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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. *comes out from behind the bar, sulking* Way to embrace the fun! I didn't mean nothing by it . ..
  2. I'm off work, buzzed on caffine and in the mood to go crazy to cheer myself up - Let's instate the first Weekly Friday Night Water Fight!!!! *dives behind the bar and starts aiming the hoze at people while giggling maniacly**
  3. sounds great, Snow! Yep - she's on cast. She's going up in the world too. Last year she was peasant stock - this year she's merchant class! I shant be wearing plaid - actually not sure what I'm wearing - quite a crisis I have to solve before this time next week. Not going in costume though - Fling is a time to absorb modern celtic atmospher for me. Can't wait to see any of you there. I hope we do set up a meeting time/place. i'd hate to miss anyone!
  4. *wakes up to the smell of . . .* Gruel? Haven't caught a whiff of that since I was a wee little lass of five or six . . . I'm not sure if that's a pleasent memory or not. Either way, a bowl of that, maybe with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top. And a glass of something to rub the sleep out of my eyes.
  5. Well, the best I can figure, pirates are supposed to be a little smelly. But I am just going to pull myself a pint, pull up an overstuffed armchair and watch the fire.
  6. I have returned! And so has the funk . . . damn this milk! Any munchies around here?
  7. Starbucks. Ye end up smelling like spoiled milk and stale coffee for days. . . . speaking of which . . . gotta run - running late and no clean work clothes to wear. GAH! *grabs a bag of take-out food and bee-lines for the door*
  8. *reemerges, looking freshly scrubbed and smelling of Dove soap* What are ye looking at . .. oh *removes the towl wrapped turban style around head* At last, I feel human, and am no longer funking the place up with day old barrista smell. The sad part is, I go to work in 45 minutes. The clean is limited, so enjoy it while you can! Anyway, a red bull and belvedere, with a side of whatever your serving up for lunch. But if ye could make it to go, that would be grand. I'll be back for a late night snack after work, so leave something out for me!
  9. I might just - as soon as I get the energy to move. *rest's her head on the bar counter*
  10. Aww . . . william, don't put yerself out . . . ye could just hose me off with the water behind the bar.
  11. mmm . . . bangers and mash... sounds yummy. Better then the honey nut cheerios I've been living off of. And I could handle a guiness too. Sorry bout my recent abscenses. I need my own computer. I can only get on at friend's houses, or when I'm home alone. But come end of july - I'll either be on everyday, or less often, we'll see. But yes, I'm going Flingin' this weekend. Some time to get out, have some fun before a long, boring summer. I'm also scouting out for some dance schools, cause Celtic Fling is the host to one of the regional Irish Dance feisanna. But anyway, does the Kate have a shower room? I need to get the burned milk and coffee smell out of my hair.
  12. Got the entire weekend off work, so I shall be there! Is anyone arranging a meetin place or time?
  13. *stumbles in lookin' half groggy* I'd like to ask for a pot of coffee, but I've had it up to my dandruff with the liquid. Literally - me hair still smells like coffee. So, if ye have a very strong pot of black tea, I would thank you most kindly, William. *mutters into tea cup* hate it when regional manager comes to inspect.* But all that to say - yes diego, I've been working. Sadly, however, my ass is still there. But only two more weeks of work for a while. Anyway, next round on me.
  14. Yes - I got into a fight with the floor mats - I think I won. Long night's work.
  15. *comes in dripping wet, and smelling of burned milk and coffee* Something to warm me up and dry me out, iffen you please, and is there any wine and cheese left?
  16. Well, I'm going to nose around some of the sites for wool, as well as think about alternatives. I still also have to check out the fabric warehouse near here. As far as the pattern itself goes. If some one can point me in the direction of a similar style pattern, that lends itself to hand stitching and won't boggle my mind . . . I might go for accuracy. But in the end, accuracy, while nice to have, is not something I am to worried about at this early stage in my costuming career, as even with simplicty patterns, I will be nearly a million times more accurate then some of the people attending faire.
  17. hmm . . . it's times like this that I could use a straw! Drink up me hearties!!
  18. mmm . . . yes please! Any choclate drizzle to go on top?
  19. mmmm . . . yummy!
  20. I had thought about getting a more accurate pattern - but I'm worried that it would be a more complicated pattern, and my skills are limited, and I'm doing everything by hand.
  21. Crank away - or plug away. Take your pick - i have both kinds. I meself don't cotton with none of this 'lectric crap . . .
  22. *looks up, already up to elbows in ice and cream and salt* Well, get to it . . . *playfully flings ice at Ciaran*
  23. Big Bad VooDoo Daddy - live hence the earth quake from me trying to swing dance . ..
  24. *comes in, hauling giant, clanking bag* I heard the cry for ice cream and I have come to answer that call!!!! *whips open bag to reveil a few churns, milk, ice, salt and mint chocolate flavour* What better way to cool off on a hot summer's day then to get sticky, start ice pelting fights, and then eating the world's best home-made ice cream!!!
  25. Don't hold yer breaths for me to make it . . . ye'd all turn blue. I might be able to figure something out to get there, but I'm not gambling on it. Why does this always happen to me - grrr Well, good luck with yer final weekend! And post more pictures if ye got them!
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