeks. We're in an amazing amount of debt, and have a second mortgage on our house. The marriage isn't that particularly stellar anyhow. My husband, in general, doesn't care much for me. I can only assume he stays with me because of our children. I basically ignored his recent affair, and even had to cover for him when his father called wondering why he wasn't at work. He didn't know that I knew, and I haven't had any real reason to tell him I did. My father, likewise, is in a precarious situation with his work - mostly due to some sort of memory loss - yet undiagnosed. My mother was hoping not to have to work much longer, as her degenerative heart disease is making working full days harder and harder, and she may not enjoy this quality of life much longer. My husband does not want me to work full time, or to go to school, as long as our children are at home. So the only thing that I could do to better our financial situation, I'm not allowed to do. My greatest solace is in my church. I've been very active in a Lutheran church lately. My mother, who raised me Catholic, is terribly disappointed in me, and feels I'm making a terrible mistake. As always, I feel ****ing lovely. Pardon my language. (edited by humble poster)
  11. That was Pennsic for me. I know it may sound strange to seek solitude among strangers, but it actually worked quite well.
  12. Christine, your life struggles sound very much like mine. There is no choosing the right or wrong path for me right now. Regardless of what I do, I will end up making a number of significant decisions that piss off a lot of people I love in the coming weeks and months.
  13. As long as i'm going to start work on a new tricorn for myself, i'd like to make one for each of my two daughters as well (ages 7 and 4 1/2 years old). Yes, of course, they already have their own pirate hats. But i think it's time they have something a little nicer. Plus, if i'm going through the trouble of that whole "tar-pitch" thing with one hat, i might as well do it for three. Does anyone know if there are sources out there for child-size hat blanks? Thanks in advance! - Weasel
  14. Saturday. Sunday, I've got church, and Sunday School, which I may have to get a sub for anyhow if I head out to MDRF.
  15. can ye tell me where ta get a copy of that record? a lady never reveals her sources...
  16. I've had a hell of a sore throat too, since I came back from Pennsic. At first, I thought it was rum withdrawal, but now, after a little over 24 hours on antibiotics, and a marked improvement, I'm suspecting it was more than that. Can you imagine what an impediment it is for a "lady" such as myself to not be able to swallow? And for the record, I had absolutely nothing to do with Diego's illness...
  17. Khan (it's my cat's name)
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