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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Celtic Fling is Tomorrow!!!! We still on @ 1:30 tomorrow? At the pub or stage or what?
  2. *saunters in, hears Ciaran looking for stron coffee. Smiles coyly and whips out a pound of Breakfast Blend and a french press* Mild and highly caffinated! What say ye?
  3. Dorian, c'mon in, take a breather, get a drink on me, and then join me in a dance?
  4. Right! Move some tables! I found me hardshoes! time for a double jig!
  5. Aww, lemme dance with them!
  6. Fiddler! OOO! I'm game! Wait. . . boys! Bring that trunk back - I need my dance shoes!!!!
  7. Good enough for me!! Bottoms up *shoots back one of the pink concoctions*
  8. thanks diego, but we're letting the hired help do all the manual labour. Join us in a drink though - William! One more of . . . whatever these things are! Or would you rather a Guinness?
  9. before I drink, may I ask William . . . . . . what are they?
  10. Now now Willam, don't go scaring the lad off! Were pirates (or mercenaries as the case may be) but not Vampires! Well, not today anyway. Worry not Silent, I only get snappy when I'm drunk.
  11. Ahh - newbies!!! C'mon in! I'm taking up residence, but that's just cause I'm here so much it only makes sense, but the Kate is the best place to kick back, relax, have a drink, and . . . admire the scenery *watches dock workers haul her luggage around* Silent, what are you drinking - I'm buying! Tempest, William, Come join us in a drink! On me , , ,
  12. *eyes up dock boys.* Hello sailor! Careful with that - it's my armoury.
  13. *pushing an oversized trunk through the doors* hmmm . . . that bellini looks pretty tasty . . . sigh . . . *continues to push heavy trunk towards newly aquired room*
  14. join me enjoying some fresh baked bread, Diego! Nothing better!
  15. ummmmm . . . Ja - das is gut . . . aaa scheiße!! I don't really speak me mother toung. I just know how to google search for translators. But I shall enjoy the breakfast!!
  16. German breakfast - mmmmmm . . . carb loading!! *takes a loaf of bread and slathers is with butter* My roots are showing again, arn't they. Ich bin traurig. Aber ich liebe Brot so sehr. Deutschland für immer! I'll start moving in furniture today! Yeah!
  17. where ever the quietes room t'is! So what's on for breakfast?
  18. first - lemme say - AWWWWWWW!! Liam is such a darling little boy! Second off - I need a home, so iffen you got a vacant room, and the price is right, I'd be interested in a let. Mercenaries are always looking for a room in every port and I promise I won't bring my work in with me! For now, I could use some alcohol of the strongest variety. The floor sink at work decided to back up and throw sewage all of the floor. And because of stupid corperate rules, we couldn't close.
  19. Well, the Kate has had many an incarnations - why not a B&B? Y'know - I miss the dance hall days of the kate. Hey William! Any musicians lurking around?
  20. *head poking out from under a blanket* did I hear the phrase hot chocholate and scones?
  21. yummm . .. yeah! *snuggles up after eating yummy food and falls asleep*
  22. *trudges in smelling of milk and coffee* now. . . where was I? I have the feeling that I was in the middle of saying something. Oh well, something to drink to relax me, a big comfy chair and something to prop me feet up on.
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