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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. No, no dups yet, I'm a recent addict. Fleet of 4. They're sooo cute!
  2. ohh - what a waste. T'would make all that bubbly spill.
  3. *smiles with a wink at Diego* Ah, never fear for me! Any one follows me with much riskin of his own neck! *saunters over to the fort, and waits outside the Cap'n's door for his meeting with the fine surgeon to be over*
  4. Ah! Thank God! Some help! See round then Ciaran! I promise I won't shoot ye! That's a neat party trick there Jim (opening the bottle like that) Gotta learn how to do that!
  5. *appears on the shore again, returning after an early morning trip to town. Spots Diego giving introductions and approaches him* Have ye seen the Cap'n? I need him to give his alright on a deal on coffee beans . . . also need to ask him where he wants me to store the extra rum that got mixed in with my cargo.
  6. There ye be - I'm sticking to bottles, I'm not so good with the tap.
  7. Ooops - thought I had a little space left. Well, I just cleared some space so msg away Diego!
  8. I'm addicted to these things. When i bought my first pack, the lady at the register was like "oh, honey, don't waste your money. Those things are like heroine - you always need more!" Oh so true. I haven't actually played the game yet, but it's worth the money alone just to have little ships to sit on my book shelf and look cute!
  9. Ahh yes . . . coffee and booze - the breakfast of champions! Any breakfast requests, yet?
  10. Well, here's some Java fer ya! Fresh ground and brewed! I'm not a coffee wench fer nothing! As for food - I don't eat breakfast, so it's whatever you want.
  11. *stumbles downstairs from quaters* Get breakfast for the mad crowds . . . Oh, William, come back soon. These early morning breakfast runs are killing me!
  12. *looks around, sees no one about, then puts a cd in a hidden stereo under the bar and starts dancing around the kate like a mad woman*
  13. *swaggers up shore line, returning from errands* Well, I think I got everything on the list - and got some pretty good bargins. Got the barrels of tar, five of ale for the price of four. I got a deal on the barrel of mead, and the water was easy. *starts unloading thebarrels and crates of nails.* I love having contacts in every port!
  14. *starts pulling various weapons out of diffrent places, the supply never ending* Let's see; I got me rapier, main gauche, dirk, boot-knife, bodice dagger, and a small blade hidden under my petticoat. Also have one pistol, a blunderbuss and a cuff pistol. Now, let's caulk!
  15. *smiles at diego's hug* Good to see ye mate! As fer what to call me - I answer to 'Oy you!' 'Merc' 'Lass' or just plain old 'Tudor' Yes, best go see the quartermaster - it might take a while to check all me blades. *heads towards the direction that Dorian is said to be, smiling and nodding at Master Gunner Petee* Mornin'!
  16. Well, guess we better start thinking about lunch. My world famed Broccoli and Beef Calzones are on the specialty menu . . .
  17. Just lookin' to sign on! Need to head out of port soon, and I heard that this fine ship was looking for crew.
  18. Sounds ouchie! I reccomend tylenol. Have more hot cocoa to cheer ye up!
  19. *a lone figure, chin length coppery curls, clad in a red petticoat, a seamans shirt, and sword belt swaggers down the shoreline, in an odd combination of masculine and feminine* "I'm looking for the Captain - i'm looking for employ, y'see. Been told I'd make a right good cabin, erm, 'boy'. Can't say that I've ever done much work aboard a ship, but there's nothing I can't learn. I do have plenty experience though." *smiles impishly*
  20. Almost there! The scar *sticks out chest in proud manner* is healing nicely. I wanna get pictures to show everyone! The sternum is still a bit twingy, but usually only when I wake up. As long as I take my tylenol, I'm ready for the fight! I feel yer pain. Back troubles are genetic in me family. Me da's spine is like erroding or something like that, and I was cursed with an uncurved spine. Doesn't bend much t'all. Are they thinking you might need back surgery?
  21. De rien! *leans on bar sipping coffe as Ciaran eats* So, how's life been treatin' ye, Captin'?
  22. T'would be my pleasure! Hot chocolate be my speciality! And Kaluha, mmmm . . . excellent addition! There ye go; and here's your plate - fresh off the stove
  23. *lifts head from where it fell, waiting for breakfast orders* Goodness this place is slow in the morning!
  24. *yawns* Whose up for some breakfast? I know I am . . .
  25. Come to think of it - I haven't eaten yet today . . . hmmm
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