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Bonnie Red Weasel

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Everything posted by Bonnie Red Weasel

  1. I'm nursing an ear wound inflicted by my dear cat, Khan. I won't get into the gory details, but it's bleeding, and won't stop...
  2. I like to think I'm not THAT bad. I've never had anyone NOT want more...
  3. I may be a very bad person for enjoying this, but that was classic!
  4. (i really don't think i want to know) junk food
  5. Good for you, Gigi! I'm so happy that somebody took me up on my dare. Anybody else got the cahones?
  6. Way to go, Sam! And by the way, I'm with you on the leg pain thing. My calves are still killing from the exercises from the day before yesterday!
  7. Welcome aboard, Francois! Just pm Paisley with your e-mail and she'll add you to the group on the Discovery site.
  8. Okay, thanks for suggesting that AFTER I put all the work into packing the damned thing up nicely...
  9. I'm so sorry to hear that. The loss of a pet can be devestating - I know.
  10. Upon buying a home with a lovely master bedroom with attached master bath (which had been sort of a dream of mine), I noted that the only things needed to complete the room were a mini-fridge and a beer tap built into the headboard. I've since decided that I would like two taps - something crisp and hoppy for before, and another, dark and rich and lovely, for basking afterward...
  11. My girls and I will keep her in our prayers tonight and tomorrow, and I'll get my church on the prayer chain for her and your family no later than Sunday. May I ask her name? Feel free to pm it to me.
  12. I can't figure out what's up with this. I'm hoping that everybody will show up tomorrow. We'll just have to see. Anyhow, I just wanted to let y'all know that I did a bunch of toning exercises today - not at all cardiovascular, but I wanted to log my time anyhow, 'cause I thought it ought to count, especially since I felt like I was going to DIE toward the end. (Seriously, I did - Killian will attest to this). I went to record the time on the site, and found that there was nothing on the pull-down menu remotely like toning exercises. So to be cute, I entered J'ai Alai (which I always thought would be a fun sport to take up, at least in my youth, when I didn't fear death). So any time you see that I've done time chunks of "jai alai", it's non-cardio toning work. - Weasel (Beck)
  13. I don't know, but I'll look into it - it does seem as if me, Paisley, Ken, and Killian are the only ones showing up. Could it have something to do with whether you've starting setting up a menu/exercise plan? Just a thought. Anyhow, I'll look into the site and see if I can find out for sure.
  14. Cool! I love that movie. The interaction between the psychologist and his wife is just beautiful. And I could just lose myself in the cinematography. That's one I haven't seen in years and years - I should rent it for myself! Here's a short one for you: "Chefs do that..."
  15. Is it Don Juan de Marco? It sounds a lot like the one scene in that movie...
  16. Click on "Track Your Progress" on the left side, under "Your Program." The screen you get there has two tabs, "My Progress" and "My Group's Progress."
  17. Sam, thanks for sharing a little bit about your history and goals. I just love that we're doing this as a group! This morning, I weighed in at 170, and although I'm much more concerned about size than tonnage, I would like to be down to about 125. My weight has been on a rollercoaster since high school. I was very thin, without any effort, of course, until college. I gained a tremendous amount of weight with my pregnancies, but lost it all very quickly. For some time after my youngest was born, I stayed around 135 pounds, but was in great shape, mostly from exercise, I think. I took the girls hiking quite a bit, and the heavier Gillian got to carry, the better it was for me. There have been two times in my "adult" life when I maintained a weight I was happy with, yet ate absolutely anything and everything I wanted. That time, when G was very young, was one. The other time was when I was trail running and doing SCA fighting. Now that I'm a little older, I don't expect to be able to eat "anything," but I would like to get down to a weight where I don't hate what I see in the mirror, and be at a level of regular exercise where I'm not having to obsess over my diet and the scale daily. I have a closet full of size 6 and 8 clothing. My eventual goal as far as body shape is to be back in single digit sizes (realizing that the sixes will probably have to go to Goodwill), so I have clothes to wear when I start teaching. I would also like to simply get enough weight off so that it's not so hard on my joints to run after my children. Anyhow, I just realized that on the Discovery Health site, I show as "Beck" (which is my "mundane" name). So in case y'all were wondering who the hell this "Beck" is, it's me. Good luck, everybody - official program starts in two days!!!
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