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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. Aw, lad, the ladle wasn't meant for you . . . One pint coming up! Maybe I need to practice pulling pints . . . Let's stick to bottles shall we? Slainte!
  2. Aww . . . gee . . . thanks . . . ohh - you mean the chili . . . whoops. Pull up a bowl and a chair! *whips out a ladle*
  3. FINALLY!! I have POWER!! MWHAHAHAHAHA Well, in celebration of my temporary power trip - I'm throwing the pissy cook out of the galley and stirring up some of me famed chilli! Any takers?
  4. Well, it's not my full costume, but here's me in partial garb at Celtic Fling. ~ignore the odd expression
  5. LOL!! T'was a great concert indeed! I wasn't as close to the speakers as I would have liked, but I sacrifced front row seats for shade. T'was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, birds were singing, breeze was whispering and bagpipes and bass guitars were wailing! But now, I'm home and slightly melencholy - so if there's any ice cream or cookies around that I can dunk in a bottle of booze . . .
  6. *stumbles in looking groggy* Eh? Whadya say - Leash in the rain is for breakfast? *rubs ears* Okay . . . well, I'll give it a try. In case ye can't tell, I'm a bit tired and deaf this morning. Was at an awesome concert last night! Anyway - a glass of something and something to eat with a million carbs! This is my offical, full time return to the kate!
  7. Allo all! *reemerges from her room, where she's been milling about watching movies* A bit peckish, what's on today? And how is everyone?
  8. What if I want to be shanghaied?
  9. Actually Will - can I change me order? I could murder some well made crepes right about now! Buttered and with powdered sugar. Mmmm . . . And did I hear tell the Diego is off vacationing right now?
  10. It's absolutly grand to be back, Dorian! It's been an interesting coupla weeks, lemme tell ya!
  11. *swaggers forward and plops down at the bar* Well - that be it the case I would like . . . . actually . . . i don't eat breakfast. But thanks for the lemonade. It's a new addiction of mine! I'm very glad to be back. Is my room still in disorder?
  12. What with my sugerey being what it was, I canna go back to work till Mid september - so Ren Faire here I come!!!
  13. *a sly voice from the shadows.* Grits? Well, I guess if that's the special I'll order 'em, but could I get lemonade instead of the OJ?
  14. depending on who . . . don't matter much to me!!!
  15. oooh . . . vino . . .yummy! I could use a snifter before I hit my cabin. Who'd care to join me?
  16. Ohh - so is that why all my things are rearranged? . . . I thought me mum had just snuck in and cleaned my room again! Nah, I put all back in disorder . . . But alas, I must head off to work again. Maybe I could get ye to get me some grub to go? I could actually murder a ceaser salad right now . . . Well, leave the light on for me and I promise I'll lock the door behind me when I get in!
  17. *saunters onto deck from her room* Mornin' William. How be ya this morning?
  18. Ahh . . . I'm immune to coffee by know.
  19. I got one or two, and I know Crimson Corsair got some on Saturday . . .
  20. I'll post as soon as I have some of me in my garb.
  21. Well, I'll try with the rope, but I'm warning you - I have the upper body strenght of a wombat. *knocks back some south pacific coffee, rubs hands together and starts hauling on a rope, with much strainging and grunting*
  22. *stumbles in looking sun pink and tired from a long weekend* Ello William! I'd offer to help with the list, but I'd be as skilled as a dyslexic badger on crack. Not to helpful, I don't think.
  23. Well, I'm off to me room. Got a letter to write. I might be back later.
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