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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. one of each Will, one of each . . .
  2. Sheesh, ye leave for the better part of a week and ye get more dancing girls in! I'm sensing a common theme here! A pint of yer finest Will! I need some fortitfication for the week to come.
  3. any volunteers?
  4. My senior prom is coming up in a few short months, and I am planning a very pirate-y dress, but I'm coming up short on what to do with jewelry. Any suggestions? Websites with pretty, yet pirate-y jewelry?
  5. runs up behind crimsoncrow and pokes him TAG - YOU'RE IT!!! runs over to the band and gets them to change their tune to something more irish then winks at William, who is now propped up at the bar with Fancy on one side and Christine on the other, being nursed back to good health with plenty of love and drink! Come along crimson - I do believe you still owe me that dance!
  6. Yeah - been on edge too. Nearly had an emotional breakdown waking up this morning. Just feeling tired - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.
  7. Ohh - I think this might be a recipe for catastophy! I like catastophy!
  8. Yes please! I don't claim to be good, but I have plenty of spunk! starts cha-cha-ing out to the floor
  9. now that sounds like the best party! play on and dance on! Except for the part where we all DIE!! Mmm, salsa dancing . . .
  10. Now that is what I call a wine cellar! Bring another bottle!
  11. That hat looks like something you can pick up for $2 at the party store to go to a 4 year old's birthday! Musuem Quality Replica my arse!
  12. Joins Mercenary Wench at the bar, making a bow of respect. Tis a fine t'in' to be layin' eyes on ye, lass! An'na fillin' o' me tankard be such a gran' idea an' I thankee. Yer lookin' well as e'er an' mahaps ye can con meself into a jig an' reel in'na wee. Raises an eyebrow in query. Yer next round o' liquid heart's desire be on me own coin, lass. Well, I did promise ye a dance upon yer return! swigs down last of drink and stands Shall we? . . . William! Strike up the band! (We do have a band, don't we?) and then maybe get some of those ribs and a drink after . . .
  13. Swaggers in, looking half dead in exhaustion "Ello all! Something strong, iffen ye please William." slumps down at the counter, then looks over the crowd and double takes Crimsoncrow, as I live and breath! Long time since we've seen you 'round this joint! C'mon, let me buy you a drink!
  14. I could use some brandy iffen ye got it!
  15. To fence . . . or something else entirely there, Phil?
  16. Wonder if we could get a group rate if we did have a Pub tournament?
  17. Play something sad about a girl's love being far away . . . I'm in a good mood so I could handle a good cry. Cheers mate!
  18. Well, I'd give it a go. Mind you, I've only learned a little bout fencing, so I'd proly lose - but I'd lose with style mind you!
  19. Ohh - yes, todays special looks divine! I'll a platter of that and that bottle of Chiraz I see there and any more compliments you feel like dishing up!
  20. *swaggers in the door* 'Ello all! A bottle of the finest wine that ye got here William! *clinks down some gold coins* And p'haps a plate of whatever ye got cooking.
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