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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. Here ye go - fresh off the stove for ye Diego! Sorry - couldn't find any cottage cheese
  2. You could come with me this weekend, Willliam! It'd be a bit far for ye to travel, but ye could come . . .
  3. Be there both days! Not sure what I'll be garbed in yet.
  4. Anyone heading up for opening weekend?
  5. bought me da the DVD set for christmas. He nearly cried when they took it off air. He'll be more then interested to know that there's a movie coming. Is is going to be the same cast and all for the film or are the changing things around?
  6. *stumbles in looking bleary-eyed* damn pulled muscles, never get any sleep any more! *continues to mummble as she sets herself down at the bar, finding some left over molson's and deciding it would make a lovely breakfast*
  7. Never fear father - Captain already ordered that. I have an escort *motions to Muller*
  8. then we can compare scars!!! *starts bouncing up and down in her seat in excitement* Oww! Bad Idea! What I would do for a shoulder massage right now!
  9. *approaches Jack* May I stow away on the barge? The Captain needs me to do some shopping in town, so I have need to get ashore.
  10. *runs over and gingerly hugs Ciaran, as not to damage him more* Poor thing!
  11. *the cabin boy approaches the Doctor, looking over a list of errands the Captain has sent her on* Doctor, the captain asks that you prepare a place in the surgery for storage of clean sand. *doesn't even pretend to understand why there is a need for sand in the surgery, but turns without waiting for a response, busy with planning an excursion to town* *heads below to were several of the crew are still sleeping.* OY! MULLER! *she yells to wake him up* The Cap'n want me to go buy 'im a second compass and sextant, and he want me ta take a bodyguard. Are ye up for going ta shore? *leaves the preparing German and heads to the armoury to gather up a musket to take along*
  12. Bit of both, I suppose, but mainly just physical. I concur - gimme food!
  13. a little Nickleback this morning
  14. I should know! Actually, I've been considering re-enacting for a long time (my fav teacher at school was an insane Civil War re-enactor), but I've just never gotten around to it. If it alright by you, maybe I'll pm or emai you for more info?
  15. Well, I made up some lunch for whoever wants; and maybe if ye all ask nicely, I'll share some of this; Ahhh - god bless Turkey Hill, the only good thing to come out of this god forsaken county!
  16. Well, let me know when she has the patterns ready, and let me think about how daring I'm feeling.
  17. I might just take you up on that blackjohn. Especially the live firing. I've had some shooting experience, but never with peirod guns. Maybe I should try my hand at authenticity . . .
  18. What have I missed *sees bowl of Ciaran's concotion* Mmmm, What are the rest of you having?
  19. Where could I get patterns for them? I like them!
  20. you just did - I think I'll join you in that.
  21. Not to far from me then! I would have loved to have been there, just even to watch.
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