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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Some good old Ray Charles
  2. Well.. I likes what ya done e're, but I'fn ya be wantin a map lookin old, ya can go e're and buy the real thing. I would love ta be avin one of these. One day when I win big at the pirate gamblin table. Rare Maps
  3. I be workin on a computer issue fer Singapore.
  4. A cigar once in a while aint so bad, but I prefer me long pipe and some Apple Pie tobacco.
  5. Some Wee Funk on the online radio.
  6. Just a wee bit tired, but knowin I ave me 4 days off after Friday makes that even better...
  7. Not a damn thing... Aint hungry
  8. Made things easier in many ways. But fer the kids and school, it made them lazy in my opinion. They dont have it like we did where they have to go to the library and actually look things up and do some work. That is the main drawback I see in the world for it.
  9. Cause they taste good.... Just kiddin.. Why do we have insects, er mice, snakes etc. Now, fer me I like and have raised dogs (Terriers). Now I know I be hearing from all the cat lovers out thar, but cats I consider pests.
  10. Jimmy Hendricks...
  11. I agree with this in that televise it all er make it public. Problem is they don't and others that are thinking of commitin don't really see what its like. The ones that say it separates us from a barbaric civilized folk need ta remember we still are. Just not fer these types. Cause that be how they view civilized. I also agree with Christine. Certain crimes need be confronted head on and action taken as such. Ana likes I said afore, i'fn a person was killed or harmed in a certain manner, let the perp suffer the same way with the same tool or whatever. Also, in the project innocent thing, with DNA now they can make sure it was the person afor they sentence em.
  12. Some music o the 80's
  13. Trying ta solve a computer problem fer the Nordics.
  14. Alls I cana say at this moment is I be feelin grand. Week be half over ana lookin fer the weekend.
  15. Some Taco Bell Gorditas
  16. At the moment we be avin freezin rain.
  17. I saw it ana it was grand. Lots o action in it.
  18. 9 degrees out now an a stale calm air. But, we gots more snow on the way today ta be addin ta the 6 inches we just got the night afore
  19. I always saya the punishment need be fittin the crime. Public beheddins and stuff again will deter em. Ana they shoul dbe dealt with the same way the victim was. I'fn e killed someone wit a knife, well, they should be stabbed the same way and feel what the others went through. Rape a woman ana get yer wee cabin boy lopped off etc, etc... I know it sounds crule ta some, but they got it to bloody easy goin ta sleep and a not wakin up. Tit fer tat I says.
  20. Eatin a Mini-sub from the vendin wheel o death
  21. Readin up on some computer program manuals.
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