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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. *looks at clock* ermm . . . hold that thought til after work *rushes to the shower, making a stop throwing laundry around* Late again! Salad to go William!!
  2. Dorian, Dorian, Dorian . . . *shakes head, with a sly grin* Brace yourself!
  3. hmmm . . . salad. Sounds yummy!
  4. My friends are going to have to drag me away from watching the feis. See, I'm on the look out for a dance school, so I'm going to be scouting.
  5. *stumbles into the kate after just waking up and not getting any mail* Any breaki around? Or is it lunch time? Either way - i need food! *looks around wearyily* Ello all! *waves* Well, Dorian, I'd tell ye how I'd look, but I don't know if ye can handle it! Thanks Snow - are you getting totally phsyced for Fling? I know I'm going nuts waiting for saturday and sunday to come!
  6. Aww, I'll always need ye diego! *stands and bellows across the bar* OY! William? 2 more pints down this end of the bar, iffen ye please! Cheers to ye dear diego!
  7. well, to quote again; "90% of all heartbreaks occur when you take a sledge hammer to your own heart, and break it into a thousand shards, screaming 'never hurt again'" No matter what, no matter how you approach life and relationships, you are going to be hurt, some way, some how. It's what you do with that pain. Sometimes, the benefits of a relationship, outweigh the pain involved.
  8. Awww, Diego . . . don't worry such abou me! Don't you know - I'm an angst-ridden teenager - we're supposed to thrive on pain! I do apprechiate the advice though. It's just that I'm in a really interesting situation that sorta breaks all the moulds. But maybe I'll find me some dishy Celt at Fling this weekend to distract me (can we say "avoidance?" )
  9. hmm . . . if I were to wear the get up Keira Knightly did . . . well, at least I wouldn't look as flat as a twelve year old boy. I really was thinking along the lines more of a pair of khaki capris and a green plaid tank for saturday, and my dance skort and a white cami top for sunday. But I'm all about the woad!
  10. I know my own faults well. I'm young, naive and headstrong. Mix that with a cynicism, defeatist outlook and a persistant romantic inclination. It's really a nasty combination! I still hold to the tenant put forth by one of my fav poets, Tennyson; 'Tis better to have loved and lost then to have not loved at all
  11. put this one on my tab, William. Is this the rhetoric ye've been given me down in the single's bar? *looks sheepish and sips kindly supplied brandy*
  12. Eh, I'd just add him to the list . . .
  13. Yes, I'm behaving myself today . . . for now
  14. *takes a break from shovling ham and potatoes into gob* So, I need some fashion advice. I'm going to this Celtic Fling this weekend, and I canna decide what to wear! Any suggestions? *scarfs some more ham, nd nearly goes cross eyed in gastronomical delight* My compliments to the chef, by the by, Will. I'm in the mood for some brandy - got any lying around?
  15. I guess that's my main problem - I'm a risk taker. Damn the odds.Throw caution to the wind. I figure, yeah, I may lose a lot, but sooner or later, I'll win the pot, and it will be mighty sweet.
  16. mmm . . . lunch! as for a quad esspresso - *clutches heart at thought* bloody . . . . pressure . . . too . . . high . . .
  17. so, maybe 1:30 on Saturday - swashbuckler's stage? Then 2:00 at the Lady Krim on sunday? Y'know - lemme check the online schedual and figure this out better. . . . . . yep, no schedual conflicts. Opinions on times?
  18. Sadly - the Maury Povich show. Day time TV sucks.
  19. Don't worry Dorian, get me that jived up on caffine again and there will probably be a re-match of the Wet Chemise Contest, only this time, it might be better organised.
  20. Mel Brooks . . . odd little man
  21. I tried doing the ice queen routine . . . got plenty of guy mates to banter with. 'Sides, I can understand not acting desperate, (cause I'm really not, I can surive being single, I have up to date) but I'm too honest with myself and others to be able to make people believe that i'm not interested.
  22. Feeling complacent. Sorta, defeated really . . .
  23. Well, I'm not looking as such - I find lads alright - it's finding them single that's a problem.
  24. I try being postitive about the whole being single thing - then I remeber - I'm a cynic. Being positive is for people with nothing better to do!! It's not that I am dependant on another person for my happyness - I just want someone to be in love with me, Sigh, a Single Pirates life for me too.
  25. *Saunters in, loooks around,seeing a wet and tired looking William* Ah, I'm sorry! I did start something around here . . . *pulls a mop out from a small utlity closet.* Let me help with the clean up. *smile sheepishly*
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