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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Be thankin ya right proper Jerry mate. Always cana uses nother good flick in me library in the cabin. Lookin forward to it. Ave a run on me mate.
  2. Well, it be a grand day fer me. Weather, health and alls else. Just one of them good days all round I says.
  3. Sevendust "Face to face"
  4. Now, all ya red hair lasses ave ta stop. I cant sleep. Me keeps avin all these dreams of gorgeous red haired mermaids surroundin me in the sea and... and... well, lets just say it be excitin. Look, me ands shake just thinkin bout it. Whats a pyrate ta do?
  5. Op's ya get one of em Hetha. Pistols crossed fer ya. Other n that, it went from an 85 degree day to 36 now and mayhap snow a ways from ere. What the ell is wit this here weather?
  6. Crossfade "So far away"
  7. Sally Brown I love a maid across the water, Aye, aye, roll and go! She is Sal herself, yet Sally's daughter Spend my money on Sally Brown. Seven long years I courted Sally, Aye, aye, roll and go! She called me 'boy and Dilly Dally,' Spend my money on Sally Brown. Seven long years and she wouldn't marry, Aye, aye, roll and go! And I no longer cared to tarry, Spend my money on Sally Brown. So I courted Sal, her only daughter, Aye, aye, roll and go! For her I sail upon the water, Spend my money on Sally Brown. Sally's teeth are white and pearly, Aye, aye, roll and go! Her eyes are blue, her hair is curly, Spend my money on Sally Brown. The sweetest flower of the valley. Aye, aye, roll and go! Is my dear girl, my pretty Sally, Spend my money on Sally Brown. Oh! Sally Brown, I had to leave you, Aye, aye, roll and go! But trust me that I'll not deceive you. Spend my money on Sally Brown. Sally Brown, I love your daughter, Aye, aye, roll and go! For her I sail upon the water, Spend my money on Sally Brown.
  8. Methinks Phil says the same vows in each port he be anchorin in with different women. as the sayin goes, any port in a storm.
  9. Sounds like a grand undertakin mate. Op's ya post pics of it when yer done.
  10. Well, I opes Cjronci found what they be lookin for in the songs we posted. Aven't eard from em since.
  11. But, does ya ave nough ta be makin em all? Ya will ave ta take pictures and post em after, Patrick.
  12. I gots me standards alright. Ana many can be made up long the way fer different situations to.
  13. Hail to Red Heads!!! Them wenches with the long red hair ARRR!!! That be all I gots ta be sayin.
  14. Twas a great day. Weather couldn't been nicer in the low 80's with lite breeze ta keep the ship movin steady. Actually stiil I be sittin outside while typin this.
  15. The Tartan Terrors
  16. I appreciates all the hoopla. It be a nice feelin to ave yer mates round these special event when they be appenin. I just be knowin it cana be fer all the free Rum now, can it? Nae, Not these pyrates I says. (Fingers crossed)
  17. Mornin news this time.
  18. None that I erds of. Most books be leavin that part out.
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