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Bonnie Red Weasel

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Everything posted by Bonnie Red Weasel

  1. That would be wonderful! I'm not in a huge rush, but would like to get these completed before warm weather comes.
  2. Cool! Thanks for posting! I haven't checked up on the progress since Christmas. I still wish I could afford to go there for a dive...
  3. Next time you have an urge to clothe a woman in leather, let me know!
  4. Okay, since he's not on, i'm going to be very uncouth and post the next lyrics: Every night, every day I experience the most exquisite pain A thousand whispers seem to say I light a candle to you and I pray I kneel to pray
  5. Okay, Branigan - your turn
  6. If you can't figure it out on your own, I'm not educatin' ya.
  7. Closely trimmed nails have their advantages...
  8. I'm pretty fond of it too. It was worth the hell that I put my sewing machine through. I need to replace the boning with steel, though. I'm planning on making myself a newer model - quite similar, but of a brown garment leather (easier to work with), and of course, with heavy steel bones. You can get a better feel for it in the raw pics.
  9. I was too sober to find the webcam on New Year's Eve - does that suck or what?
  10. Thanks, gents, for the compliments - the new pic looks much more like me (less made up), and shows my current hair length, which is nice. I just need to get the signature box revised...
  11. Not only do I like a man with a beard, I refuse to have sex with men without facial hair. Seriously. The added stimulation is just that good!
  12. I want to build two wooden chests that at least wouldn't stand out in the GAOP. My youngest daughter will start working with hand tools at preschool next week (they had them practicing before the holiday break), and I thought it would be a fun project for the girls and me. Anyhow, one of them I want to contain and disguise an igloo cooler. The other I would like for storing and transporting some of my period-styled clothing. I am EXTREMELY limited on funds here, so although I'd like a nice period look, I can't spend a lot of money on hardware. I am, however, willing to spend time and effort. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  13. If I let you find out, I doubt you'd make it out of the cabin alive...
  14. i almost forgot... no more cabin boys!
  15. Bonney love., you are a pirate indeed. ...in the very best sense...
  16. Open your wallet then, Matt. Weasel-cam is not cheap, and there's only one (aside from my captain) who gets it for free!
  17. Don't worry. I'll get over it.
  18. Quite sober at the moment, dear...
  19. I have a bad habit of getting online and being stupid, too. Always good news for whoever's on the other end of the webcam, though...
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