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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. I don't know Phil, should we be on gaurd for gangsters or you? Anyway . . . not to fear. A group of four wenches may look like easy prey for would be muggers, but a group of four wenches, each with a blade of some sort, and an attitude to boot - I'm almost feeling bad for the muggers!
  2. I'd like to take this moment to ask - who didn't see the whole Bootstrap being alive thing coming? The whole was to obvious, even for hollywood. I mean c'mon - they told you they threw Bootstaps in the ocean tied to a cannon about ten years ago, they then made a point of showing you that the cursed pirates can walk under water. Hello? Tens years to get untied and then take a stroll to tortuga . . . okay, maybe it was just me. I'm all about spoiler warnings too, just this didn't seem like it should have been that much of a surprise. Stellan Skarsgard, huh? Interesting! He was very good in Arthur (that movie rocks my world, almost as much as PoTC!), but my only question - he and Orlando Bloom look nothing alike??
  3. Which weekend all y'all planning on going? Cause I want to try and make it for all of 'em, but if I can't, I want to be there when everyone else is. . . . And I don't think I'll tell me mum about the park's reputation . . . I think we will be well defended, as Phil said . . . I hope
  4. I'll go to see them sure . . . but I still think the directors should have used MY story idea for the sequal!
  5. Are we all going to be wearing the pins then? Why didn't that occur to me before? Golly, now I have an excuse to buy one!
  6. I could use a drink. I'm just waiting for something else bad to happen right now.
  7. Did I hear something about ten barrels? Drink up me hearties, yo- HO!
  8. Ahh, good to be back! Give me whatever is on the menu, for I am famished! The cooking has only gotten better I see! And the company too! allo all! Fill up the tankards Will! This round is on me! :B
  9. Maybe just some bread and ale for me. Never could much stomach sea-food. Are ye taking request William? I'd love to be hearing "Johnny's gone for Soldier" And if not . . . who knows some good old drinking songs?
  10. patella montante, huh? So there's a technical term? Must remember that one . . . that particular move is one of my favourites!
  11. winks back My pleasure. Maybe we can badger someone into singing a nice ballad or the like . . . I'd volunteer, but I think the screeching of the squashed monkey would sound better!
  12. Wait, what did I just step on looks under foot to see squashed monkey Ooops . . . no one saw that . . . wasn't me starts whistling innocently then goes back to dancing C'mon Merrydeath - join in the fun!
  13. If worse comes to worse - we're pirates! We have sharp and pointy objects - just take a coupla whacks at them beans with a cutlass and the grinder be damned!
  14. I haven't danced this hard in years! Grog -somebody - get me some grog! What was that you were saying Crimson, about not being young. I don't think the young have too much of an edge downs a pint in a single go after shortly pausing from the dance . . . ahh, that's better! Where was I? Oh yes - can you keep up to this piper-boy? feet start flying back in the direction of Crimson Do y'know "Three Young Ladies Drinking Whiskey Before Breakfst" - it's my favourite reel?
  15. I'll have to add that to my garb, just for you Phil - a little bag just to fit a pound of coffee beans . . . for a coffeewench I be
  16. takes crimson's hand Might want to watch the drinks too there everyone. . . as the man said, there be no controlling this dance . . . starts skipping out into recently de-tabled area as music starts playing, clapping hands in time Let's get this party started Crimson!
  17. curtsied with amazing skill Quite honoured - A waltz I can do, but I was thinking more of a jig - lots more fun! sets down the bottle has been swigging like in a most unlady like manner And not to fear for me feet, they have had much worse!
  18. I'd too be intersted in this, being mainly of German/Prussian desent meself. It'd be great if there were german pirates . . .
  19. starts batting Phil away I don't carry it around with me!! But I will be sure to bring a pound or two along with me . . . As for pirate fetishes - he had some others besides hot cocoa . . .
  20. I have heard good things about this thing called "Kaluha" . . . must experiments sometime . . . I once knew a pirate with a hot choclate fetish now that you mention it . . . but that is an entirely diffrent subject . . .
  21. okay - my confusion has passed - Zimmer was the producer! Okay! No problem! Still explains why Muppet Tresure Island sounds exactly like POTC and why POTC sounds like the "Gladiator" Soundtrack. They are all related to zimmer!
  22. Ah yes, the pirates who don't do anything . . . good for a giggle no matter what age . . . Just the mental picture of a cucumber in leggings . . . oy!
  23. Are you sure? I was pretty sure Hans Zimmer was some how . . . oh well, I could easily be wrong. Those germans, so easy to confuse . . .
  24. Muppet Tresure Island is a hoot -still makes me laugh my arse off! And, just an observation, but the soundtrack is done by the same guy who did the POTC soundtrack. Errol Flynn is good, but might be harder to follow for the wee littlies . . .
  25. Well, 1705 seems to be the winner -perfect timing for the War of the Grand Alliance. All sorts of places to go with that . . . and over just in time to get to the carribean by 1705. Ta again!
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