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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. so - lemme get this striaght. In the short time I've been out of port, you've gone mud wrestling - WITHOUT ME, you've opened up a new resturant - WITHOUT ME, everyone is getting leid - WITHOUT ME, and now eveyone is having a post-lei feast - without me!! Why the divil wans't I informed!!! I think I'll take a "crewed by the damned" followed by an "Under the Sea" entree and a Black Pearl salad on the side. And give me a Tsunami Shake and I'll toast this here den of iniquity that feeds and drowns the starving pirate masses!
  2. *hands William Red a bottle o'goo* Sunblock my fair complected friend?
  3. I know claim this land in the sovreign name of . . .me . . . there is only one word to describe that carribean paradise, my friend, and that is "Ahhhhhh . . ." Now let's all hop ship and go native!!!
  4. I think we might want to expand the island too - it's gretting crowded. This is a new drink . . . hmm. Yummy looking!! Cheers all!
  5. I don't know William, I think you should open up a travel agency in one of the empty corners of the Kate - that lone island is looking mighty fine. Looks even better with my 2 oarsmen there with me Well Ciaran, grad is June 4th - and that is entirely too long to wait. As for future plans - run away! Actually, I'm most likely taking at least a year off from school. I really could use a break and there are some other areas of my life that need some focus. But sooner or later I want to go to school for a history degree.
  6. *slurping from her bottle* The past 6 years at this school have . . . DRIVEN ME MAD!!!!!! MAD I TELL YOU!!! RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!!! I HATE IT!! *crumples up the lovely parchment paper* . . . 'Tis a shame, such parchment is rare. oh well! I think one of those lovely cocktails are in order . .
  7. my best friend's Stained CD
  8. Some Pad Thai and a bottle of something and a quiet table that I can write my farewell to my highschool at! . . . And maybe some creative assistance . . . I'm running out of adjectives . . .
  9. Looks to die for William, a plate of that and maybe a skin of mead?
  10. Phil! I've been hearin' some rumours going around that ye've gone and got yourself cast in this here fest! Congrats! This should make things more fun for the other pirates attending . . .
  11. That depends entirely on the man and his car . . .
  12. well, 3 lunch detentions ain't to bad. . . . You might also be a pirate if you refer to detentions as "Three years confinement" or "Three years penal servitude"
  13. You might be a pirate if, when being disciplined in school, you call it "being caught by the navy"
  14. MMmmm......nice visual there indeed! And we all know, a man's perfect accsessory is a baby . . . makes most women go all gooey . . .
  15. If we want to go into private school night mares - I've got ye all whupped!! I'm probably the most sheltered, naive, inexperienced sap you'd ever meet . . . but bet ye coud never tell from me posts! (see, clever lead in to the topic. I DID pay attention in Writing class? Impressive! ) Okay - I bet ye all couldn't guess, but I'm not really a Mercenary! Shocking, I know. However, I have a character in a book I am writing that is one, and this character, in her behaviour, attitude and life outlook is everything I want to be - Sarcastic, witty, just a little scary when she wants to be, and able to survive come all odds. So, in essence, I am MercenaryWench. But I don't actually go around and take commissions to fight wars or books myself out for assasinations. I don't shoot seagulls for fun and if surrounded by a group of thugs, I couldn't save myself worth shit. Half the time I don't even speak as if from her experience, but my own, filtered through her identity. It's almost like, I was Tudor Smith in a previous existance or like I am her, trapped in a time warp, applying the same personality traits and dogma to the 21st century I am sadly trapped in. I think to some extent, that's what most of us are like. We put something of ourselves into our personas, or perhaps our personas put something in us. I know, that if I could be just a little more like Tudor Smith - a little stronger, a little wiser - I might be able to handle life a bit better. Just as a note of interest; the word 'Personna' comes from the greek theatre. They were the masks the actors wore. These masks usually had unproportionaly large features, so the actor's faces and their emotions could be seen at the back of the amphitheatres. Maybe that's behind this double personality question . . . our faces, only bigger . . .
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