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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. *knocks on the captains door and pokes head in* I brought some coffee for you sir. *notices his thought laden expression and pacing* Can I be helping with anything else, t'all sir? *upon receiving messages to deliver, she takes her leave of the captain and heads out on deck to be about her business*
  2. I think a better question then would be, why are you mucking about here with us mere mortals?
  3. I'm curious about earlier styles of Jackets as well. MOst of the patterns that are linked here are mid-1700's. What would be an accurate coat style for the late 1600's-early1700's - say, 1680 - 1705?
  4. right, you bring the Huevos, and I'll get Rancheros!
  5. I might be working in one of the booths selling garb. I have to email my would-be boss and see if she still wants me.
  6. *strolls across the deck towards the medical room, the small sack usually filled with parchment, and letters bulging at it's seams. Taps on the door gently, and pokes head in door* Oh, morning Doctor, I just came to see the Father *tempset nods and continues to focus on her work at her desk, as the cabin boy crosses to Diego's cot.* Here(whispered), I brought ye some food, just don't let the Doc see. *hands him some provisions from the galley with an impish grin*
  7. *ambles back to kitchen and whipps out a frying pan and eggs* now - where's my salsa! Any one want some?
  8. Well, it might take a bit of searching, but here at the Kate, you order it, we serve it. *starts rooting through the fridge* Here ye go;
  9. Good! I shouldn't be moving furniture anyway! Yumm! looks divine! By the by, thanks for covering the weekend. Couldn't find a way to get over here to cook!
  10. *notices that the place is deserted, so eats all the leftovers in the fridge, put on some music and starts moving furniture and cleaning.* I'm bored, what can I say? I don't clean every day!
  11. *upon hearing the Captains command to her, she quickly crosses to where he stands and waits behind him, frantically trying to smooth down her unruly hair and tucking in her shirt*
  12. Either way I'll be there - but I might be working there. So I don't know if I'll be able to make any meet-up time, but if I am busy earning my keep, ye can all come see me! (and buy something from me! )
  13. *wanders in after a long weekend, looking stiff and pained* Ah Ciaran, if there's any of the french toast left over I could murder some!
  14. *looks up upon hearing a splash, and smiles to herself and shakes her head to see Petee splashing about in the water*
  15. *having finished the errands set for her, she sits down on the beach, watching the Ship sitting off the shore. Takes out a spare piece of parchment, and starts to jot down notes*
  16. Aye sir. *turns to see to the orders and goes in search of Mr. Hawkes*
  17. oh so lonely . . . sigh
  18. *approaches the captain, coffee in hand* You sent for me sir? *hands flask of steaming brew to the captain*
  19. cheez-its. My meal for the day
  20. Lets see . . . i have El Corazon Del Mar - my only spanish ship, El Ladron and Longshanks are my pirate ships and the HMS Albion I use them to plan strategies for sea battles in my stories. I got my first pack at FYE (where the lady tried saving me) and my second at K-mart. Going back for more later.
  21. Well, let's do brunch this morning; And I'm thinking of throwing a party today - a mid-week, mid-day all out rave, whatcha all think? *looks around to see no one and hears crickets chirping. shruggs and continues to wipe down tables and set out all needed for the day*
  22. *wakes up and rolls out of her bunk, and saunters over to the cook's fires, pours some coffee, and seeks out the captain to deliver it to him*
  23. Well, sounds like fun either way! Maybe it would liven this place up. Maybe I should throw some kind of shin-dig to get this place hopping - build up buisness for William . . .
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