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Bonnie Red Weasel

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Everything posted by Bonnie Red Weasel

  1. I've been told my table dancing is rather impressive, and I'd be happy to furnish references by request. As a matter of fact, I also teach Sunday school (to 4th through 6th graders). My students refer to me as "Captain," and item number one of the Ship's Code taped to my classroom wall is, "Coffee for the Captain".
  2. Braveheart, of course. Okay, here's one I hope somebody gets, but it may be a bit obscure. It's one of my all-time favorite movies. "You and your fucking rope"
  3. Okay - I added myself. But I've got to warn you - I keep the shades drawn tight, and I've got a fierce killer cat named Khan.
  4. It's been almost a year now since I lost my precious parrot. I'd rather have a parrot on my shoulder than a monkey any day. I've got enough monkeys around here as it is.
  5. Rummy's song: Tears on my Pillow I'll admit i had to look up the title, but i recognized the song from Grease. It's been drivin me nuts for days! Okay, here's another funky obscure one from me: Based on your smile, I'm betting all of this Might be over soon. But I'm on your side, 'Cause if I'm bettin' against you, I think I'd rather lose.
  6. weasel_pirate on Yahoo
  7. Funny - my darling and I were just discussing this very topic earlier today. I'm definitely the happy, friendly sort of drunk. I'm probably a bit more likely to dance, but other than that, my actions are pretty much the same, just a little amplified perhaps.
  8. Killian is damned fine looking.
  9. Okay, i was just looking up online sources for fabric and thread, and i've got a question. What size linen thread should I use, and should it be waxed? What sort of needle(s) should I have ready?
  10. i've got to admit - i just now saw this thread, and i am sooooooooo excited!!! I may be a little behind getting started, for lack of money to buy supplies, but I'll work to catch up as quickly as possible.
  11. If I lived closer, or in any way in hell, had the money to fly down for the day, I'd do this. But for those of you luckier than me, here ya go. The lab exploring the artifacts raised from the site assumed (but not yet proven) to be the remains of Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge will be opening its doors to the public for the day on Saturday, October 22, 2005. Here's the link for more information: http://www.qaronline.org/QARlabDay.htm
  12. Beautiful motto!!!
  13. Here are my pics, if anybody's interested... http://photobucket.com/albums/b45/bonnieredweasel/
  14. Here are pics of my trip to MDRF. Most of the pictures are of my daughter, Stephanie (the Purple Pirate Princess). I'm in two of them - I'm the one with the stripey chemise, black/rust skirts, and black leather bodice. Yeah - I'm the one who looks like the chick in my signature, although less mean and spacey. Unfortunately, the pictures really don't do the cleavage justice... http://photobucket.com/albums/b45/bonnieredweasel/
  15. (post removed - sorry, folks - put this under the wrong topic)
  16. Hey - speaking of that....my seven year old daughter will be with me. Will she count as one of the three?
  17. I can't imagine the meet n' greet being earlier than 11:30am, and those of us who want to participate in the scavenger hunt will need to go off at noon, so whoever wants to stick around can do so. Why don't ya meet us then go huntin' with us? I guess I just mean to say it all sounds good to me...
  18. That sounds mighty familiar - just can't quite seem to place it. (i'm with you on the music trivia thing, Killian - i'm a serious trivia geek)
  19. Will do! It'll be lovely ta meet ya!
  20. Weasels are excellent at that sort of work *laughing evilly*
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