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Bonnie Red Weasel

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Everything posted by Bonnie Red Weasel

  1. Gas prices are dropping?!?!? WHERE??? they've dropped just short of $.50 per gallon here over the past two weeks
  2. i'm thinking now that i might actually attempt to venture up for Pirate Invasion weekend again this year. Especially with dropping gas prices :)
  3. i was recently lucky enough to add Dorian Lasseter, Killian, Hawkyns, and Kathryn Ramsey to my "have met" list!
  4. Oh no - i didn't get your message until too late. Thankfully, i WAS able to meet up with Dorian, Killian, Hawkyns, and Katherine. It was a wonderful, wonderful time!
  5. i'm so excited i can't stand it!!!!! Tomorrow afternoon, i go back to Pennsic for four nights of blissful debauchery...
  6. yeah, well just wait 'til ya meet someone with a like fondness for the inky deep, and the two of ye cling to one another so tightly, ye hardly notice the drowning... - Weasel
  7. i likes the MySpace. And by the way, thanks, Silent, for pointing it out to me - i didn't even know it existed until then. i don't remember if i posted my link or not, and i'm too lazy to check, so here it is: Weasel's MySpace Page.
  8. Just kind of giving this a bump... Anyone else? - Weasel
  9. Question three is true only if you exclude a great number of leafy herbaceous plants classified as vegetables. Strawberries are not the only fruits with their seeds on the outside. In fact, i'm fairly sure that's the classification of a berry. Blueberries, raspberries, and pineapples also have their seeds on the outside, separate from their flesh. i have cooked lettuce in a number of different dishes, and i can't think that i'm the only person who has ever done so. i got a lovely recipe for a warm spring soup including mushrooms from martha stewart omnimedia, in an article featuring recipes from an inn's award winning restaurant. i doubt this restaurant serves its spring soup for free. Since sandals and sneakers are generally considered shoes, i think stilletos are also worth mentioning.
  10. you should see what happened when he switched to the four finger method
  11. Well, using that method with Bonnie's church group probably wasn't the NICEST thing I've ever done... maybe not, but it sure loosened some of them up...
  12. i know these people you go to my church?!!!!
  13. drink - yes - drunk would be good - everything looks so much better drunk...
  14. yup - i can very much relate
  15. yup - i can very much relate
  16. i feel something like molten stone, but cold...
  17. jasmine and the sickening stench of sun warmed feces
  18. We'll definitely be by to visit!
  19. By the way, y'all are welcome to join us for NCPH (Naked Pirate Cocktail Hour), which is held daily in our camp's pool.
  20. Kathryn and Hawkyns, we'll be sure to stop by and say hello! i'll be camping with the Tortuga 'port', but i'm not entirely sure of our location yet...
  21. big suprise here Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many. The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately. You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss. A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract. for the record, i haven't been referred to has a siren for almost two years...
  22. ^ my right breast. If you would have asked "weapons", i would answer the pair. Let's take a moment to bow our heads in memory of the many who have fallen to the exquisite pair... < is generally mean as hell until somewhere through the second cup of coffee V what is your fondest chilhood memory (pyratical or not)
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