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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. LOL! Yes, she's not plannig on talking at all this week! Poor thing - if ye've seen her - you'll be able to recognise me. Everyone says we look alike. I won't be working Saturday(the 27th) - family reunion - but ye said sunday, so I should be there, provided I get transportation sorted out.
  2. Well, it sounds like you were looking in the right place - Swashbuckler's grove; between the swings and the vikings, across from the stone candle tent - so maybe you caught me at the time I was off on lunch. Yeah! do all come visit me later!
  3. I'll be there - the one on the street trying to drag people into the booth. If ye'll be having nerdy young lads in your party - keep yer eye on them or I'll be kidnapping them and trying to dress them as pirates!
  4. Well *pauses, soving food into her mouth and swallowing* It would have been just a standard bodice tan execpt for a few problems. I can't let me scar tan, so my chest and collar bone are moby-dick white cause I kept slathering the block on. I also covered my shoulders and arms with a little spf15 - so, they browned but arn't pink. However, I was showing off some back and hips (low riding harem pants) and I didn't think to put lotion on that. So, my lower back it pink. And I have a line that follwed the bottom of my bodice all around my stomach.
  5. I'm here! Honest! (Merc rasps as she crawls her way out from her room, after slipping in late, and winicing from the oddest sunburn/tan) Ohhh - buffet . . .
  6. I'm up on Swashbuckler's grove, next the pirate swings, behind the globe stage. Sorry I missed all of you . . .
  7. Well, I will be working! So find me - Fiona's Fineries, right next to the pirate swings behind the Globe stage! Come buy something from me!
  8. I say we order in for breakfast *yawn!* I'm still recovering from the weekend - I got some pictures, I'll have to show ye all once I get them back!
  9. I thought you'd never ask!
  10. ohh, hot chocolate! - my speciality! *runs to the kitchen and starts steaming milk and mixing up chocolate and breaking out the vanillia syrup* And voila!
  11. *holds up various pieces of garb* NOt bad for 2 days, all hand stiched! Maybe we should open up a garb shop in the Kate somewhere!
  12. Well, tomorrow's the day! Anyone else coming?
  13. *after sipping some ale in the galley, mulling over the recent turn of events, the captain's steward finishes the mug before her, and with her thanks to the cook for the hospitality, she head topside to find the quatermaster to give him the answers he was looking for* Mr. Lasseter sir? *she approaches him* I think I'm ready to tell ye what happened . . . or well . . . what I remeber . . .it's not much . . . kind of all in a haze really. The Captain had me organising some charts for him like, when I heard the cannon fire in the distance - I had just gotten back from shore, like . . . didn't think much of it *she takes a minute and pauses, clearly unsure and more then a touch shaken by the events.* I've witnessed battles before - seen death, or well, killing, but . . .*quickly shakes her head, to clear it and try to refocus her report.* Anyway sir, i didn't actually come out on deck until I realised we had started firing. I was just starting to look around to see where I could be most helpful when the Captain fell. I couldn't get to him . .. I feel so guilty . . . I should have been there, but there was just chaos . . . *her voice finaly trails to a stop and shrugs with an apologetic look to the quatermaster for the blotchy quality of her memory* Is there anything else I can tell you sir?
  14. *carrying bundles of fabric and a sewing basket full of thread, pins needles and the like down from her room* too much work to do before saturday. Faire opens all to soon, and yet not soon enough! *pours a drink for herself, and puts in some music, and gets to work on the pile of sewing
  15. * scratching her head, pulling at her red curls she slowly makes her way towards the quatermaster* Aye sir. *it sounded more like a question*
  16. *chases after Diego, black powder smeared across her cheek from the fray* Can I come with ye? I'd go down to see the Captain on my own, but i'm scared of disturbing the Doctor . . .
  17. thanks. Nothing terrible has happened or anything, just can't get my head level, and every letter I get just throws me.
  18. unsure of how to feel.
  19. A letter from a very dear friend. I just don't know how to respond to it. It's a very strange situation. *Hands william the bottle* Want some?
  20. *looks around and is for once glad to find herself alone. Takes whatever bottle first comes to hand, goes to a corner table, hides in the shadows, reading and rereading a letter, occasionly taking a draw from the bottle. After a while, she puts down the letter and the bottle and just cries.*
  21. Oh no. More things for me to buy. Those boards are GORGEOUS!! I want one!
  22. *wanders downstairs from her rooms and sees William still sitting by the fire, playing the mandolin.* Been too long since I've heard ye play William! *smiles and heads to the bar to pour her breakfast*
  23. silly english k-niggits!
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